




1. 间 [jiān]2. 间 [jiàn]间 [jiān]两段时间相接的地方,或介于两桩事物当中及其相互关系:中~。~距。~奏。天地之~。在一定空间或时间内:田~。人~。房子内隔成的部分:里~。衣帽~。~量。量词,房屋的最小单位:一~房。……



汉语拼音:yī jiàn






  1. 表数量。用于桥梁、房屋。

    《六韬·军用》:“渡沟壍飞桥一间,广一丈五尺,长二丈以上。” 唐 韩愈 《题楚昭王庙》:“犹有国人怀旧德,一间茅屋祭 昭王 。”《朱子语类》卷八:“先去修治,得一间半房。”

  2. 谓相距极近。间,间隙。

    《孟子·尽心下》:“杀人之父,人亦杀其父;杀人之兄,人亦杀其兄;然则非自杀之也,一间耳。” 赵岐 注:“一间者,我往彼来,间一人耳。与自杀其亲何异哉?”《二程遗书》卷十二:“若孔乃在其中焉,此未达一间也。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·词曲》:“嘻!续《西厢》者之才,去作《西厢》者,止争一间。” 梁启超 《法理学大家孟德斯鸠之学说》:“以古代 希腊 罗马 之制,为民主政之极则,而于法治之真精神,尚一间未达也。”



  1. It was a lime-washed, stone-floored room, unspeakably dreary with its furniture of deal boards and benches, and its prison smell.


  2. I was allowed to inspect it, standing in a cavernous storage room wearing a pair of bright blue examination gloves.


  3. We went into a grotty house and sat at a table with a bucket of coal in the middle.


  4. There, in a barn be converted into a lab, he began foraging for his next big hit.


  5. It's two tiny smoke-filled rooms. The front is a shop. The back is filled with broken armor, some hammers, and a forge.


  6. Just a second. Let me check. Mr Hawkins, we only have one single room and one double room.


  7. Obi-Wan slipped into a circular room that had been built in the center of the villa. There was no ceiling, only the roof above.


  8. He noticed that there was but one shop open in that street, and, a matter worthy of reflection, that was a pastry-cook's shop.


  9. I asked breathlessly as she set me down in a dark room somewhere off the second-story hall.


  1. 冰期一间冰期

    Glacial stage.

  2. 一间小饭厅。

    a little dining room.

  3. 一间宽大的客厅

    a spacious sitting room

  4. 推荐一间好旅馆。

    Recommend a good hotel.

  5. 一间宽敞的办公室

    a large office

  6. 似乎只有一间房。

    There appeared to be only one room.

  7. 她独住一间房。

    She has a room to herself.

  8. 只需要一间手术室

    is an O. R. a scalpel and a willing body.

  9. 请给一间双人间。

    A double please.

  10. 多好的一间书房!

    What a peach of a study!

  11. 这是最好得一间。

    This is the best one.

  12. 这是最好的一间。

    This is the best one.

  13. 一间体贴入微的厨房?

    A kitchen that thinks for you?

  14. 这是一间豪华房。

    This is a deluxe room.

  15. 还有一间是客房。

    And there's a guest room.

  16. 还有一间是客房。

    And there's a guest room.

  17. 送它一间新房子。

    At its birthday party later.

  18. 这是一间疯人屋。

    This is the house of Bedlam.

  19. 坭敦道的一间书店。

    A bookstore on Nathan Road.

  20. 他们租了一间大厅。

    They hired a big hall.

  21. 我们还有一间空房。

    We have a room available.

  22. 他们有一间大卧室。

    They have a large bedroom.

  23. 我只要一间单人房。

    I just want a single room.

  24. 一间没有窗户的斗室

    a tiny, windowless cell.

  25. 这住房只有一间房。

    This apartment has just a single room.

  26. 所以我们有一间空房

    so we have an extra room.

  27. 我要一间双人房。

    I want a double room.

  28. 五间客房和一间舞厅。

    five new bedrooms for guests and a ballroom.

  29. 一间布置高雅的客厅

    An exquisitely appointed drawingroom

  30. 指定一间房用来贮藏

    Allocate a room to be used for storage.


  1. 问:一间夹拼音怎么拼?一间夹的读音是什么?一间夹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一间夹的读音是yì jiān jiá,一间夹翻译成英文是 itsuken basami; one point pincer

  2. 问:一间房拼音怎么拼?一间房的读音是什么?一间房翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一间房的读音是Yìjiānfáng,一间房翻译成英文是 Yijianfang

  3. 问:一间一套公寓拼音怎么拼?一间一套公寓的读音是什么?一间一套公寓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一间一套公寓的读音是yì jiān yí tào gōng yù,一间一套公寓翻译成英文是 studio apartment