







汉语拼音:jué dǐng








  1. 山之最高峰。

    南朝 梁 沉约 《早发定山》诗:“倾壁忽斜竖,絶顶復孤圆。” 唐 杜甫 《望岳》诗:“会当凌絶顶,一览众山小。” 宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷六:“予游 大邑 鹤鸣观 ,所谓 张天师 鵠鸣化也。其东北絶顶,又有 上清宫 。” 陈毅 《水晶坡又阻雪》诗:“攀登絶顶望天海,新月初挂远山角。”

  2. 比喻事物之最高境界。

    清 陈廷焯 《白雨斋词话》卷二:“论其词品,已臻絶顶,古今不可无一,不能有二。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈献五·王文成》:“ 王文成 公为 明 第一流人物,立德、立功、立言,皆踞絶顶。” 冰心 《山中杂记》七:“而见海鸥,却使我联忆到千古颂赞美人,颂赞到绝顶的句子是‘婉若游龙,翩若惊鸿’。”

  3. 非常;极甚。

    《花月痕》第十五回:“ 荷生 道:‘你是聪明絶顶的人,我一切也不用説了。’” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“他绝顶聪明,然而他给予人的却是那么一种沉滞的懒怠之感。”



  1. You know me to be a very smart man. Don't you think that if I were wrong, I'd know it?


  2. At least two of the author's prep school acquaintances died young, one of them a boy of great brilliance.


  3. The sun had almost reached its zenith, the sky was an intense, airy blue.


  4. It was not surprising that the most astute of Antony's generals should several years later vouch for her military genius.


  5. It's really scary to be here among the smartest of the smart. I'm here to tell you a few tales of passion.


  6. The magi, as you know, were wise men--wonderfully wise men--who brought gifts to the Babe in the manger.


  7. One was highly educated and intelligent; he had a Ph. D. and completed four years of undergraduate work in less than two years.


  8. "It's easy to see that it's not individual intelligence that makes us so good at adapting, " he says.


  9. Fortune teller Kang Pan-seok, however, says 2007 is not the super lucky event it's been hyped up to be.


  1. 欢乐的绝顶

    full tide of pleasure.

  2. 绝顶的舒适

    the ultimate in comfort.

  3. 绝顶的恬静

    Absolute quiet prevailed.

  4. 真是聪明绝顶

    You couldn't have been clearer.

  5. 绝顶愚蠢的行为

    the height of folly

  6. 他过去聪明绝顶。

    He used to be as smart as anything.

  7. 你以为你聪明绝顶。

    You thought you were being so clever.

  8. 你以为你聪明绝顶。

    You thought you were being so clever.

  9. 绝顶聪明的男孩

    an amazingly intelligent boy

  10. 绝顶系广州最好噶网吧。

    Dhc Clan We Are The Best!

  11. 绝顶有悬崖。位高有风险。

    High place have their precipice.

  12. 真是个聪明绝顶的计划!

    What a devilishly clever plan!

  13. 无可比拟。举世无双。绝伦。绝顶

    to such an extent that no comparison can be made with anything or anyone else

  14. 因为你的狗狗聪明绝顶。

    Your dog is a canine version of a brain surgeon.

  15. 聪明绝顶的完美主义者。

    Fiercely intelligent and a perfectionist.

  16. 艺术之绝顶是看不见艺术。

    The height of art is to conceal art.

  17. 要不是我那么聪明绝顶的话。

    If I were just a little less brilliant.

  18. 那他还真是聪明绝顶啊。

    This shows he was incredibly intelligent.

  19. 我们都是聪明绝顶的人物。

    We are both incredibly intelligent people.

  20. 她有一个精明绝顶的主意。

    She had a really cute idea.

  21. 富有创造力, 才华横溢, 聪明绝顶。

    Creative, talented, brilliant.

  22. 她聪慧绝顶, 工作却缺乏条理。

    Se is highly intelligent but her work lacks organization.

  23. 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。

    Reach the top and capture all mountains in a single glance.

  24. 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。

    When shall I reach the top and hold All mountains in a single glance ?

  25. 她不仅绝顶聪明, 而且非常务实。

    She was not only extremely intelligent but also very practical.

  26. 你是个绝顶聪明的年轻人人。

    You are a very smart young man, Robbie.

  27. 拿到黄金了, 我真是绝顶聪明。

    I got the gold. I'm absolutely brilliant.

  28. 绝顶一茅茨,直上三十里

    To your hermitage here on the top of the mountain I have climbed, without stopping, these ten miles.

  29. 艾莱柯, 这就叫聪明, 实在聪明, 绝顶聪明。

    It's wisdom, aleck, solid wisdom, and sound as a nut.

  30. 韩佳,聪明绝顶的人在这儿呢。

    Han Jia, the extremely intelligent man is here.


  1. 问:绝顶拼音怎么拼?绝顶的读音是什么?绝顶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绝顶的读音是juédǐng,绝顶翻译成英文是 extremely; summit

  2. 问:绝顶聪明拼音怎么拼?绝顶聪明的读音是什么?绝顶聪明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绝顶聪明的读音是juédǐng cōngmíng,绝顶聪明翻译成英文是 extremely intelligent

  3. 问:绝顶的拼音怎么拼?绝顶的的读音是什么?绝顶的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绝顶的的读音是,绝顶的翻译成英文是 zenithal



“绝顶”是个多义词,它可以指绝顶(汉语词语), 绝顶(2011年金烔完主演电视剧), 绝顶(时未寒著武侠小说)。