







汉语拼音:yī kè







  1. 蒙语“大”的音译。

    《明史·李成梁传》:“ 土蛮 部长 一克灰正 纠 把兔儿 、 炒花 、 花大 等三万骑,约 土蛮 诸子共驰 辽阳 挟赏。” 钱大昕 《十驾斋养新录·译音无定字》:“《李成梁传》前称大委正,后称一克灰正,亦是一人。蒙古语大为伊克,亦曰一克;委灰音相似也。”原注:“《王崇古传》 俺答 妻一克哈屯,盖其大妻也。《元史》作也可,《兵志》作也可怯薛,谓第一怯薛也。”

  2. 表数量。公制一克等于一公斤的千分之一。藏语用于容量和地积:一克青稞约二十五斤;播种一克种子的土地称一克地,约合一市亩。



  1. This painstaking process yields five tonnes a year, but he cannot bear to sell a gram of it.


  2. "We previously used a soap bottle with a 1g pump, which was small and unreliable and did not dispense all the product, " he said.


  3. the last one gram of it should not hand, not to let go lightly.


  4. The standard response to this inquiry seems to indicate that 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight is optimum.


  5. A couple weeks later, Hilton was briefly detained in France for having less than a gram of pot in her purse.


  6. "For every krona we put into the bank, we wanted the same influence, " Mr.


  7. A calorie with a little "c" is defined as the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius.


  8. In the UK drinking water can contain no more than 100 micrograms of THM per litre. A microgram is one millionth of a gram.


  9. One gram of the products from the fusion of two light atomic nuclei could generate as much energy as 11 tons of coal.


  1. 一克认错。

    A gram of considerate.

  2. 我需要一克醋。

    I need a gram of vinegar.

  3. 一克黄金 也是30欧元。

    One gram of gold is 28 euros.

  4. 它的重量不到一克

    It weighs less than a gram.

  5. 一克胭脂红 价值约30欧元。

    One gram of cochineal costs about 28 euros.

  6. 一厘克等于百分之一克。

    Centigram means a weight equal to a 100th of a gram.

  7. 这儿有一克的掠食性螨。

    I have one gram of those predatory mites.

  8. 克莱夫,给他注射一克的球蛋白

    Karev, push a gram of mag.

  9. 你猜怎么着,你一克也得不到。

    Guess what? You're not gonna have them.

  10. 尼科尔。休一克调查了她的案子。

    Nicole Douek has examined her case.

  11. 电磁安培厘米一克一秒电磁单位, 相当于10安培

    The centimeter gram second electromagnetic unit of current equal to ten amperes.

  12. 有谁知道一克苹果酱到底有多少吗

    Is there anyone who knows what a gram of applesauce looks like

  13. 最后一克不要随便牵手, 更不要随便放手。

    the last one gram of it should not hand, not to let go lightly.

  14. 厘克质量的公制单位,等于百分之一克

    A metric unit of mass equal to one hundredth of a gram.

  15. 我有一克,五克,十克的,你想要几克?

    I have one gram, five gram, 8 gram. How many gram do you want?

  16. 一克毒素, 能让密西根湖变成泥炭。

    One gram of hydrosec, Lake Michigan turns into sludge.

  17. 克米制质量单位,一克等于千分之一千克

    A metric unit of mass equal to one thousandthof a kilogram.

  18. 一克某物质提高温度一度所需的热。

    The heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance one degree centigrade.

  19. 微克质量的一种单位,相当于一克的百万分之一

    A unit of mass equal to one millionthof a gram.

  20. 一克放射性铀可能在亿万年中造成损害。

    One gram of radioactive uranium can cause damage for millions of years.

  21. 然后他们将一立方厘米的水的重量定为一克。

    Then they chose one gram for weighing water in a cubic centimetre.

  22. 给他接种破伤风疫苗 再注射一克先锋霉素5号

    Get him a tettox and push a gram of cefazolin I. V.

  23. 我们可以,一般用一摩尔每升,或一克每升或其它什么。

    And we're going to take, usually you take one mole per liter, or one gram per liter, or one whatever.

  24. 蜜蜂虽然体重仅有一克,打起仗来规模却相当大。

    Although they weigh just over a gram, honeybees fight their battles on a massive scale.

  25. 这种分析模块可以在每分钟内处理一克流体的样本。

    Theanalysis module can process up to one gram of flowing sample per minute.

  26. 每天减少摄入一克盐能令收缩压降低08毫米汞柱。

    A onegramperday reduction in salt consumption results in a small drop of systolic blood pressure of 0.8 mm Hg, she said.

  27. 中性的指定平衡溶液在每升溶液中含有一克等重溶质的。

    Designating a solution having one gram equivalent weight of solute per liter of solution.