




指“兰草”和“兰花”:~艾(“兰花”和“艾草”,喻君子和小人)。~谱(结拜盟兄弟时互相交换的帖子,上写各自家族的谱系。兰有香味,喻情投意合)。~摧玉折(喻贤人夭折,后多用来哀悼人不幸早死)。古书上指“木兰”。古同“栏”,家畜圈(juàn )……



汉语拼音:yù lán







  1. 花木名。落叶乔木,一般高三至五米。单叶互生,倒卵形状长椭圆形。花大型,呈钟状,单生枝顶,早春先叶开放。花瓣九片,色白,芳香如兰,故名。参阅 明 汪世懋 《学圃杂疏》、《广群芳谱·花谱·玉兰》。



  1. Days are so blue, white clouds after another seems to Ruyu of Magnolia flowers flourish in the garden.

  2. Nison not smoothly, with her to TiaoMing, but she frankly, she will notify nixon yulan the same competition and timing.

  3. A few magnolias , in the clearing before the front door, were in full blossom, and their white flowers gave out a heady fragrance.

  4. "The language in his novels and the narrative strategies are very easy to read, " says Liu.

  5. Master Xu is a woman , but she created the loud and sonorous style to describe Baoyu 's happiness , excitement and his sadness , despair .

  6. if it happens to be a good flowering year for magnolias the neighborhood observes: 'Have your seen the Gurtleberry's magnolia?

  7. Some of them still have flowers. Some have seven or eight blossoms, and others have two or three, hardly noticeable.

  8. Double magpie wet Yu Chi, down in the magnolia blossoms Alice, in the middle of the night in song and wind and rain.

  9. A warmth is the most beautiful woman, when a woman hearts of the Treasures of Eros, her heart is in the spring of magnolias , Hanbaoyufang.


  1. 玉兰属植物

    plant of Yulania Spach.

  2. 玉兰黄化病

    Magnolia denudata yellows.

  3. 玉兰明虾卷

    Fried shrimp roll with bamboo shoots.

  4. 玉兰蒸蟹球

    Steamed crab meat ball wit vegetable.

  5. 玉兰盛开的灿烂

    Brightness of Magnolia in Bloom

  6. 望春玉兰花蕾

    Magnolia biondii Pampan. flower bud.

  7. 河南玉兰属一新变种

    A New Variety of Yulania Spach from Henan.

  8. 欢迎光临玉兰餐馆。

    Welcome to Orchid Restaurant.

  9. 玉兰花园的智能化设计

    The intelligentized design of YULAN GARDEN

  10. 玉兰花的光明前景

    Bright prospects for the magnolia

  11. 玉兰新分类系统的研究

    New classification system of Yulania denudata

  12. 荷花玉兰的生药学研究。

    Study on pharmacognosy of Magnolia grandiflora L.

  13. 她住在洛杉矶玉兰街421号。

    She lives at421 Magnolia St., Los Angeles.

  14. 荷花玉兰组织培养的研究。

    Study on tissue culture of Magnolia grandiflora L.

  15. 这种是玉兰油护肤霜。

    Fine, mam, this is Oil of Moisture Protection Creme.

  16. 紫玉兰开花有早有迟。

    Purple magnolia flower are already late.

  17. 这么美丽生动的玉兰花!

    A vivid and beautiful magnolia flower!

  18. 这么美丽生动得玉兰花!

    A vivid and beautiful magnolia flower!

  19. 东莞玉兰大剧院舞台灯光系统

    Stage Lighting System of the Dongguan Yulan Opera

  20. 玉兰花能适应各种土壤。

    Yulan magnolia can adapt to a variety of soils.

  21. 连续晴天,杭州玉兰花盛开。

    The successive sunny days brings the blooming of Yulan Flower.

  22. 紫玉兰苗木的年生长规律

    Study on Annul Growth Dynamics of Magnolia liliflora Seedlings

  23. 玉兰花开吸引了许多燕子。

    The magnolias are in blossom and they attract many swallows.

  24. 东莞玉兰大剧院工程建设成套技术

    Dongguan Yulan Opern Whole Set Building Technology

  25. 玉兰油润白亮采眼部精华露

    Olay White Radiance Eye Cream

  26. 春天又到了,园中的玉兰也开了。

    Spring came around again, the garden's Magnolia has also opened.

  27. 好的妈妈, 这种是玉兰油护肤霜。

    Fine, mam, this isOil of Moisture Protection Creme.

  28. 望春玉兰精油化学成分研究。

    Study of the chemical constitution of essential oils from Magnolia biondii Pamp.

  29. 我在睡觉前用玉兰油洗面奶洗脸。

    I use estee Olay's face wash before I go to bed.

  30. 华盛顿国家植物园, 荷花玉兰上的花萤

    Cantharidae on Magnolia grandiflora, National Arboretum, Washington, D. C.


  1. 问:玉兰拼音怎么拼?玉兰的读音是什么?玉兰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玉兰的读音是yùlán,玉兰翻译成英文是 Magnolia denudata

  2. 问:玉兰片拼音怎么拼?玉兰片的读音是什么?玉兰片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玉兰片的读音是yùlánpiàn,玉兰片翻译成英文是 a sun-baked fresh bamboo shoot

  3. 问:玉兰组拼音怎么拼?玉兰组的读音是什么?玉兰组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玉兰组的读音是yùlán zǔ,玉兰组翻译成英文是 Sect.; Yulania

  4. 问:玉兰亚属拼音怎么拼?玉兰亚属的读音是什么?玉兰亚属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玉兰亚属的读音是yùlán yàshǔ,玉兰亚属翻译成英文是 Subgen.; Yulania

  5. 问:玉兰指环虫拼音怎么拼?玉兰指环虫的读音是什么?玉兰指环虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玉兰指环虫的读音是yùlánzhǐhuánchóng,玉兰指环虫翻译成英文是 Dactylogyrus magnolium

  6. 问:玉兰叶木姜子拼音怎么拼?玉兰叶木姜子的读音是什么?玉兰叶木姜子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玉兰叶木姜子的读音是yùlányè mùjiāngzǐ,玉兰叶木姜子翻译成英文是 Litsea magnoliifolia

  7. 问:玉兰花篮石藻拼音怎么拼?玉兰花篮石藻的读音是什么?玉兰花篮石藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玉兰花篮石藻的读音是yùlánhuā lánshízǎo,玉兰花篮石藻翻译成英文是 Scyphosphaera magnolia-flosa



“玉兰”是个多义词,它可以指玉兰(辛夷), 玉兰(木兰科木兰属植物), 玉兰(木兰科玉兰亚属植物), 玉兰(玉兰李渔), 玉兰(公司名), 玉兰(《水浒传》人物), 玉兰(2007年日本电影), 玉兰(杨瑞芬作品)。