


衬在底下或铺在上面:~高。~平。~背。~脚石(喻被人用来往上爬)。用来衬、铺的东西:~子。~褥。替人暂付款项:~款。~付。~支。陷沉,淹没:~没(mò ㄇㄛˋ)。~陷。填补空缺:~补。……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:diàn zǐ







  1. 垫在床、椅子、凳子上或别的地方的东西。

    《儿女英雄传》第十七回:“你把那大杠顺在外头;肩杠绳子垫子都堆在这院子里。你歇会子,咱们就作起来。”《老残游记》第二回:“现在正是着花的时候,一片白花映着带水气的斜阳,好似一条粉红绒毯,做了上下两个山的垫子,实在奇絶。” 杨朔 《“阅微草堂”的真面目》:“地主家有个丧葬喜事,佃户全得去提垫子,烧纸扶人。”

  2. 见“ 垫弦 ”。



  1. If the mat lives up to its promise, you may even save some money in the long run.


  2. "It's a common misconception it's like one mat that you could walk on, " he said.


  3. Over time, these tiny threads form in the liquid into layers and produce a mat on the surface.


  4. If your desk isn't wide or deep enough, try setting the keyboard on your lap with a small cushion under the front edge.


  5. The next step up in size is the pad, something of a cross between a sheet of paper and current laptop and palmtop computers.


  6. "Come on, " mama said, snuffing her tears, pulling my arm, trying to get me to join her and start yanking cushions off the couch.


  7. The mats that you see at driving ranges that are made of rubber are very, very firm, and they predispose you to having injuries.


  8. a piece of furniture for reclining and sleeping, typically consisting of a flat, rectangular frame and a mattress resting on springs.


  9. SCULLY feels frantically under the floormat . SKINNER holds up the car keys for her to see .


  1. 玻璃纤维垫子

    glass fiber mat

  2. 被垫子擦伤

    mat burn

  3. 钢筋网垫子

    rebar mat

  4. 松软的垫子

    plump cushions.

  5. 柔软的垫子

    a soft cushion.

  6. 耐热性垫子

    heat resistant gasket.

  7. 摔跤垫子大吗

    Is a wrestling mat large

  8. 垫子装饰精美的垫子

    A decorative cushion.

  9. 黄鼠狼皮褥垫子

    weasel fur bedding

  10. 地板上铺了垫子

    The floor is matted.

  11. 稻草填充的垫子

    a mattress filled with straw

  12. 头枕垫子仰卧。

    Lie face upwards with a cushion under your head.

  13. 比赛摔交垫子

    Standard Specification for Competition Wrestling MatsF.

  14. 抬起用的垫子

    lifting cushions

  15. 猫坐在垫子上。

    The cat sat on the mat.

  16. 坐在大垫子上

    Sit on the big floor cushions

  17. 她坐在垫子上。

    She is seated on a cushion.

  18. 垫子是厚的硬的。

    Pads are thick and hard.

  19. 她将垫子拍拍松。

    She plumped the cushions.

  20. 给椅子装上垫子

    upholster a chair

  21. 希腊求购汽车垫子

    Car accessories and especially car mats, car seat covers

  22. 她自己做垫子用。

    She made her own cushions.

  23. 小垫子铺在门厅。

    The rug on the livingroom.

  24. 她在垫子上绣花。

    She embroidered flowers on the cushion.

  25. 垫子上有些土块。

    There are some clods of soil on the mat.

  26. 草垫子该晾一晾了。

    The straw mattress needs to be aired.

  27. 地毯和垫子, 剑麻制

    Carpets, rugs and mats, sisal

  28. 摔跤在垫子上进行。

    Wrestling takes place on a mat.

  29. 垫子上的胖猫咪

    Fat cat on a mat

  30. 垫子上满是杀虫剂。

    The pad is impregnated with insecticide.


  1. 问:垫子拼音怎么拼?垫子的读音是什么?垫子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垫子的读音是diànzi,垫子翻译成英文是 mat; cushion

  2. 问:垫子中心拼音怎么拼?垫子中心的读音是什么?垫子中心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垫子中心的读音是diàn zǐ zhōng xīn,垫子中心翻译成英文是 center of the mat

  3. 问:垫子表面拼音怎么拼?垫子表面的读音是什么?垫子表面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垫子表面的读音是diàn zǐ biǎo miàn,垫子表面翻译成英文是 mat surface