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1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……
汉语拼音:kē tóu
宋 洪迈 《夷坚支志·任道元》:“ 任 深悼前非,磕头谢罪。” 元 张国宾 《薛仁贵》第二折:“諕的我磕头也那礼拜。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二一:“ 郑舍人 一见了 王部郎 ,连忙磕头下去。”《官场现形记》第二回:“ 赵温 便向他爷爷、爸爸磕头辞行。” 老舍 《黑白李》:“讲恋爱的时候要多吻,少磕头,要死追,别死跪着。”
When the head of the giant software corporation refused to kowtow to the swami, he was promptly transformed into a little bug.
当这个软件巨头公司的老板拒绝象神像磕头时,他马上被变作了一只小虫子。She has a wide influence there with millions of believers. Even politicians go and call on her. Some of them go so far as to kowtow to her.
台湾有个尼姑叫澄严法师,她的影响力在台湾非常大,有几百万信徒,政治人物都要去拜访她,有的还向她磕头。Zhuji people burn pine smoke kowtow to the gods, prayers read, easy to play sharp bamboo shuttle to the axillary stabbed cattle.
主祭人烧松烟向天神磕头、念祷词后,便于挥锋利的竹梭向牛腋猛刺。The machine for extracting petrol Shanshan is also an gas city. The machine is always operating on this land.
《开采石油的磕头机》鄯善是个石油城,磕头机长年累月地在这片土地上运转着。Reduces loss in transmission to the greatest degree, increases the working efficiency of oil extraction machine while saving electricity.
最大程度的减少了丢转现象,在节电的同时,提高了磕头机的工作效率。The Republicans accuse him of apologizing for America and kowtowing to its rivals.
共和党人指责他为美国道歉,向对手磕头。To avoid war with the northern colossus, history suggests, the Vietnamese will kowtow but finally fight rather than capitulate.
为了避免与北方巨人的军事冲突,历史的经验是越南将会磕头臣服,但最终仍会斗争而不是屈服。(译者按:反复无常?)Then he knelt down with a flop, nodded repeatedly and said, "I am guilty. I confess I am guilty. "
周兴一听,手里的酒杯啪哒掉在地上,跟着又扑通一声跪倒在地,连连磕头说:“我有罪,我有罪,我招供。”an unkempt woman humming a ditty squatting on the bridge to have been kowtow.