


1. 将 [jiāng]2. 将 [jiàng]将 [jiāng]快要:~要。~至。~来。即~。带领,扶助:~雏。扶~。~军。拿,持:~心比心。把:~门关好。下象棋时攻击对方的“将”或“帅”。用言语刺激:你别~他的火儿了。保养:~养。~息。……





汉语拼音:jiàng yíng









  1. 送往迎来。

    《庄子·知北游》:“ 颜渊 问乎 仲尼 曰:‘ 回 尝闻诸夫子曰:‘无有所将,无有所迎。’ 回 敢问其游。’ 仲尼 曰:‘……唯无所伤者,为能与人相将迎。’” 南朝 宋 谢灵运 《初去郡》诗:“负心二十载,於今废将迎。” 清 吴伟业 《送旧总宪龚孝升出使广东》诗:“独有飘零老 伏生 ,不堪衰白困将迎。”

  2. 迎接。

    宋 范成大 《次韵许季韶水乡席上》:“解愠风来如故旧,催诗雨作要将迎。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·刘夫人》:“妇已遣人将迎,遂与俱去。”

  3. 逢迎;迎合。

    《宋书·徐爰传》:“殿省旧人,多见罪黜,惟 爰 巧於将迎,始终无迕。” 明 归有光 《王母孙孺人墓志铭》:“祖母性严厉,鲜当其意。先母能委曲将迎,常得其懽心。”

  4. 将养;保养。




  1. We will also have Glen back in the next couple of weeks which is another great boost for us.


  2. Japan's prime minister Naoto Kan has announced his resignation, paving the way for the nation to get its sixth leader in five years.


  3. Democrats will surge to the barricades to defend federal programs.


  4. At least twice this year they have failed and we are not confident that the third time is a charm.


  1. 约翰在明天的拳击比赛中将迎占杰克逊, 他十分畏惧。

    John is in a blue funk about fighting Jackson in the boxing tournament tomorrow.

  2. 今晚学生会将召开迎新晚会。

    Students'Union will give a party to welcome the new students.

  3. 瞬间, 他们将被迎进后面的玻璃门。

    Within moments, they will be ushered behind the glass door.

  4. 那家餐馆的侍者鞠着躬将他迎了进去。

    A waiter of the restaurant bowed him in.

  5. 那家餐馆得侍者鞠着躬将他迎了进去。

    A waiter of the restaurant bowed him in.

  6. 我相信我的优势将让我迎向未来更大的挑战。

    I believe my advantages can give me more chance and meet challenges confidently in the future.

  7. 她热情地将客人们迎了进来, 然后给他们各自端上一杯茶。

    She warmly welcomed her guests in and brought them a cup of tea.

  8. 三天后我们将迎来。

    They say it's three days out.

  9. 白宫将迎来一场婚礼?

    Is a White House wedding in the works ?

  10. 我们将迎来一个崭新的社会科学

    We're on the verge of a whole new social science.

  11. 年复一年的挫折将迎来收获的季节。

    The years of frustration are ready to be harvested.

  12. 我们可能将迎来另一个真正的泡沫。

    And we can have another real bubble.

  13. 今天银泰庆春店将迎来全面开业。

    Qingchunbranch of Intime department store opens completely today.

  14. 我们很快就将迎来天文学的新纪元。

    We are on the threshold of a new era in astronomy.

  15. 本个双休日桃花节将迎来首个赏花高峰。

    The first tourists peak is expected to come this weekend.

  16. 车内空气治检行业将迎来标准化契机

    Control standard of air pollution in the vehicles made new progress

  17. 西部今天将迎来一场大的雨夹雪。

    The West is getting a heavy dose of snow and rain today.

  18. 明天,我将迎来统计学第三次测验。

    Tomorrow, Im going to have my third statistics quiz.

  19. 本周中,意甲联赛将迎来一场重头戏。

    This week, Yijia league tournament will welcome a climax.

  20. 或许, 我们又将迎来一个新得一代宗师了。

    Maybe there's a new maestro in town.

  21. 重大的放弃与选择之后,将迎来一片新的世界。

    After giving up a major and choice, will usher in a new world.

  22. 报道说这座高大的烂尾楼今年将迎来重生。

    However it is reported that the idle giant would be reborn this year.

  23. 观测完猎户座流星雨, 公众又将迎来观测水星的良机。

    End observation Orion meteor shower, the public will welcome the opportunity for observing Mercury.

  24. 观测完猎户座流星雨,公众又将迎来观测水星得良机。

    End observation Orion meteor shower,the public will welcome the opportunity for observing Mercury.

  25. 特里的下一场比赛将迎来他英超的第200场首发。

    John Terrys next appearance will be his 200th Premiership start.

  26. 病毒学家基本同意我们将迎来一场传染病大流行。

    Virologists generally agree that we are due for another pandemic.

  27. 随着年纪渐长,利比亚领袖也将迎来他的秋天。

    AUTUMN should be looming for Libyas ageing patriarch.

  28. 今天是峰会的最后一天,也是据称将迎来会议高潮的一天。

    It is the final, supposedly climactic day of the conference.

  29. 茱丽和布拉德?皮特将迎来他们的第二个孩子。

    Jolie and partner Brad Pitt are expecting their second child together.

  30. 茱丽和布拉德?皮特将迎来他们得第二个孩子。

    Jolie and partner Brad Pitt are expecting their second child together.