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汉语拼音:céng yán
见“ 层巖 ”。
亦作“ 层岩 ”。高耸的山岩。
北魏 郦道元 《水经注·巨马水》:“层巖壁立,直上干霄,远望崖侧,有若积刀。” 唐 骆宾王 《出石门》诗:“层巖远接天,絶岭上栖烟。” 宋 文同 《夏日闲书墨君堂壁》诗:“层岩敞户外,浅瀨流窗前。” 元 吴莱 《泰山高寄陈彦正》诗:“世人欲上不可上,层巖峭壁徒攀缘。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·茅麓山》:“诸将皆於层巖陡壁间,草衣卉服,攀援荆葛而进。”
Junggar basin is one of the largest basin where geologic structures, reservoirs lithologies and types are complex and variable.
新疆准噶尔盆地的地质构造、储层岩性及油藏类型均具有复杂多变的特点。This paper presents results of a physical model of geo-model material under multi-stage excavation of the slope.
用地质力学模型试验方法,对顺层岩质边坡进行开挖破坏试验。The landslide at center street of Huitong county is one of the deep layer cutting fault, there is a large hidden disaster at this district.
会同县城中心街滑坡是一个深层切层岩质滑坡,隐患巨大。And then combining with conventional well logging data, the fine division of reservoir lithology of igneous rock can be realized.
火成岩结构和火成岩构造识别后,与常规测井资料结合,实现了火成岩储层岩性的精细划分。The reservoirs encountered are of complex lithology consisting of authegenic clays, heavy minerals and feldspathic sands.
这里的储层岩性复杂,它包含了内源性粘土、重矿物质和长石砂等。Experiences in the past have been indicated that the bedding rock slope has been the most destructive and hazardous slope.
过去的工程实践表明,顺层岩质边坡是破坏最多、危害最大的一种边坡。The distortion process of the rock bedded slope with weak structure surface is analyzed by RFPA-slope limited element procedure.
使用RFPA边坡版有限元分析程序分析含软弱结构面的顺层岩质边坡的变形破坏情况。The superficial rock weathering in slope results in strength abasement and rock creeps are key factors that affect slope stability.
此外,边坡浅层岩体风化导致岩体强度降低,边坡岩体出现蠕变性也是影响边坡稳定性的重要因素。Combined with log response, it can be identified efficiently by gamma ray logging curve, neutron logging curve and density logging curve.