




1. 车 [chē]2. 车 [jū]车 [chē]陆地上有轮子的交通工具:火~。~驾(帝王的马车)。~裂(中国古代一种残酷的死刑,俗称“五马分尸”)。前~之鉴。用轮轴来转动的器具:纺~。水~。用水车打水:~水。指旋床或其他机器:~床。用旋……



汉语拼音:zhuàng chē








  1. 古时攻城或守城的器械。

    《旧唐书·窦建德传》:“ 建德 纵撞车抛石,机巧絶妙,四面攻城,陷之。 建德 入城,先謁 隋 萧皇后 ,与语称臣。”参见“ 撞城 ”。 明 王圻 《三才图会·器用五·撞车图说》:“撞车:上设撞木,以铁叶裹其首,逐便移徙,伺飞梯临城,则撞之。”

  2. 车辆相撞。如:撞车事故。



  1. That crash was one of the most frightening experiences of my life.


  2. "I sit right here and watch people crash all day long, " said Mohammed Nabi, who fries fresh fish in an open-air stall along the road.


  3. P has the collision accident in a year ago on this bridge, only had the piece regarding the before matter the memory.


  4. Officials said the trains were traveling at full speed and most of the passengers were asleep at the time of the crash.


  5. Squirrels himself in different ways, including the crash, hanging, self-immolation, the next . . . help smooth squirrels.


  6. The impact of the crash had smashed Heather head-first into the wind-shield--slashing her face, knocking out teeth and shattering bones.


  7. If he had survived the head injuries he got in the crash, he would have been a vegetable.


  8. Sarah: A love story of course. Who wants to see car crashes and shoot-outs when you could see a love story instead?


  9. The lack of availability of such safeguards, he said, could have played a role in Saturday's accident.


  1. 我撞车了。

    I had a collision.

  2. 汽车撞车事故

    a car crash.

  3. 什么公交撞车

    What bus crash?

  4. 列车尾追撞车

    butting collision.

  5. 撞车/ 飞机失事

    a car/ plane crash

  6. 道口撞车事故

    highway crossing collision

  7. 你和谁撞车了?

    With whom did you crash?

  8. 在上次撞车之前

    Well, before this last crash.

  9. 那是撞车的男人?

    That the man from the collision car?

  10. 出租车连撞车与人

    An accident caused by Taxi

  11. 浓雾中发生了撞车。

    The crash happened in thick fog.

  12. 这两个会撞车了。

    The two meetings clash.

  13. 就是她害我撞车的。

    She was the one that made me crash my car.

  14. 我撞车了, 可以帮我吗?

    I had an accident could you help me out?

  15. 撞车的时候他可能醉酒。

    He was probably drunk when he crashed the car.

  16. 冷门撞车获奥斯卡奖

    Crash of Oscar upsets joins short list

  17. 撞车后, 我被送往医院。

    After the crash, I was carted off to the hospital.

  18. 撞车后,我被送往医院。

    After the crash, I was carted off to the hospital.

  19. 撞车发生在一个急转弯处。

    The crash occurred on a sharp bend.

  20. 他们安然逃过了撞车事故。

    They escaped from the crash uninjured.

  21. 她在撞车事故中受伤致命。

    She was fatally wounded in a car crash.

  22. 他撞车后驾驶执照吊销了。

    His driving licence was revoked after the crash.

  23. 她故意撞车, 好得到保险费。

    She crashed the car on purpose in order to get the insurance.

  24. 她故意撞车,好得到保险费。

    She crashed the car on purpose in order to get the insurance.

  25. 他及时调转车头, 避免了撞车。

    He turned the car just in time to avoid a collision

  26. 撞车事故後, 她好像精神崩溃了。

    After the car accident, she seem to go to pieces.

  27. 在这里我还倒霉的撞车了。

    At here I also bad luck collision.

  28. 你撞车中没撞死真万幸。

    It's a marvel that you weren't killed in the car crash.

  29. 她在这次撞车中严重受伤。

    She was terribly injured in the crash.

  30. 他在撞车事故中多处受伤。

    He suffered multiple injuries in the crash.


  1. 问:撞车拼音怎么拼?撞车的读音是什么?撞车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撞车的读音是zhuàngchē,撞车翻译成英文是 collide; clash

  2. 问:撞车自杀拼音怎么拼?撞车自杀的读音是什么?撞车自杀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撞车自杀的读音是zhuàng chē zì shā,撞车自杀翻译成英文是 autocide



基本信息美国电影《撞车》是由保罗·哈吉斯执导,马特·狄龙、桑迪·牛顿、莱恩·菲利普等主演的犯罪影片。2004年9月10日在加拿大首映。该片曾获得第78届奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片。故事主题是美国社会的任何行为都会带上种族歧视的印记,这种现象是导致民间动乱的祸根。[1] 中文名 撞车 外文名 Crash 其它译名 冲击效应 出品时间 2004年 出品公司 DEJ Productions等 制片地区 美国 / 德国 导 演 保罗·哈吉斯 编 剧 保罗·哈吉斯,罗伯特·莫雷斯科 类 型 剧情 主 演 马特·狄龙,桑迪·牛顿,瑞恩·菲利普 片 长 113 分钟 上映时间 2004年9月10日 加拿大 分 级 USA:R 对白语言 英;韩;汉;西班牙;波斯语 色 彩 彩色 imdb编码 tt0375679