


1. 屈 [qū]屈 [qū]使弯曲,与“伸”相对:~曲(qū)。~折。~膝。~伸(弯曲和伸直,引申为失意和得意)。首~一指。卑躬~膝。低头,降服:~服。~从。威武不~。冤枉,叫人不痛快:冤~。委~。~辱。~才。~就(受委屈而担任某种职务,……









汉语拼音:qū zhǐ yī suàn








屈指一算 [qū zhǐ yī suàn]
  1. 扳着手指来算。




  1. The stock market has been bear for three years. The weighted index falls to the history low.


  1. 屈指算, 预产期也就一个月后, 也许小生命的降临还要提前。

    Flexor calculation, also one month after childbirth, and perhaps even ahead of the arrival of young lives.

  2. 让我算一算。

    Let me do some calculations.

  3. 我替您算一算。

    I'll calculate that for you.

  4. 算一算你花了多少钱。

    Reckon how much you have spent.

  5. 请算一算我欠你多少。

    Please figure out how much I owe you.

  6. 请帮我算一算我的所得税。

    Please help me to figure out my income tax.

  7. 两人屈指算了一下, 相视而笑。

    The two of them counted it out on their fingers, looked at each other and smiled.

  8. 你把表格中的百分率算一算。

    You work a percentage in a table.

  9. 我们用抑扬符表示一算符。

    We use a circumflex to indicate an operator.

  10. 现在你算一算看得多少分。

    Now count up and see the points you've scored.

  11. 请你算一算水果一共多少钱?

    Could you please calculate altogether how much money

  12. 请你算一算我该付多少钱?

    Please reckon up how much I must pay.

  13. 他说正屈指算着你什么时候回家。

    He says he's counting the very hours until come home.

  14. 算一算费用, 看看我们的钱是否够。

    Figure out the expenses and see if we hayed enough money.

  15. 掐指一算,咱们已经一年没见了。

    Counting on my fingers, I see we haven't met for a year.

  16. 掐指一算,咱们已经一年没见了。

    Counting on my fingers, I see we haven't met for a year.

  17. 算一算费用,看看我们得钱是否够。

    Figure out the expenses and see if we hayed enough money.

  18. 这是一个月前,所以你可以算一算。

    That was a month ago, so you can do the math.

  19. 我有一笔小小的帐要和您算一算。

    I have a little account to settle with you.

  20. 请你算一算体育场的周长是多少米?

    Work out how long the perimeter of the playground.

  21. 请你算一算体育场得周长是多少米?

    Work out how long the perimeter of the playground.

  22. 仔细一算,每天的事儿还挺多。

    I have a really good day today.

  23. 你自己算一算有几个星期吧。我说。

    You can calculate for yourself,'I said.

  24. 尽管一算稿费不少,但总是高兴不起来。

    Although the fees charged by an operator, but do not always happy.

  25. 我粗粗一算,今天将近挣了一千块钱。

    After a rough count,I found that today I have made nearly 1,000 yuan.

  26. 我粗粗一算,今天将近挣了一千块钱。

    After a rough count, I found that today I have made nearly 1,000 yuan.

  27. 碧霞元君一算,知是小白龙作怪。

    Bixia Yuanjun one count, are known to haunt the small Bailong.

  28. 每个大脑中有多少神经元,我们可以算一算。

    each brain was made of, we could do the math.

  29. 节食得时候, 算一算所吃下得热量是很重要得。

    Counting the number of calories you eat is important when dieting.

  30. 屈指算来,已是深冬,阴历腊月的脚步在蹒跚走来。

    Calculating by heart, it's late winter, and the last month of the lunar year is coming hitchily.


屈指一算,是一个成语。出自“蒋光慈《弟兄夜话》:‘江霞走着走着,忽然动了乡情,屈指一算,离家已是六年了。’” 是“扳着指头一算”的意思。