







汉语拼音:xīn jí






  1. 指皇帝刚即位。

    明 徐渭 《北台疏草序》:“当子巡 辽 时,会主上新极,朝廷清明无闕事。”



  1. So what does the "new geek" need to know to run tomorrow's I. T. Department?


  1. 主要类型包括新法西斯党,新极右翼政党和右翼极端派。

    The neofascism party, neo ultrarightist party and right ultraism party are the primary types of European ultrarightist parties.

  2. 这部新词典极受欢迎。

    The new dictionary has really taken off.

  3. 他对这新计划极感兴趣。

    He was aflame about the new project.

  4. 关于几种新的极分解计算方法

    Several new methods of polar decomposition computation

  5. 我们的新厨房极小, 连转身的余地都没有。

    Our new kitchen is tiny, with not enough room to swing a cat.

  6. 我们得新厨房极小, 连转身得余地都没有。

    Our new kitchen is tiny, with not enough room to swing a cat.

  7. 作者在文中给出了一个新的极小谱任意符号模式。

    In this paper, we present a new minimal spectrally arbitrary pattern by using the NilpotentJacobian method.

  8. 这部新影片精彩极了。

    The new movie is a killer.

  9. 你的新发型完美极了。

    Your new haircut is perfect.

  10. 新发明具有极好的未来。

    The new invention contains wonderful possibilities.

  11. 新发明具有极好得未来。

    The new invention contains wonderful possibilities.

  12. 她的新连衣裙漂亮极了。

    Her new dress is an absolute dream.

  13. 你穿上新衣服漂亮极了。

    You look very posh in your new suit.

  14. 珍妮的在旅馆的新工作是极简单的。

    Jenny's new job in a hotel is an easy one.

  15. 珍妮得在旅馆得新工作是极简单得。

    Jenny's new job in a hotel is an easy one.

  16. 它所具有的特征是新的力量极的腾现。

    It is characterized by the swift emergence of new poles of? power.

  17. 新公园将极有可能位于浦东国际机场附近。

    The new park will most be located near the Pudong International Airport.

  18. 新高尔夫的泊车辅助, 新高尔夫设置极高水平的技术术语。

    The new Golf Plus sets high standards in terms of technology.

  19. 我喜欢吃一顿丰盛的早餐。这是开启新一天的极好的方式。

    Love having a big breakfast. A great way to start out the day.

  20. 这个新装置防震效果极佳。

    The new device is excellent in cushion effect.

  21. 我们的新房子里乱极了。

    Chaos reigns supreme in our new house.

  22. 我们得新房子里乱极了。

    Chaos reigns supreme in our new house.

  23. 他学习新事物的能力极强。

    He has a brilliant capacity for learning new things.

  24. 麦克得新摩托车跑起来极快。

    Mike's new motorbike goes like a house on fire.

  25. 麦克的新摩托车跑起来极快。

    Mike's new motorbike goes like a house on fire.

  26. 这个俱乐部同化新成员的速度极快。

    This club assimilates new members very quickly.

  27. 这个俱乐部同化新成员的速度极快。

    This club assimilates new members very quickly.

  28. 这个俱乐部同化新成员得速度极快。

    This club assimilates new members very quickly.

  29. 你穿那套新衣服看上去漂亮极了。

    You look devastating in that new dress.

  30. 那男孩今天早上穿了一套新装, 漂亮极了。

    The boy was the pink of perfection this morning in his new suit.


  1. 问:新极谱法拼音怎么拼?新极谱法的读音是什么?新极谱法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新极谱法的读音是xīn jí pǔ fǎ,新极谱法翻译成英文是 neopolarography