




1. 坊 [fāng]2. 坊 [fáng]坊 [fāng]里巷(多用于街巷的名称)。街市,市中店铺:~间。街~(邻居)。旧时标榜功德的建筑物:牌~。节义~。坊 [fáng]小手工业者的工作场所:作~。古同“防”,防范。……



汉语拼音:jiē fang







  1. 街巷;街市。

    《古尊宿语录·真净禅师语录》:“今日猎月初十,出门街坊丐者,入寮打叠。” 明 田汝成 《西湖游览志馀·熙朝乐事》:“十二月二十四日,谓之交年……自此街坊簫鼓之声,鏗鍧不絶矣。” 明 徐渭 《雌木兰》第一出:“小鬟,你瞒过老爷和奶奶,随着俺到街坊上走一回者。”《儒林外史》第十一回:“到十五日那日,同我这表姪往街坊上去看看灯。”

  2. 邻居。

    元 无名氏 《杀狗劝夫》楔子:“知他是谁好游闲谁不良,谁起风波谁要强,瞒不过邻里众街坊。”《红楼梦》第二四回:“我们好街坊,这银子是不要利钱的。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》三:“前几天本想和街坊搭伙,把它们送到口外去放青。”



  1. What will your neighbors think? My life's good. You're on your own! Even if I don't take care of you, I have to think of dad and my sister.


  2. it was too early in the morning for visitors , and besides , the equipage did not answer to that of any of their neighbours.


  3. But a neighbour reminds him to donate half of his fortune as he had vowed many years ago should his wife recover.


  4. He chose the Swiss group because he and his wife, a neighbourhood sweetheart from their native Ostend, wanted to see the world.


  5. Whenever there's any gossip in the neighbourhood, Mrs Green drinks it all in and spreads it as fast as she can.


  6. Old Liu knew everything that happened within a four block radius and was the best source of information in the neighborhood.


  7. It puzzled young Ross that his house seemed to be singled out on their street.


  8. i made the big push on saturday. that was a mistake. i had forgotten that the neighborhood children would not be in school that day.


  9. I could not escape like this old man from house and neighbourhood, but hated both, hearing every whis- per, noticing every passing glance.


  1. 使整个街坊惊恐

    alarm the whole neighbourhood

  2. 古城居住性街坊

    ancient city historical living street blocks

  3. 街坊式的居住模式

    Resiaential mode of neighbors

  4. 街坊邻里都喜欢他。

    He was liked by the whole neighborhood.

  5. 街坊全都谈论这事。

    The whole neighbourhood talked about it.

  6. 所有街坊都去开会了。

    The whole street went to the meeting.

  7. 格拉茨居住街坊, 奥地利

    Housing Development in Graz, Austria

  8. 整个街坊邻居都晓得了。

    The whole neighborhood to know!

  9. 柏林一街坊托儿所, 德国

    A Nursery in a Neighbour, Berlin, Germany

  10. 这儿的街坊们到底怎么了?

    What is happening to this neighborhood?

  11. 这儿的街坊们到底怎么了?

    What is happening to this neighborhood?

  12. 全新的邻里街坊涌现出来。

    Whole new neighbourhoods have emerged.

  13. 对整个街坊邻居都会帮助

    This is gonna be good for the whole neighborhood.

  14. 一名街坊说,这是麒麟。

    A neighbor said, this is the unicorn.

  15. 歹徒们用劫掠恫吓街坊邻居。

    Gangs terrorized the neighborhood by their depredations

  16. 我在考虑我们的街坊邻里

    I was thinking about our neighborhood.

  17. 苏州古城37号街坊的改造

    Renovation on of No. 37 Neighbourhood in Suzhou Old City

  18. 苏州古城37号街坊得改造

    Renovation on of No. 35 Neighbourhood in Suzhou Old City.

  19. 我唯一顾虑的是街坊邻居。

    My only concern would be the neighborhood.

  20. 他的行动激发了整个街坊。

    His deeds woke up the whole neighbourhood.

  21. 我唯一顾虑的是街坊邻居。

    My only concern would be the neighborhood.

  22. 我们是街坊披萨店,我们只做披萨。

    Look, we're a neighborhood pizza place. We serve pizza.

  23. 她老是说街坊邻居的坏话。

    All the time she was running down her neighbours.

  24. 街坊们都拥进来为他们祝福。

    Their neighbours all crowded in to wish them well.

  25. 铜锣湾街坊福利事务促进会

    Causeway Bay Kaifong Welfare Advancement Association

  26. 他赞同街坊们提出的好建议。

    He applauded the good will brought about in the neighborhood.

  27. 这里的街坊邻里我最熟了。

    Oh, I know the neighborhood very well.

  28. 整个街坊都在议论这件事。

    The whole neighbourhood talks about it.

  29. 噪声闹得整个街坊四邻心烦意乱

    The noise upset the entire neighborhood.

  30. 街坊都以为她是一个演员。

    All her neighbours supposed her to be an actress.


  1. 问:街坊拼音怎么拼?街坊的读音是什么?街坊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:街坊的读音是jiēfang,街坊翻译成英文是 neighbour; neighbor

  2. 问:街坊绿地拼音怎么拼?街坊绿地的读音是什么?街坊绿地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:街坊绿地的读音是jiē fāng lǜ dì,街坊绿地翻译成英文是 residential block green belt

  3. 问:街坊邻里拼音怎么拼?街坊邻里的读音是什么?街坊邻里翻译成英文是什么?

    答:街坊邻里的读音是,街坊邻里翻译成英文是 neighbors

  4. 问:街坊文教馆拼音怎么拼?街坊文教馆的读音是什么?街坊文教馆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:街坊文教馆的读音是jiē fáng wén jiào guǎn,街坊文教馆翻译成英文是 settlement house

  5. 问:街坊福利会拼音怎么拼?街坊福利会的读音是什么?街坊福利会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:街坊福利会的读音是,街坊福利会翻译成英文是 Kaifong associations

  6. 问:街坊工友服务处拼音怎么拼?街坊工友服务处的读音是什么?街坊工友服务处翻译成英文是什么?

    答:街坊工友服务处的读音是,街坊工友服务处翻译成英文是 Neighbourhood and Workers Service Centre...



【拼音】 街坊

【拼音】jiē fang

【释义】 1、[block]∶街巷,也指城市中以道路或自然界线(如河流)划分的居住生活区 街坊邻居

【示例】明 冯梦龙 《喻世明言》第一卷:“晴云、暖雪两个丫头,一力劝主母在前楼去看看街坊景象。” 2、[neighbour] [口]∶同街巷的邻居 我们是街坊。

居住街坊 城市中由街道包围的、面积比居住小区小的、供生活居住使用的地段。以街坊作为居住区规划的结构形式,由来已久,在古代希腊、罗马和中国的城市中都曾存在过。苏联在20世纪40~50年代建造的居住区,大量采用街坊的布置形式,这对中国50年代初期的居住区规划和建设有很大影响。


规划用语 街坊是为实现“一张图管理”而建立的地域单元。以街坊为载体,进一步通过划分地块全面表达规划确定的各类强制性及指导性指标。

街坊划分时应考虑以下因素: (1)居住社区(新区)、行政街道(旧区)界限范围; (2)明确的四至及围合界线(如主次干道、河流、铁路等); (3)土地使用功能的内在关联性; (4)合理的公共设施服务半径; (5)适度的用地规模(旧城中心区以30-50公顷为宜,新区以50-100公顷为宜)。