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1. 格 [gé]格 [gé]划分成的空栏和框子:~子纸。方~儿布。法式,标准:~局。~律。~式。~言。合~。资~。表现出来的品质:~调。风~。人~。国~。性~。阻碍,隔阂:~~不入。击,打:~斗。~杀。推究:~致。树的长枝。至,来:~于上……
汉语拼音:wǎng gé
A grid is often used to display the results of a database query.
一个网格通常用于显示数据库查询的结果。It is not overloaded definitions easy to understand and allows you to start drawing directly on the grid.
这是不是超负荷的定义很容易理解,并允许您开始在网格上直接绘图。and when a machine is in a state of full load running, an air flue is formed on the cross section of the grid-shaped fins.
当机器进入满负荷运行时,所述网格状肋片在横截面形成一个风道。Authentication is core to all grid activities, yet until recently, there was no complete end-to-end system for grid authentication.
认证是所有网格操作的核心,但是到目前为止,网格认证还没有一个完整的端到端的系统。How will the grid application handle collisions in which two or more jobs try to update the same record simultaneously?
当两个或者多个作业试图更新同一条记录的时候,网格应用程序该如何处理这样的冲突?Using a grid helps you determine the exact position of any charts or other objects you may add to a spreadsheet.
使用网格可以帮助您确定任何添加到电子表格的图表或其他对象的确切位置。您还可以设置此网格与对齐网格一致。Unfortunately, there has been a fair amount of confusion regarding cloud computing and its relationship with grid computing.
不幸的是,关于云计算及其与网格计算的关系存在许多误解。With a cooperative grid, each client can measure its own performance and then deal with the loading information gathered in one of two ways.
使用协作网格时,每一个客户机都可以度量自己的性能,然后处理用两种方法之一收集到的负载信息。For Grid computing to be easy to deploy, we need publication through such directories and systems.