


歪倒(dǎo ),反转,变动位置,改变:推~。~车。~卷。~滚。~腾。~工。~阅。~身。~地。~修。~建。~改。~脸。人仰马~。~江倒海(形容水势浩大,多喻力量或气势非常壮大)。~云覆雨(喻反覆无常或玩弄手段)。数量成倍的增加:~番。越过:……









汉语拼音:fān lái fù qù







  1. Dyke, at last alone and driving his team out of the town, turned the business confusedly over in his mind from end to end.

  2. As she spoke thus, she was twisting the bill about in her hands with an embarrassed air, and making creases in it with her nails.

  3. There was a storm a few nights ago, and I lay on my bed, unable to sleep .

  4. Mrs. Gerhardt persistently and monotonously turned one hand over in the other and stared at the floor.

  5. She sat before him, going over in her mind all the things she might do to raise money.

  6. Her feet icy, she twisted and turned, unable to sleep, weighed down with fear and despair.

  7. They found the man turning from side to side on his bed, still unconscious.

  8. But and so on and so on, does not see him to sleep, toss about reads that article.

  9. Their favorite record was'Lonesome Road', and they played it over and over again .


  1. 翻来复去的老问题。

    repetitive questions

  2. 翻来复去得老问题。

    repetitive questions.

  3. 他整夜翻来复去睡不着。

    He tossed about all night, unable to get to sleep.

  4. 他在床上翻来复去睡不着。

    He tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep.

  5. 我整夜在床上翻来复去睡不著。

    I couldn't sleep, but kept tossing and turning in bed all night.

  6. 依丛适自憩, 缘涧还复去。

    I lean by a tree and rest myself Or wander up and down a stream.

  7. 医生建议我明天去复检。

    The doctor advised me to have a further check-up tomorrow.

  8. 在床上翻来翻去

    toss in bed

  9. 极度痛苦地翻来翻去

    thrashing in agony

  10. 将随随便便地翻来翻去, 将丢来丢去

    bandy round

  11. 她在包里翻来翻去找眼镜。

    She scrabbled around in her bag for her glasses.

  12. 玛丽在纪念品堆里翻来翻去。

    Mary rooted around among her souvenirs.

  13. 她在抽屉里翻来翻去找铅笔。

    She rummaged about in the drawer for a pencil.

  14. 她在包里翻来翻去, 查找她的票。

    She poked about in her bag for her ticket.

  15. 他不允许邻居到他园中翻来翻去。

    He did not allow his neighbours to poke into his garden.

  16. 我父亲在厨房翻来翻去,找东西吃。

    My father was rummaging around in the kitchen looking for something to eat.

  17. 威尔逊翻来倒去摆弄着空水壶。

    Wilson rolled the empty canteen back and forth.

  18. 她在自己的包里翻来翻去找钥匙。

    She was rummaging around in her bag for her keys.

  19. 病人焦躁不安地在床上翻来滚去。

    The patient tumbled restlessly in his bed.

  20. 我感到又冷又惭愧, 在地板上翻来滚去。

    I'm cold and I'm ashamed bound and broken the floor.

  21. 我昨天晚上在床上翻来翻去睡不着觉。

    I was kind of insecure in bed last night think over the score I received on the exam.

  22. 店主冲向那堆挑剩的衣服,开始翻来翻去。

    The owner made a dive for the rejected clothing and began to snatch it this way and that.

  23. 最近我很喜欢在阳台翻来翻去,每天早上,每天中午。

    Recently I like rolling at the balcony. Every morning, every noon.

  24. 斯蒂芬因为高烧在床上烦躁不安地翻来翻去。

    Stephen was thrashing about in bed with a high temperature.

  25. 夜深了,他还没有入睡,不时在床上翻来翻去。

    It was late at night. He had not yet fallen asleep, turning over in bed from time to time.

  26. 我们要在案卷堆里翻来翻去以寻找我们所要的文件。

    We had to burrow through a mass of files to find the documents we wanted.

  27. 我们要在案卷堆里翻来翻去以寻找我们所要得文件。

    We had to burrow through a mass of files to find the documents we wanted.

  28. 夜深了,他还没有入睡,不时地在床上翻来翻去。

    It was late at night. He had not yet fallen asleep,turning over in bed from time to time.

  29. 你是不是睡不著,在枕上翻来翻去等待天亮呢?

    Do you have sleepless nights, tossing on the hot pillow, and watching for the first glint of dawn

  30. 你是不是睡不着,在枕上翻来翻去,等待天亮呢?

    Do you have sleepless nights, tossing on the hot pillow, and watching for the first glint of dawn?





名称 翻来复去 拼音 fān lái fù qù 解释 翻:翻转。形容做事多次重复 出处 宋·朱熹《朱子全书性理·理》:“横说世如此,竖说也如此。翻来复去说都如此。” 事例 鲁彦周《彩虹坪》:“他早饭也没吃,把自己关在房里,~考虑该怎么办,一时竟找不出主意。” 近义词 翻来覆去、番来复去、 反来复去 用法 作谓语、状语;指人的动作与思维反复