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汉语拼音:xià dàn
Only nowadays all the cocks are cackling and pretending to lay eggs, and all the hens are crowing and pretending to call the sun out of bed.
只是如今所有的公鸡都咯咯叫,假装会下蛋,所有母鸡都喔喔啼,假装叫太阳起床。A hen has to lay eggs; a cow has to give milk; and a canary has to sing . but a dog makes his living by giving you nothing but love.
母鸡要下蛋,牛要产奶,金丝雀要唱歌,而狗活着只是要给你他的爱。The club is well-run, with intelligent board members like Fiszman, and with coffers beginning to swell at their lucrative new home. . .
在像费兹曼这样的智慧的董事会成员的操作下,俱乐部经营得很好,在他们盈利的新家,金鸡开始下蛋…He's ready to have an egg and he goes. . . Dinosaur egg. Dose it taste good?
它准备好要下蛋了,然后就……恐龙蛋好吃吗?Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus can be found inside and on the surface of eggs laid by infected birds.
高致病性禽流感病毒可在受感染禽鸟所下蛋的内层和表面发现。It has thick fur and produces milk for its young, yet the females lay eggs and the males produce venom - the only mammals to do so.
拥有厚实的毛皮并用乳汁养育后代的同时,雌性鸭嘴兽采用下蛋之后由雄性鸭嘴兽受精的方式产生新生命–这也是迄今为止生物界的唯一特例。After eggs have been laid, it is usual for either the male or the female penduline tit to leave their partner to raise the chicks.
在雌雀产下蛋后,通常是由雌雀或雄雀其中之一离开他们的伴侣去哺育幼雏。can lay eggs and lactation as well. It has an animal's body, but has a duck's mouth. It is a rare animal. No wonder the Australian like it.
鸭嘴兽既能下蛋,又能哺乳,长着兽的身体,却有鸭的嘴巴,真是奇特,要不澳洲人这样喜爱它。He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits.