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1. 沙 [shā]2. 沙 [shà]沙 [shā]非常细碎的石粒:~子。~石。风~。~尘。~砾(沙和碎石块)。~漠。~丘。~滩。~洲(江河里由泥沙淤积成的陆地)。~暴。~浴。~疗。~鸥(文学上指栖息岸边沙地的鸥一类的水鸟)。像沙的东西:……
1. 化 [huà]2. 化 [huā]化 [huà]性质或形态改变:变~。分~。僵~。教(jiào )~。熔~。融~。潜移默~。~干弋为玉帛。。佛教、道教徒募集财物:~缘。~斋。用在名词或形容词后,表示转变成某种性质或状态:丑~。绿~。习……
汉语拼音:shā huà
There was a high fragmentation and heterogeneity, also it had a trend toward desertification.
景观的破碎度和异质性较高,且有沙化的趋势;Even if the Great Green Wall survives, the land to the south of it can still turn to desert from drought or overgrazing.
即使绿色长城勉强建成,因为干旱和无节制的放牧,南部的土地依然可能沙化。Somalia is an ecological basket case, with overpopulation, overgrazing and desertification destroying its pastoral economy.
人口过剩、过度放牧、土地沙化破环了索马里的生态环境和游牧经济。Land salinization reduced and soil desertification, grassland degradation significantly increased.
地下水位下降,土地盐碱化明显萎缩,土壤沙化严重,草场退化。Any unit or individual that intend to rehabilitate collectively owned desertified land shall sign a contract with the owner of the land.
使用已经沙化的集体所有土地从事治沙活动的,治理者应当与土地所有人签订土地承包合同。The intensity grazing and the relatively deficient rainfall has brought up the large area desertification in this district.
由于强度放牧以及相对匮乏的降雨造就了本区内的大面积沙化。Results indicates that human over utilization and poor management are the key causes of the sedimentation of the wetland.
研究表明,人类不合理的开发是造成向海湿地沙化的主要原因。Without a market of solutions, a dictator-type water czar has stepped into the evaporating strip of desert called Las Vegas.
缺乏市场的解决手段,独裁体制下的水资源皇帝不得不介入到拉斯维加斯的沙化治理上。At the industry use water green turn of in the meantime, can reduce a soil sand to turn phenomenon.