


1. 转 [zhuǎn]2. 转 [zhuàn]3. 转 [zhuǎi]转 [zhuǎn]迁徙;流亡:老弱~乎沟壑。不直接的,中间再经过别人或别的地方:~送。~达。~发。~运。周~。改换方向:~弯。向左~。改变位置:~移。改变形势、情况:~……





汉语拼音:zhuǎn zhàn






  1. 连续在不同地区作战。

    《史记·乐毅列传》:“ 齐 田单 后与 骑劫 战,果设诈誑 燕 军,遂破 骑劫 於 即墨 下,而转战逐 燕 ,北至 河 上。” 唐 皇甫冉 《同温丹徒登万岁楼》诗:“闻道王师犹转战,谁能谈笑解重围。” 杨朔 《迎春词》:“十一年前,我正随着一支野战军转战在 长城 里外。”



  1. He said: "We now have had a four-day rest from Porto to the Sunderland match. "


  2. Clarke admits he can see similarities between Suarez's seamless transition and that of his former Chelsea teammate Zola.


  3. Later his campaign moved to the railways, just beginning to bind America together after the civil war.


  4. It was later recovered and re-attached and John went on to star in a number of extremely tacky porn movies.


  5. David Sykes: More photography I'm working on a book at the moment and also starting to venture into moving image.


  6. Once her tennis career is over, she said, fashion is something she'd like to further explore.


  7. "Some of our vendors are moving further into China in order to obviate the higher labour costs, " he said.


  8. Actually, the county offices of these two and their subordinates were located in farmhouses in whatever territory they happened to land.


  9. But the United States Coast Guard shut down that corridor by the early 1990s, and shipments switched to the Pacific coast of Mexico.


  1. 转战大江南北

    fight successively in different parts north and south of the Changjiang River

  2. 地方医院平转战动员潜力资源管理研究

    Research of Local Hospital Mobilization Potential Resource Management.

  3. 我们这个营在抗日战争时期转战南北。

    Our battalion fought north and south during the Anti Japanese War.

  4. 但是随着战斗的艰难进行,那些士兵转战分散各方。

    But as the war ground on, those soldiers were scattered.

  5. 那意味着 转战到一个新的经济价值的时候到了

    What that means is that it's time to move to a new level of economic value.

  6. 调整方向重振雄风美国每月一书俱乐部转战网上

    A book Per Month Club Turning to Web

  7. 中央红军转战川滇黔若干行动方针思辨

    Thinking and distinguishing for some demarche of fighting in Sichuan, Yunnan and Chongqing of central red army

  8. 从此,这支武装在萧克将军指挥下,转战在平西。

    Henceforth, this military equipment under General Xiao Ke directs, fights place after setting.

  9. 经过多年的转战,这个流亡政府终于回到了祖国。

    After years' fighting in one place after another, the government-in-exile finally returned to its native land.

  10. 我们一年来转战各地,深感全国革命潮流的低落。

    In the past year we have fought in many places and are keenly aware that the revolutionary tide is on the ebb in the country as a whole.

  11. 网球精英从法国公开赛的红黏土转战温布尔登的绿草地。

    The tennis elite moves from the red clay of the French Open to the green grass of Wimbledon.

  12. 乔许亚是业馀的网球选手,但他希望有一天能转战职业。

    Joshua is an amateur tennis player, but he hopes to turn professional one day.


  1. 问:转战拼音怎么拼?转战的读音是什么?转战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:转战的读音是zhuǎnzhàn,转战翻译成英文是 to fight in one place after another