







汉语拼音:fù gǔ








  1. 恢复旧的制度、习俗等。

    《诗·小雅·车攻序》:“《车攻》, 宣王 復古也。” 唐 元稹 《制诰序》:“追而序之,盖所以表明天子之復古而张后来者之趣尚耳。” 清 俞樾 《茶香室丛钞·赵子昂尚书集注序》:“ 秦 火之后,《乐》遂无復存。《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《乐》、《春秋》,由 汉 以来,诸儒有意復古,殷勤收拾,而作伪者出焉。” 周恩来 《在中华全国文学艺术工作者代表大会上的政治报告》二:“我们如果认为旧文艺什么都好,什么都保存,那样就会走到复古的路上去了。”



  1. It has a very stylized look to it, including thousands of rivets and a very retro aesthetic.

  2. JANUARY JONES While retro-cool, this Lanvin gown was just a little too dour for such a festive night.

  3. Retro furnishings, slow-whirling ceiling fans and old mosaic tiles make it a favorite setting for local films.

  4. You want me to wear that old dress to the ball? I'll have egg on my face for years! ---But vintage is stylish now.

  5. Nothing gets me in the mood for a little retro post- apocalyptic science fiction action-adventure like a little operatic chanting.

  6. What he might not be able to overcome is the dated nature of the musical.

  7. Mary Janes are retro-style ladies' shoes which feature rounded toes and a strap across the top of the foot to hold the shoe in place.

  8. They usually have actual vintage designer originals for you to see up-close to get an idea what you want before you venture out.

  9. A stylist shaped my hair into a retro look: shorn to the width of a nickel on the sides, parted far to the side on top.


  1. 手工艺复古

    handicraft revival.

  2. 戴复古年谱

    The Chronicle of Dai Fugu

  3. 他主张复古。

    He advocated reverting to old ways.

  4. 红木家具, 复古风格。

    The mahogany furniture recovers the traditional classic style.

  5. 红木家具,复古风格。

    The mahogany furniture recovers the traditional classic style.

  6. 复古游戏可流行了

    Vintage games are very in.

  7. 戴复古的生平与创作

    The Life Story and the Works of Dai Fugu

  8. 复古传统与元和诗歌

    The tradition of return to the ancients and Yuanhe poetry

  9. 我爱死复古金属制品了

    I love vintage metal work.

  10. 严羽戴复古异同论

    Similarities and Differences Between Yan Yu and Dai Fugu

  11. 请保留这个复古的成员之一。

    Please keep this one on Retro guys.

  12. 这些夏装看上去有复古风范。

    There is an olde worlde look about the clothes for summer.

  13. 李东阳复古文学思想探析

    Research on LI Dongyang's Fugu Literature Thought

  14. 换句话说,诗歌的一切,都是复古的。

    In other words, everything about poetry is atavistic.

  15. 奇怪的,复古的名字,我这样想着。

    Strange, unpopular names, I thought.

  16. 时下流行复古风格的居室装潢。

    The room decoration which represents the traditional classic style is all the rage now.

  17. 复古,普普艺术,七十年代,和卡通。

    Retro, Pop Art, Seventies, and Cartoon.

  18. 金属复古家具凸显其质感与高贵。

    Metal furniture highlights its texture and restore ancient ways noble.

  19. 白手套是既潮流又复古得装扮。

    White gloves are trendy and retro dressing.

  20. 白手套是既潮流又复古的装扮。

    White gloves are trendy and retro dressing.

  21. 这对复古夫妻喜欢护身三角绷带。

    This vintage pairs well with jockstrap.

  22. 电气接触是一个复古的防水装置!

    The electric touch is a futuristic waterproof device!

  23. 在本教程里, 我们打算制作复古效果。

    In this tutorial, were going to go a bit retro.

  24. 今日建设生态农业,不是复古,而是创新。

    Build zoology agriculture now, not be to restore ancient ways, innovate however.

  25. 有元一代,复古之声一直不绝余响。

    Yuan Dynasty, retro sound has never been more than the ring.

  26. 机动类复古未来主义是我的特长之一

    Automotive retrofuturism is one of my specialties.

  27. 少赶点时髦, 来多点好莱坞优雅复古风。

    Think less trendy, more vintage Hollywood glamour.

  28. 特点复古的创作与诠释, 色彩自然而朴实。

    To reinvent and reinterpret, their colours natural and earthy.

  29. 此系列服装整体感觉复古典雅,尽显异域风味。

    This series apparel shows off the elegance and exoticism.

  30. 你在一个全新的复古乐趣过山车寻找一套。

    You are looking at a brand new retro fun coaster set.


  1. 问:复古拼音怎么拼?复古的读音是什么?复古翻译成英文是什么?

    答:复古的读音是fùgǔ,复古翻译成英文是 go back to the old ways

  2. 问:复古主义者拼音怎么拼?复古主义者的读音是什么?复古主义者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:复古主义者的读音是,复古主义者翻译成英文是 reactionist



1、动词:恢复往古的社会秩序和习俗(摘引《金山词霸》) 复古唯美图片 2、名词:兴起旧时代的时尚元素 3、形容词:以前的、古老的