







汉语拼音:lì jiǔ







  1. 经久;长久。

    《汉书·王莽传上》:“朝之执事,亡非同类,割断歷久,统政旷世。” 鲁迅 《南腔北调集·经验》:“大部分的药品的功用,却由历久的经验,这才能够知道到这程度。”



  1. will be reduced to ashes at once, but that hidden at the bottom of the heart will endure and remain fresh forever.

  2. Not just that. among the four ancient civilizations, Chinese civilisation is the only unbroken one.

  3. Junior New Concept English is the product of that long connexion. It also represents a great team effort.

  4. The city's tea corner will be the introduction of shrimp dumplings, improved, as the name of Guangzhou point lasting.

  5. Britain's sense of moral superiority is not supported by churchgoing, but it persists none the less.

  6. Though the content may fade with time, the aesthetic and scientific values of these pictures remain fresh.

  7. Buzzwords like 'mass luxury' and 'exclusive' are likely to be replaced by terms like 'authenticity' and 'sustainability.

  8. Some people are beautiful souvenirs of other passengers after they got off the train.

  9. For Liverpool fans, celebrating their club's first European Cup for 21 years, the game was one for the ages.


  1. 友谊历久弥坚。

    Friendship the older it grow the stronger it be.

  2. 爱能历久常新。

    Love can never grow old.

  3. 昂贵, 却可以历久保值。

    Costliness, but Historic Valueassurance.

  4. 此种风俗历久犹存。

    The custom lingers on.

  5. 有什麽可以历久不衰?

    What can you build that will outlast all?

  6. 钻石业百年神话历久常新

    The Vicissitudes Over the Past One Hundred Years of Diamond Profession

  7. 他是我历久不渝的朋友。

    He is been a consistent friend to me.

  8. 呵,人类社会历久不变的行程!

    Oh, implacable march of human societies!

  9. 清淡朴素的做人, 历久犹有余味。

    After consorting with a tranquil person, you have long sweet memories.

  10. 此书名列经典著作,历久而不衰。

    The story ranks among classics, and will endure for certain.

  11. 时间会重振我们的历久弥坚的精神。

    The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit.

  12. 彝族火把节影响广泛,历久不衰,家喻户晓。

    Torch Festival of the Yi people has a long history and wide influence.

  13. 那项传统仍历久犹存在他们之间。

    The tradition still lingered on among them.

  14. 爱情和战争是电影历久不衰的题材。

    Love and war is the lasting topic of film.

  15. 我们所分享的, 是一个历久常新的故事。

    The story we share is an old one, yet ever new.

  16. 有些房子虽然建设较早, 但却历久弥坚。

    Although some house building earlier, but never reconciled Caine.

  17. 历久不衰的,持续的有永久的意义或价值的持久的

    Having lasting significance or worth enduring.

  18. 同时具有可增值价值的包装设计历久弥坚。

    Society and economy require package design have incremental value.

  19. 火使陶瓷艺术具有历久常新,生生不息的魅力。

    Ceramic Art with fire so often for a very long time the new, endless charm.

  20. 爱能历久常新,华发或许会失去原来的光彩。

    Love never grow old, Locks may be lose their brown and gold.

  21. 世界上历久不衰的文学巨著乃是小国的杰作。

    The most enduring literature of the world came from little nations.

  22. 她的经历坎坷曲折, 她的性格刚柔相济, 她的作品历久弥新。

    She has rough life experience and with the temper toughness with gentleness.

  23. 我于和煦的春风里闻到你历久弥香的芬芳。

    I am in the warm spring breeze in your enduring smell the fragrance of incense.

  24. 二看硬度, 耐划伤, 保护木器漆历久弥新。

    Two see hardness, scratch resistance, protective paint for wood work.

  25. 产品才能在细水长流中展现历久弥新的经典魅力。

    Thus, little by little, the product can shows its charms that will never fade without a letup.

  26. 理论界对船舶优先权的法律属性的争论也是历久不止。

    In theory, the arguments about the legal nature of maritime lien have never stopped.

  27. 生产出自历久常新得管理经验和素质精良得专业队伍。

    Production from the new management often long experience and excellent quality of the professional teams.

  28. 生产出自历久常新的管理经验和素质精良的专业队伍。

    Production from the new management often long experience and excellent quality of the professional teams.

  29. 这就为老牌公司指出了一个他们历久弥新的优势。

    This points to an enduring source of advantage for the wealthy companies under attack.

  30. 这是家老字号的小吃店,真是历久不衰,现在都还在营业。

    This is an old snack bar. It has prospered through time, and is still in operation.


  1. 问:历久拼音怎么拼?历久的读音是什么?历久翻译成英文是什么?

    答:历久的读音是lìjiǔ,历久翻译成英文是 To last for quite a long time.



历久 lìjiǔ [last long;through or for many years] 经历很长的时期 历久不衰