







汉语拼音:shì lǐ







  1. 事物的道理。

    《管子·版法解》:“慎观终始,审察事理。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·杂文》:“ 仲宣 《七释》,致辨於事理。” 清 恽敬 《答蒋松如书》:“谓 敬 不屑为足下作序,则甚非事理也。” 鲁迅 《坟·我们现在怎样做父亲》:“凡有所说所写,只是就平日见闻的事理里面,取了一点心以为然的道理。”

  2. 事情,事项。

    宋 司马光 《乞不贷故鬭杀札子》:“ 张志松 只为 张小六 寃执呪駡,事理至轻,遂殴本人致死,并是鬭杀,於情理皆无可悯。”《宣和遗事》后集:“前日已曾遣人将到北国皇帝圣旨,所议事理,如何更无一言相报?”



  1. Roosevelt was one of the savviest [22]and most hard-headed politicians ever to occupy the White House.


  2. If you do not light, then the instructions parameter index just a bunch of meaningless numbers.


  3. Web page printing has usually been a hit or miss affair and large pages can be cut off at the bottom or the sides.


  4. Parents can use this opportunity through stories to explain what happened during the day and let the children sensible.


  5. Expository essay is a description as the main way of expression used to describe things, set out a sensible style.


  6. The international bodies and countries that might have been expected to squeeze Mr Kibaki into seeing sense have been incoherent.


  7. As you do due diligence, if you are really diligent you are trying to find everything that's wrong - and we found plenty.


  8. Let me take it in the best light, in the light in which it may be understood.


  9. He was, too, very learned, and rational enough on all points which DID not relate to his treasure; but on that, indeed, he was intractable.


  1. 让某人明事理

    to knock some sense into somebody

  2. 她本应更明事理的

    She should have known better.

  3. 头脑清楚,明事理的敏锐的

    Having a clear, orderly mind sensible.

  4. 他开始见世面, 明事理。

    He began to see things and to understand.

  5. 不明事理的,缺乏智力的愚蠢的

    Lacking intelligence or wit foolish.

  6. 你不该显得如此不明事理

    You wouldnt look like a manic.

  7. 你应设法使他们明白事理。

    You should knock their silly heads together.

  8. 这一军事理论就是威慑。

    That doctrine is deterrence.

  9. 你过去是很明白这些事理的。

    You used to be able to see that.

  10. 你应当明白事理,不该那么不懂规矩。

    You should know better than to behave like that.

  11. 凡是明事理的人都不会拒绝此事。

    No reasonable person could refuse.

  12. 她凭借对人情事理的了解来判断此事。

    She judged it by common sense.

  13. 你我都是明白事理, 思想自由的成年人。

    You and I are mature, freethinking adults.

  14. 她总是告诉孩子们表现得更明事理些。

    She was always telling the children to behave more sensibly.

  15. 他并没有说过任何不合人情事理的话。

    He did not say anything beside the cushion of common sense.

  16. 有雾的早晨可能是晴天。又如事理谚

    A misty morning may have a find day.

  17. 新的事实给这件事理出了一些头绪。

    The new facts threw some lights on the matter.

  18. 从事理发和刮修胡须工作的人

    one whose business is to cut hair and to shave or trim beards

  19. 不明事理的人坚持试图使世界适应自己。

    the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.

  20. 随着时间的推移,有些事理你会慢慢渐悟的。

    Something will dawn on you as time goes on.

  21. 随着时间得推移,有些事理你会慢慢渐悟得。

    Something will dawn on you as time goes on.

  22. 随着时间的推移,有些事理你会慢慢渐悟的。

    Something will dawn on you as time goes on.

  23. 我倒不相信她是个最明事理得人。

    I'll not answer for her being of the most rational.

  24. 我倒不相信她是个最明事理的人。

    I'll not answer for her being of the most rational.

  25. 你会发现其实我是个很明事理的男人。

    You'll find that I can be a very understanding man.

  26. 沃森是个笃信宗教,明达事理的青年,为人正直。

    Watson was a pious, sensible young man, of great integrity.

  27. 他如果明白事理的话,就应该猜到我的反应。

    If he'd any sense, he would have guessed my reaction.

  28. 他如果明白事理的话,就应该猜到我的反应。

    If he'd any sense, he would have guessed my reaction.

  29. 本卦就运用了这一哲学思想来言说事理。

    This hexagram applies this philosophical thought to revealing the principles.

  30. 不管怎么说,我总是你的姑妈,也不是不明事理。

    I guess Im your auntie and I know whats what.


  1. 问:事理拼音怎么拼?事理的读音是什么?事理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:事理的读音是shìlǐ,事理翻译成英文是 reason



【事理】 1.因缘生之有为法叫做事,不生不灭之无为法叫做理。2.世间森罗万象之相叫做事,真如的理体叫做理。