







汉语拼音:shuí shēng






  1. 什么。生,后缀。

    宋 杨万里 《视旱遇雨》诗:“病民岂天意,致此定谁生?”



  1. She also is tight-mouthed, till she has not told me today, she gives birth to our child fine fine with who.


  2. Have boiled the food, it was love eating fried, there are people who like it raw.


  3. Hath the rain a father? or who hath begotten the drops of dew?


  4. It is a young girl who has fallen sick and was brought to the Turkish border by her desperate mother, who is also pregnant.


  5. What right do you have to pick with whom I can have children with?


  6. War does not determine who is right, only who is left. -Burtrand Russell.


  7. do these precautions make sense to you ? Why or why not? Who should have the moral authority to decide who lives and who dies ? explain


  1. 我决定谁生谁死!

    I decide who lives or dies!

  2. 海马是谁生得?

    Who is unripe is sea horse ?

  3. 谁又能为谁生为谁死?

    Who can students for whom and for whom death ?

  4. 他们家是谁生的?

    Who is born to their home?

  5. 我不裁决谁生谁死。

    I don't judge the living or the dead.

  6. 你决定谁生谁死吗?

    And you decide who lives and who dies?

  7. 雨有父亲吗?谁生了露珠?

    Who is the father of rain? or who begot the drops of dew?

  8. 我没见过谁生这么大气的。

    I've never seen anyone that pissed off before.

  9. 雨有父么。露水珠是谁生的呢。

    Does the rain have a father? Who fathers the drops of dew?

  10. 只有一个方法来弄清楚谁死谁生。

    There's only one way to find out who's finished and who's not.

  11. 冰出于谁的胎?天上的霜是谁生的呢?

    Out of whose body came the ice? and who gave birth to the cold mist of heaven?

  12. 最终,我们作何反应将决定谁生谁亡。

    Ultimately, how we react will decide who survives and who dies.

  13. 雨有父吗?露水珠是谁生得呢?

    Does the rain have a father? Who fathers the drops of dew?

  14. 雨有父吗?露水珠是谁生的呢?

    Has the rain a father? or who gave birth to the drops of night mist?

  15. 伯3828雨有父麽,露水珠,是谁生的呢。

    Hath the rain a father or who hath begotten the drops of dew.

  16. 只要我有个孩子可以教他掷球我不在乎是谁生的。

    So long as I get to teach someone how to throw a ball, I don't care whose D. N. A. they got.

  17. 在任何特定的时间里, 谁生谁死都是随机的, 而我恰好还活着。

    It was a random matter, who was alive or dead at any given time.

  18. 到你在生谁的气?

    What are you really mad about?

  19. 我只是,不知道该生谁的气。

    It's just, I wanna know who to be angry at.

  20. 请不要以为我在生谁的闷气。

    You must not think I am sulky when I do that.

  21. 谁的生纠缠谁的死?

    The whose livings to entwine the whose dies.

  22. 谁得生纠缠谁得死?

    The whose livings to entwine the whose dies.

  23. 奥运金银币为谁而生

    For Whom Are The Olympic Coins Issued

  24. 无论是谁刚生下来, 他的脸都得被涂鸦。

    Whoever passes out first will get their face painted.

  25. 男主角和女主角是谁?生是男角, 旦是女角, 将是武角, 丑是丑角。

    Sheng is the male role. Dan is the female role. Jing is the martial role and Chou is the clown.

  26. 谁同意你生下来了?

    Nobody agreed for you to be born?

  27. 有谁会为生出那样得人感到自豪?

    How can anyone be proud of giving birth to someone like that ?

  28. 有谁会为生出那样的人感到自豪?

    How can anyone be proud of giving birth to someone like that ?

  29. 她们问达尔西小姐是否生过谁的气, 她说没有。

    They asked Miss Dulcie if she was angry with anyone. She said no.

  30. 他是谁?他很生你的气,莫利。

    Is he? He's very angry with you, Molly.