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倾斜的地方:山~。下~。倾斜:~道。~降(jiàng )(a.坡;b.坡度)。……
汉语拼音:yáng pō
唐 杜甫 《秦州杂诗》之十三:“瘦地翻宜粟,阳坡可种瓜。” 仇兆鳌 注引 杜田 曰:“ 毛文锡 《茶谱》:‘ 宣州 宣城县 有 坞如山 ,其东为朝日所烛,号曰阳坡。’” 宋 王安石 《文师种松》诗:“阳坡风暖雪初融,度谷遥看积翠重。”《新华月报》1961年第12期:“干旱阳坡以及土层过薄的地区,只能采用轻度择伐方式,进行天然更新。”
The monthly mean of air relative humidity in shady slope was hyper to it in sunny slope with same dumping years.
对于排矸年限相同、坡向不同的样地,阴坡的月平均相对湿度高于阳坡。The depth of the vertical distribution of both leading roots and absorbing roots on half shady slope was larger than on half sunny slope.
在半阴坡立地上,无论是疏导性根还是吸收性根,垂直分布深度均明显较半阳坡大;It's a sun-plant usually growing across the edge of forest or in the valley, the leaves of which are divided into sun-leaf and shade-leaf.
在林缘、山谷阳坡生长,有阳叶、阴叶之分,是湖南省植被的一个广布种。Meadows among scattered thickets on slopes, grassy places on sunny slopes. Hebei, Henan, Nei Mongol, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan.
在星散的山坡灌丛,在阳坡上的长满草的地方中的草甸。河北,河南,内蒙古,陕西,山西,四川。Gobi desert, saline soils in deserts, sunny slopes. N Xinjiang [Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia (W Siberia)].
戈壁沙漠,在沙漠,阳坡的含盐土地。新疆北部[哈萨克斯坦,蒙古,俄罗斯(西西伯利亚)]。The vegetation and the biodiversity index of shade slops and south-facing slopes all showed the tendency of increasing with elevation.
该区植被及其生物多样性指数在阴坡和阳坡均表现出随海拔升高而增大的趋势;Dry sunny slopes, limestone mountain valleys; low to medium elevations. Gansu, Henan, Shaanxi.
干燥阳坡,石灰石山谷;低到中等海拔。甘肃,河南,陕西。The site type in the top of slope is hard to restore, especially in sunny slope.
坡的上部植被较难恢复,尤其是阳坡;Thickets, moist meadows on sunny slopes. Liaoning [Korea, Japan].