


1. 甾 [zāi]2. 甾 [zī]甾 [zāi]有机化合物的一类,广泛存在于动植物体内,胆固醇和多种激素都属于甾类化合物。古同“灾”,祸难。甾 [zī]古同“淄”,水名。……





汉语拼音:zāi chún



  1. Conclusion: The content of the total steroidal saponins extracted by alcohol is the higher.


  2. Sterols are important secondary metabolites in plants with a variety of biological activities.


  3. The solubility of different phytosterols in solvent is different, so stigmasterol -enhanced phytosterol can be prepared.


  4. Sterols are present in small quantities in a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, cereals and legumes.


  5. Stanols are naturally occurring substances in fruits and vegetables that have been shown to lower mildly elevated blood cholesterol levels.


  6. The LCD is a liquid fluidity, and Crystal equally optical properties of a substance, usually using a gandoerma liquid crystalline.


  7. Drinking a plant sterol-fortified orange juice beverage is a relatively simple thing to do and it may have important preventative effects.


  8. Thesetwo sterol compounds were the first report to be extracted and isolated form H. caput-medusaeand they were both new natural compounds.


  9. Asteroidea (starfish) contains saponins, sterols, anthraquinones, alkaloids, phospholipids and some other components.


  1. 菜油甾醇月桂酸酯

    Campesterol laurate

  2. 鼻内用类甾醇

    itranasal steroid

  3. 自发性高胆甾醇血

    idiopathic hypercholesterolemia

  4. 植物甾醇烟酸酯研究与开发

    Research and Development of Phytosterols Nicotinate

  5. 青海湖沉积物中的甾醇及其演化

    Sterols and their Evolution of Qinghai Lake Sediments.

  6. 黑麦麦角菌产生麦角甾醇的研究

    Studies on ergosterol production by Claviceps purpurea

  7. 海星甾醇抗实验性心律失常作用

    Antiarrhythmic effect of starfish sterol

  8. 海星甾醇对血小板聚集的药理研究

    The Effects of Starfish Sterol on Platelet Aggregation

  9. 概述了各种植物甾醇定量分析方法。

    Various quantitative analysis methods for plant sterol are reviewed.

  10. 燕麦中主要甾醇的鉴定和效能试验

    Identification of the Staple Sterol of Deshelled Oat Seeds and Its Functional Assay

  11. 海洋生物的代谢产物中含有丰富的甾醇。

    Sterols are rich secondary metabolites of marine organisms.

  12. 目的研究植物甾醇凝胶对烧伤的影响。

    AIMTo study the effect of phytosterol gel on burning wound.

  13. 结论甾醇结构中得24位取代基影响甾醇得吸收。

    Conclusion 24substituent of sterol affects the absorption of sterols.

  14. 结论甾醇结构中的24位取代基影响甾醇的吸收。

    Conclusion 24substituent of sterol affects the absorption of sterols.

  15. 能抑制病菌细胞壁中麦角甾醇的合成

    it could inhibit the synthetic of ergo sterol in cell wall

  16. 粗羊毛脂中胆甾醇的分离与精制研究


  17. 植物甾醇和植物甾烷醇降胆固醇的功效和安全性

    The Lowering Effects of Plant Sterol and Stanol on Cholesterol and Their Safety

  18. 翅果油植物甾醇的提取分离与结构分析

    Separation and Analysis of Phytosterols in Key Fruit Oil

  19. 海星含皂苷, 甾醇, 蒽醌, 生物碱和脂类等物质。

    Asteroidea contains saponins, sterols, anthraquinones, alkaloids, phospholipids and some other components.

  20. 分离和鉴定大豆油脚中甾醇及副产物成分

    Isolation and identification of phytosterol and byproducts from soybean oil sediments

  21. 植物油中主要含有谷甾醇,豆甾醇,菜油甾醇等多种植物甾醇。

    A polar capillary column was used to separate the cholesterol from phytosterol.

  22. 当前研究进一步支持利用植物甾醇促进健康的理论。

    The current findings further support the idea of using plant sterols to improve health.

  23. 植物甾醇微生物转化制备甾体药物中间体的研究进展

    Advances in Microbial Transformation of Phytosterol into Steroid Medicine Intermediates

  24. 渤海湾和胶州湾表层沉积物中甾醇的分布和来源

    Distribution and Sources of Sterols in Surface Sediments from Bohai Bay and Jiaozhou Bay

  25. 猴头菌醇提浸膏和水提浸膏甾醇类化合物的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Sterols of Ethanol Extract and Water Extract from Hericium erinaceus.

  26. 高效液相色谱法测定室内屋尘麦角甾醇的含量

    Determination of the Amount of Ergosterol in House Dust by HPLC

  27. 胆固醇是哺乳动物体内最重要得一类甾醇小分子。

    Cholesterol is the principal sterol and it is an essential component of animal cell membranes.

  28. 胆固醇是哺乳动物体内最重要的一类甾醇小分子。

    Cholesterol is the principal sterol and it is an essential component of animal cell membranes.

  29. 甾醇酰基转移酶基因高表达对酵母菌麦角甾醇合成的影响

    Effect of Overexpression of Sterolacyl Transferase on Ergosterol Production in Yeast Strains

  30. 武夷菌素对灰霉菌菌丝麦角甾醇的合成影响不大。

    However, it had no effect on sterol biosynthesis of this fungus.


  1. 问:甾醇拼音怎么拼?甾醇的读音是什么?甾醇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:甾醇的读音是zāi chún,甾醇翻译成英文是 sterol

  2. 问:甾醇类生物碱拼音怎么拼?甾醇类生物碱的读音是什么?甾醇类生物碱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:甾醇类生物碱的读音是zāi chún lèi shēng wù jiǎn,甾醇类生物碱翻译成英文是 sterol alkaloid