



1. 便 [biàn]2. 便 [pián]便 [biàn]顺利,没有困难或阻碍:~当。~利。~道。~民。简单的,礼节上非正式的:~宴。~衣。~函(形式比较简便的信件)。简~。~宜。随~(适当地,看事实需要而自行处理事情)。便利的时候:~中……





汉语拼音:biàn qiān






便签 [biàn qiān]
  1. 一种小型的便于携带的纸,有的一面有黏性,多是黄色的,为了迎合年轻人的喜好,也出现了其他鲜艳的颜色,用来随时记下一些内容,如写便条,电话号码等。便签是办公用品,纸质、形状、颜色、大小不一。几十或几百张形成一叠,可随处粘贴,方便提醒使用者有关问题、想法、指示等事情。市面便签大致由三种形式构成,小便签,中便签,创意便签共同组成了便签市场。



  1. She included two coupons for a free burger and a handwritten note on her business card for me to get two free cookies.


  2. When he got home and took it out of the box, he found a note pinned to it.


  3. As a pastor, I receive notes that say, "I loved the worship today. I got a lot out of it. "


  4. At the end of the year, he wrote me a thank you note about how good the year had been for him.


  5. Once the notes are posted, participants come up and move them around as they make sense of the emerging application "in the large" .


  6. Our advice is to get yourself a scrapbook, a tape recorder, or a camcorder and preserve the memories of this exciting time of your life.


  7. Hide it in a Book: Find a book or magazine you know your partner will read and write or tape a note that tells them you're thinking of them.


  8. The best way to remember a special holiday is to write it down or put it in an organizer so you can be reminded of it constantly.


  9. The only caveat here is if the memo is cancelled at this time, a draft copy is still saved due to the background LotusScript classes used.


  1. 赛车轮圈便签夹

    Racing Wheel Memo Clipping Stand

  2. 在床头放支笔和便签。

    Keep a pen and paper next to your bed.

  3. 在便签上写上你真诚的歉意。

    Write a note containing your sincere apology.

  4. 创建新便签, 系统会将其自动保存。

    Create a new note and it's automatically saved.

  5. 我在桌子上发现了一张公司便签。

    I found a memo on my desk.

  6. 您的站点传达出了便签上的消息了吗?

    Does your site live up to that message?

  7. 会议摆台包括便签,铅笔,矿泉水及薄荷糖。

    Conference table set with writing pad and pencils, bottled water, mints.

  8. 找到您用来编写应用程序的核心功能的便签。

    Find the sticky note you should have written your app's core function.

  9. 根据便签上的地址,我找到了要采访的老人。

    I found the old man I need to interviewed from the address on the notepaper.

  10. 到复习的时候,只要浏览一遍你的便签便可。

    When it's time to review, simply read through your tabs.

  11. 提供标准北京时间对时,在线记事,便签,闹钟服务。

    Standard Beijing on offer, the online notebook, notes, alarm clock service.

  12. 这个便签应用让你把网络变成你的个人笔记本。

    Treat the Web like your own personal notebook with this sticky note application.

  13. 把绳子和便签挂在小猫或者小狗的脖子上。

    Attach the ribbon and note to the collar of the cat or dog.

  14. 动态网页留言板是一种电子便签管理毕业设计。

    Dynamic web message board is an electronic signature management system.

  15. 除文本外,还可以在便签中添加标记和超链接。

    Besides adding text, you can add tags and hyperlinks to the note.

  16. 厨房桌台上堆满了信件,冰箱上贴着留言便签。

    The countertop is stacked with mail, the refrigerator papered with reminder notes.

  17. 使用了便签之后,我敢保证你完成的事情会更多。

    I can guarantee you will get more done by using a notecard.

  18. 是的, 我这么认为。你可以用颜色非常鲜艳的笔写便签。

    Yes, I think so. You could write it in a very bright colour.

  19. 是得,我这么认为。你可以用颜色非常鲜艳得笔写便签。

    Yes, I think so. You could write it in a very bright colour.

  20. 不管是会议记录还是个人便签,保持有序并存放在一个地方。

    Whether meeting notes or personal, keep them organized and in one place.

  21. 这个用淡色便签做成的东西,是乔治卢卡斯的个人收藏。

    This, on a lighter note, is at George Lucas'personal archive.

  22. 使用受限制。你不能总是随身带着一叠便签记录新的东西。

    Limited availability. You don't always have a pad of paper with you to write new things.

  23. 上面贴满了五颜六色的便签纸,写着满满的祝福和鼓励。

    Each of them carries wishes and encouragements to either themselves or someone else.

  24. 由于印上你的商标便签本已经无法再进行第二次销售!

    As printed on your cup has been unable to mark the second sale!

  25. 签完合同,车便归您使用了。

    Had signed a contract that could otherwise go to your car uses.

  26. 于是他们就掣签拈阄,便拈出约拿来。

    They cast lots and the lot fell on Jonah.

  27. 医生签了去天国的护照以后,殡仪馆便会送来一口棺材。

    When the doctor has signed the passport for paradise, the undertaker's company sends a coffin.

  28. 维尔福说着便坐了下来,在信的末端签上了字。

    And, sitting down, Villefort wrote the certificate at the bottom.

  29. 便签式存储器

    scratch ROM

  30. 这是我的便签薄

    This is my Notepad.


  1. 问:便签拼音怎么拼?便签的读音是什么?便签翻译成英文是什么?

    答:便签的读音是biànqiān,便签翻译成英文是 A writing pad used for marking.




拼音:biàn qiān一种小型的便于携带的纸,有的一面有黏性,多是黄色的,现在为了迎合年轻人的喜好,也出现了其他鲜艳的颜色,用来随时记下一些内容,如写便条,电话号码等.便签是办公用品,纸质,长方形或正方形,颜色大小不一,几十或几百张形成一叠,可随处粘贴,方便提醒使用者有关问题、想法、指示等事情。现在市面便签大致由三种形式构成,小便签,中便签,创意便签共同组成了便签市场。