




1. 衣 [yī]衣 [yī]人穿在身上用以蔽体的东西:~服。~着(zhuó)。~冠。~架。~锦还(huān)乡。披或包在物体外面的东西:炮~。糖~。肠~。中医把胎盘和胎膜统称为“胞衣”。姓。……



汉语拼音:tuō yī








  1. 脱掉衣服。

    《国语·齐语》:“脱衣就功,首戴茅蒲,身衣襏襫,霑体涂足。” 韦昭 注:“脱,解也。”《后汉书·王霸传》:“ 霸 善抚士卒,死者脱衣以殮之,伤者恭亲以养之。”《南齐书·张融传》:“后 超民 孙 微 ,冬月遭母丧,居贫, 融 往吊之。悉脱衣以为賻,披牛被而反。”

  2. 《史记·淮阴侯列传》:“﹝ 项王 使 武涉 往説 韩王信 ,﹞ 韩信 谢曰:‘臣事 项王 ,官不过郎中,位不过执戟,言不听,画不用,故倍 楚 而归 汉 。

    汉王 授我上将军印,予我数万众,解衣衣我,推食食我,言听计用,故吾得以至於此。夫人深亲信我,我倍之不祥,虽死不易。’”后因以“脱衣”喻慷慨施惠。 宋 李清照 《上枢密韩肖胄》诗:“ 胡公 清德人所难,谋同德协必志安,脱衣已被 汉 恩暖,离歌不道 易水 寒。”



  1. The same is often true for strippers: Customers will pay dancers to simply sit and talk with them.


  2. He paid the company $155 for a girl to give him a lap dance and a further $120 for a sex act.


  3. canadian man has sued a vancouver - area strip club , claiming he was injured by a " reckless " exotic dancer who kicked him in the head.


  4. And that's how you know America is a great country, when your Supreme Court justice has the same back story as your lap dancer.


  5. Why on earth would a man take a woman to a strip club if he were trying to get off with her?


  6. By the age of six, the young Jacksons were playing strip clubs and burlesque palaces - the only venues open to them in Gary.


  7. What I see as a sub-context in the latest project is how much power the stripper has.


  8. Since April this year there had been a fightback from councils after new legislation re-classified the clubs as "sex entertainment venues" .


  9. A pair of adhesive patches used to conceal a woman's nipples and worn principally by Exotic dancers or striptease performers.


  1. 他脱衣洗浴。

    He stripped for a bath.

  2. 有脱衣舞女吗?

    And strippers?

  3. 脱衣总行了吧

    But can I undress you?

  4. 她为婴儿脱衣。

    She disarrayed her baby.

  5. 脱衣舞夜总会

    strip club

  6. 跳脱衣舞的人

    exotic dancer.

  7. 脱衣进行体格检查

    Strip for a physical examination

  8. 你是脱衣舞女吗?

    Are you the stripper?

  9. 你是脱衣舞女吗?

    Are you the stripper?

  10. 卖弄色相的脱衣舞

    meat show

  11. 那个脱衣舞女罗宾?

    Robin the stripper?

  12. 要不要练习脱衣牌?

    Wanna play strip poker for practice ?

  13. 我帮孩子们脱衣就寝。

    I helped to undress the children for bed.

  14. 大家纷纷脱衣摘帽。

    One by one, they shed their clothing and take off their hats.

  15. 明白了吧?是脱衣舞女

    See? Strippers.

  16. 跳舞者表演了脱衣舞。

    The dancer did a strip.

  17. 你原来是个脱衣舞女?

    So you used to be a stripper?

  18. 是的,我以前是脱衣舞女。

    Yes, I was a stripper.

  19. 记着 脱衣舞不是舞蹈

    And remember,stripping isn't dancing.

  20. 他们以为我们是脱衣舞女!

    They think we're strippers!

  21. 广告牌的脱衣舞夜总会吗

    with all those billboards around town?

  22. 都穿的象脱衣舞女郎。

    They all dress like strippers.

  23. 有时候玩脱衣扑克什么的。

    Sometimes we play strip poker and stuff.

  24. 脱衣舞女的岁数都大了。

    The strippers were older.

  25. 两个天使伺候他脱衣入

    Two angels undressed and bathed him.

  26. 跳脱衣舞来取悦她丈夫

    how to give her husband a lap dance.

  27. 你就在跳脱衣拉丁舞了。

    You're salsa dancing in your knickers.

  28. 请不要在众人面前脱衣。

    Please don't undress in front of everybody!

  29. 我想去脱衣舞夜总会!

    I wanted to go to the strip club!

  30. 我从来没有做过脱衣舞娘。

    Ive never been a stripper.


  1. 问:脱衣服拼音怎么拼?脱衣服的读音是什么?脱衣服翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱衣服的读音是Tuō yīfu,脱衣服翻译成英文是 to take one's clothes off

  2. 问:脱衣拼音怎么拼?脱衣的读音是什么?脱衣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱衣的读音是,脱衣翻译成英文是 undressing

  3. 问:脱衣舞拼音怎么拼?脱衣舞的读音是什么?脱衣舞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱衣舞的读音是,脱衣舞翻译成英文是 Striptease

  4. 问:脱衣裤拼音怎么拼?脱衣裤的读音是什么?脱衣裤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱衣裤的读音是tuō yī kù,脱衣裤翻译成英文是 ecdysiasm

  5. 问:脱衣搜查拼音怎么拼?脱衣搜查的读音是什么?脱衣搜查翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱衣搜查的读音是tuō yī sōu chá,脱衣搜查翻译成英文是 strip search

  6. 问:脱衣舞女拼音怎么拼?脱衣舞女的读音是什么?脱衣舞女翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱衣舞女的读音是,脱衣舞女翻译成英文是 ecdysiast

  7. 问:脱衣舞孃拼音怎么拼?脱衣舞孃的读音是什么?脱衣舞孃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱衣舞孃的读音是,脱衣舞孃翻译成英文是 Stripper

  8. 问:脱衣舞男拼音怎么拼?脱衣舞男的读音是什么?脱衣舞男翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱衣舞男的读音是,脱衣舞男翻译成英文是 Male stripper