


1. 燕 [yàn]2. 燕 [yān]燕 [yàn]鸟类的一科,候鸟,常在人家屋内或屋檐下用泥做巢居住,捕食昆虫,对农作物有益:~尔(形容新婚夫妇亲睦和美的样子)。~好(常用以指男女相爱)。~侣。~雀处(chǔ)堂(喻居安而不知远虑,临祸……


1. 将 [jiāng]2. 将 [jiàng]将 [jiāng]快要:~要。~至。~来。即~。带领,扶助:~雏。扶~。~军。拿,持:~心比心。把:~门关好。下象棋时攻击对方的“将”或“帅”。用言语刺激:你别~他的火儿了。保养:~养。~息。……





汉语拼音:yàn jiāng shū






  1. 《史记·鲁仲连邹阳列传》:“ 燕 将攻下 聊城 , 聊城 人或谗之 燕 , 燕 将惧诛,因保守 聊城 ,不敢归。

    齐 田单 攻 聊城 岁餘,士卒多死而 聊城 不下。 鲁连 乃为书,约之矢以射城中,遗 燕 将…… 燕 将见 鲁连 书,泣三日,犹豫不能自决。欲归 燕 ,已有隙,恐诛;欲降 齐 ,所杀虏於 齐 甚众,恐已降而后见辱。喟然叹曰:‘与人刃我,寧自刃。’乃自杀。”后以“燕将书”指劝归或劝降的书信。 北周 庾信 《燕歌行》:“属国征戍久离居, 阳关 音信絶能疏。愿得 鲁连 飞一箭,持寄思归 燕 将书。” 唐 杜甫 《收京》诗之一:“暂屈 汾阳 驾,聊飞 燕 将书。” 仇兆鳌 注引 朱鹤龄 曰:“自 香积寺 北之捷,王师振威,贼徒胆落, 严庄 来降, 思明 纳款, 河 北事势,折简可定,故用 仲连 射书事。”




  1. 她将书捆扎在一起。

    She fagoted the books together.

  2. 请按大小将书分类。

    Please arrange the books according to size.

  3. 她用手指将书夹住。

    She clasped the book in her fingers.

  4. 他不假思索地将书扔了。

    He threw away the book without thought.

  5. 请按顺序将书逐一放好。

    Please put the books in sequence.

  6. 那孩子将书从头读到尾。

    The child read the book from cover to cover.

  7. 他将书搁在一旁去开门。

    He placed his book aside and went to open the door.

  8. 她将书放在一边去开门。

    She placed her book on one side when the door bell rang.

  9. 她将书使劲往床上一扔。

    She flung the book onto the bed.

  10. 她将书使劲往桌上一扔。

    She slammed the book on the table.

  11. 她叹了口气, 将书放在一边。

    She sighs and puts the book aside.

  12. 将书放入夹具中摆好位置。

    Place assembled and crimped book into jig.

  13. 他将书推置一边而注意倾听。

    He laid his books aside to listen.

  14. 她在匆忙中将书掉到地上了。

    In her hurry, she dropped the books.

  15. 他将书高举到顶部的书架。

    He raised the book to the top shelf.

  16. 他砰然一声将书摔在桌上。

    He threw his books down with a slam.

  17. 图书馆工作人员花许多时间将书分类。

    Librarians spend a lot of time classifying books.

  18. 那男孩将书扔到地上,跑开了。

    The boy flung down his book and ran away.

  19. 你能否按所附书目将书寄给我?

    Will you please send me the books as per list attached?

  20. 他一把将书撕开,以显示他的力气。

    He tore apart a book to show off his strength.

  21. 我不愿伸手越过他人将书拿回。

    I wouldn't like to reach over others to get back my book.

  22. 希勒家将书递给沙番, 沙番就看了。

    And Hilkiah gave the book to Shaphan, and he read it.

  23. 我试了,但无法将书全部装进箱子里。

    I tried but I could not get ail the books in the box.

  24. 我的任务是将书带至索星以示友好

    My task is to take it to the thors as a gesture of good faith

  25. 你是否已将书中的每一要点领会透彻了?

    Have you digested everything that is important in the book?

  26. 如果我没有记错, 我将书放在第四层架子上。

    I put the book on the fourth shelf, if I do not misrecollect.

  27. 撇撇嘴。又不屑的将书扔到床上。那么欠扁。

    Pie pie. And the book thrown to disdain to bed. So owe a flat.

  28. 款到后, 我们将用最短的时间将书寄发给您。

    After the paragraph arrives, we will send the book you with the shortest time.

  29. 款到后,我们将用最短得时间将书寄发给您。

    After the paragraph arrives, we will send the book you with the shortest time.

  30. 他从椅子上站起,朝我走来,双手将书赠送给我。

    He rose from his chair and moved toward me, presenting the book with both hands.

