


1. 横 [héng]2. 横 [hèng]横 [héng]跟地面平行的,与“竖”、“直”相对:~梁。~楣。~额。~幅。~批。~披(长条形横幅字画)。~匾。~标。~空。左右向的,跟目视方向垂直的,与“竖”、“直”、“纵”相对:~写。~排。~……





汉语拼音:héng kuà









  1. 两脚分跨在物体两边站立支撑着。今多指桥梁等建筑物横向跨越。

    宋 苏轼 《踏莎行》词:“直游洞穴沧波下。临风慨想斩蛟灵。长桥千载犹横跨。” 吴组缃 《山洪》五:“ 富黄瓜 站在门阶上……护卫着那横跨门槛的放有两三架老豆腐和豆腐干子的薄板桌子。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第一章:“通过横跨在江上的大便桥,就到了工地。”



  1. On a path between some classroom buildings, something tumbled across the sidewalk, blowing in the wind.

  2. The next day, the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper printed four words in French across the front of the paper.

  3. All over the world, what you often refer to as the working people are waking up to what has been happening around them, and seeking answers.

  4. You see, all kingdoms are transcending on a biological level to the next dimension, a little at a time, over the coming century.

  5. The Internet speed across the board in Nigeria is not great so we would be looking for a substitute for the Google mapping technology.

  6. Right across the door of the Oval Office is what was his former office, known as the Roosevelt Room.

  7. But a Labour member of the London Assembly, John Biggs, argued the cable car was "no substitute" for a bridge across the Thames.

  8. Launched a year ago, Pulse's visually-oriented news reader is now on iPad, iPhone, Android mobile and tablet and Pulse's website.

  9. Pegasus is said to carry Zeus' lightning bolts across the sky, and as he rushes across, his hooves create rumbles of thunder.


  1. 虹横跨天际。

    The rainbow arches the heavens.

  2. 肯尼亚横跨赤道。

    Kenya is a country which has the equator running through it.

  3. 肯尼亚横跨赤道。

    Kenya is a country which has the equator running through it.

  4. 一道彩虹横跨天际。

    A rainbow arched across the sky.

  5. 这个国家横跨赤道。

    The country straddles the equator.

  6. 这村庄横跨边境线。

    The village straddles the frontier.

  7. 桥横跨在河上。

    The bridge crosses a river.

  8. 一桥横跨该河。

    A bridge spanned the river.

  9. 非洲大陆横跨赤道。

    The African continent spans the equator.

  10. 他打算横跨印度洋。

    He intends to voyage across the Indian Ocean.

  11. 独木桥横跨在山谷。

    The single-plank bridge spans the mountain valley.

  12. 行人严禁横跨钢轨。

    People are requested not to walk across the tracks.

  13. 行人严禁横跨钢轨。

    People are requested not to walk across the tracks.

  14. 这条路横跨全国。

    The road runs cross-country.

  15. 横跨长江的大桥

    a gigantic bridge spanning the Changjiang River

  16. 横跨洪水的简陋桥

    the rude bridge that arched the flood

  17. 横跨迪河的铁索桥

    a chain bridge spanned over River Dee

  18. 横幅可以横跨几天。

    A banner can span multiple days.

  19. 它简明扼要横跨领域。

    It concisely spans the field.

  20. 一座桥横跨小河。

    A bridge spanned the rill.

  21. 我想横跨太平洋航行。

    Id love to sail across the Pacific.

  22. 横跨或穿越大西洋的。

    Spanning or crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

  23. 横跨河流的一座桥

    a bridge over the river

  24. 一座桥横跨河上。

    A bridge is stretched across the river.

  25. 一座小桥横跨河湾。

    A small bridge spans the arm of the river.

  26. 这条河横跨整个国家。

    The river runs cross-country.

  27. 河上横跨着许多桥梁。

    The river is crossed by many bridges.

  28. 商场几乎横跨整条街。

    The arcade is practically across the street.

  29. 一座横跨河上的桥

    a bridge athwart a river

  30. 一座桥横跨在河上。

    A bridge arches a river.


  1. 问:横跨拼音怎么拼?横跨的读音是什么?横跨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横跨的读音是héngkuà,横跨翻译成英文是 stretch over or across; cross; straddle

  2. 问:横跨点拼音怎么拼?横跨点的读音是什么?横跨点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横跨点的读音是héng kuà diǎn,横跨点翻译成英文是 crossover point

  3. 问:横跨电线拼音怎么拼?横跨电线的读音是什么?横跨电线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横跨电线的读音是héng kuà diàn xiàn,横跨电线翻译成英文是 span electric wire

  4. 问:横跨步运球拼音怎么拼?横跨步运球的读音是什么?横跨步运球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横跨步运球的读音是héng kuà bù yùn qiú,横跨步运球翻译成英文是 side-stepping dribble

  5. 问:横跨太平洋的拼音怎么拼?横跨太平洋的的读音是什么?横跨太平洋的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横跨太平洋的的读音是héng kuà tài píng yáng,横跨太平洋的翻译成英文是 Transpacific

  6. 问:横跨大陆航空飞行拼音怎么拼?横跨大陆航空飞行的读音是什么?横跨大陆航空飞行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横跨大陆航空飞行的读音是héng kuà dà lù háng kōng fēi xíng,横跨大陆航空飞行翻译成英文是 Trans-Continental Aviation

  7. 问:横跨河平行模断面拼音怎么拼?横跨河平行模断面的读音是什么?横跨河平行模断面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横跨河平行模断面的读音是héng kuà hé píng xíng mó duàn miàn,横跨河平行模断面翻译成英文是 parallel section across river

  8. 问:横跨大西洋电话电缆拼音怎么拼?横跨大西洋电话电缆的读音是什么?横跨大西洋电话电缆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横跨大西洋电话电缆的读音是héng kuà dà xī yáng diàn huà diàn lǎn,横跨大西洋电话电缆翻译成英文是 Transatlantic Telephone Cable

  9. 问:横跨阿拉伯输油管道拼音怎么拼?横跨阿拉伯输油管道的读音是什么?横跨阿拉伯输油管道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:横跨阿拉伯输油管道的读音是héng kuà ā lā bó shū yóu guǎn dào,横跨阿拉伯输油管道翻译成英文是 Trans-Arabian Pipeline




拼音:héngkuà 基本解释 1. [span]∶在…上形成拱形;从一个界限展开、伸展或延伸到另一界限 一道彩虹横跨湖上 2. [extend;stretch across]∶跨越(如距离,时间,空间) 一座古代桥梁横跨这条河流 详细解释 两脚分跨在物体两边站立支撑着。今多指桥梁等建筑物横向跨越。 宋 苏轼 《踏莎行》词:“直游洞穴沧波下。临风慨想斩蛟灵。长桥千载犹横跨。” 吴组缃 《山洪》五:“ 富黄瓜 站在门阶上……护卫着那横跨门槛的放有两三架老豆腐和豆腐干子的薄板桌子。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第一章:“通过横跨在江上的大便桥,就到了工地。”