




1. 处 [chǔ]2. 处 [chù]处 [chǔ]居住:穴居野~。存在,置身:设身~地。~心积虑。~世。跟别人一起生活,交往:融洽相~。决定,决断:~理。对犯错误或有罪的人给予相当的惩戒:~罚。~决。止,隐退:~暑。处 [chù]地方:……



汉语拼音:sī chǔ






  1. 犹独居。


  2. 男女阴部。旧题 汉 无名氏《杂事秘辛》:“﹝ 商莹 ﹞胸乳菽发,脐容半寸许珠,私处坟起。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·白萍》:“一夜伎忽来就,相与共寝。鼾睡间私处痛如刀割,大呼晕絶,同人惊起来探,已失势之所在。”



  1. Your weenie is out in the wind for everyone to see!


  2. Or it was said that it is the exterior of the private parts; or the private part itself, whether of a man or a woman.


  3. So, the man to know more private place care, the following is to tell your man in 6 big private nursing taboo! ! ! ! !


  4. On the adult networking site Fantasti. cc, 36 percent of men use an image of a penis as their avatar; only 5 percent of women use a vagina.


  5. As Min know, to see a private part of the blood flow down.


  6. Start off by sliding your tongue along the vulva to the clitoris and along the borders of your lover's vagina.


  7. The Brazilian bikini wax is torture. To show a little appreciation, you could trim your nose hair. And your nut sack.


  8. Perhaps the most obvious safe-sex-toy discussion starts with the question, "Exactly what chemicals am I exposing my nether regions to? "


  9. Anytime sperm gets anywhere near a girl's privates she can become pregnant although it is less likely to happen without penetration.


  1. 我的私处在飞翔

    basically saying, my private parts are flying.

  2. 嘲笑我摸了男人私处

    About my hands on a man's parts.

  3. 用私处去钓食人鱼

    use your private parts as Piranha bait

  4. 我指的是关于我私处的问题。

    By which I mean the matter is my privates.

  5. 即便是私处也不及嘴唇敏感。

    Even genitals aren't as sensitive as lips.

  6. 都是她的私处害你神魂颠倒!

    That's her pussy talking! It ain't your brain!

  7. 告诉我说不要玩弄私处,但是。

    And told me not to play with the parts, but.

  8. 他自己出了紧急状况,在他的私处

    He's the emergency himself. It's on his person.

  9. 他们为什么对我的私处如此着迷呢?

    Why are they obsessed with my private parts?

  10. 比如在男得私处挂上个汽车电池?

    Like hooking a car battery up to a guy's privates?

  11. 只有碰到他们私处的时候才咬你。

    They only bite when you touch their private parts.

  12. 你的腿也不打蜡为什么要给私处打蜡呢?

    You don't get your legs waxed so why wax your vagina?

  13. 你的私处吹著风,让大家都看到了!

    Your weenie is out in the wind for everyone to see!

  14. 正如敏知道的一样, 看到了私处往下流的血。

    As Min know, to see a private part of the blood flow down.

  15. 你说他把帽子摘了用嘴在她私处游弋?

    You're saying he took off his hat, and explores there with his mouth ?

  16. 打开淋浴开关,洗脸,花大部分的时间清洗私处。

    Turn on shower. Wash face. Spend majority of time washing privates.

  17. 鳄鱼立刻张大了嘴, 他的私处一点都没有受伤。

    The gator opens wide, and he removes his genitals unscathed.

  18. 一个黑方块附在影片上, 以遮住他的私处。

    A black square has been added to the footage to cover his private parts.

  19. 他们看到一幅裸体女人的画,女人私处用树叶挡着。

    They find a picture a naked woman with only her private parts covered with leaves.

  20. 从她的私处开始你的舌头要游走在豆豆, 洞洞周边。

    Start off by sliding your tongue along the vulva to the clitoris and along the borders of your lovers vagina.

  21. 你只有把这只鞋拿去盖住你的私处了。他告诉她。

    You'll have to put this between your legs to cover it up, he told her.