




1. 倡 [chàng]2. 倡 [chāng]倡 [chàng]发动,首先提出:~言,~始。~议。~导。提~。首~(首先提倡)。古同“唱”,唱和(hè)。倡 [chāng]古代称唱戏的人:~优。古同“娼”,妓女。……


数名,十个十(在钞票和单据上常用大写“佰”代):~步穿杨。~儿八十。~分比。喻很多:~草。~货。~姓(人民)。~般。~炼成钢。~无聊赖。~废俱兴(xīng )。……


1. 和 [hé]2. 和 [hè]3. 和 [huó]4. 和 [huò]5. 和 [hú]和 [hé]相安,谐调:~美。~睦。~谐。~声。~合(a.和谐;b.古代神话中象征夫妻相爱的两个神)。~衷共济。平静:温~。祥~。~平。~气。~悦……



汉语拼音:yī chàng bǎi hè







  • 【解释】:和:呼应,附和。一人首倡,百人附和。形容附和的人极多。
  • 【出自】:清·江藩《汉学师承记·惠周惕》:“郢书燕说,一倡百和。”
  • 【示例】:有年老者,以为财神变相,亟以香烛净茶祝而送之,~,比户皆然,喧闹半时。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语;含褒义


  1. na.
  2. One person proposes and a hundred others respond.;all following one leader;One leads, and the rest follow (

  3. as in a chorus).

  1. 对于这种事情, 人们一倡百和。

    On such matters one person proposes and a hundred others respond.

  2. 一响起这首歌, 一倡百和, 大家都很喜欢。

    When one starts singing the song, all the others join in, everybody likes it.

  3. 一响起这首歌,一倡百和,大家都很喜欢。

    When one starts singing the song, all the others join in, everybody likes it.

  4. 我可以周一和梅洛迪谈

    I can talk to Melody on Monday.

  5. 我通常周一和周五在这儿。

    I'm usually here on Mondays and Fridays.

  6. 周一和周二仅接受预约参观。

    Mon and Tues by appointment only.

  7. 烟人和怪物是一和相同的。

    The smoke creature and the monster are one and the same.

  8. 每周一和周五穿白色运动鞋。

    Wear white sports shoes every Monday and Friday.

  9. 我上早班是在周一和周三。

    My early days are Mondays and Wednesdays.

  10. 当然。我们周一和周四上体育课。

    Sure. We have PE on Mondays and Thursdays.

  11. 以后我们会在周一和周三上课。

    But thereafter we will indeed be Monday, Wednesday.

  12. 他们一和群众接触,就有了自信。

    They catch assurance from their contact with the public.

  13. 我安排到下个周一和你见面。

    I have you on my calendar for next Monday.

  14. 每周一和周四,我都要学习如何死去。

    On Mondays and Thursdays, I learn how to die.

  15. 梦始终是一和幻想, 成就终需自己努力。

    Dream always is an and imagination, achieve eventually need the oneself effort.

  16. 那我干嘛还付你们周一和周二的薪水?

    So why do I pay you guys for Monday and tuesday?

  17. 好吧,请帮我注册周一和周三的那个班。

    Okay, sign me up for the class on Monday and Wednesday.

  18. 需求的细节载于本说明的附件一和二中。

    The details of the requirements are contained in annexes I and II to the present statement.

  19. 促进前进应该是你这周周一和周二的重点。

    Facilitating forward movement should be on top of your priority list on Monday and Tuesday.

  20. 只有每周一和周二才有凌晨2点的早班车。

    Early morning departure of 2am on Mondays and Tuesdays only.

  21. 每个周一和周四,我会好好利用我的终结日。

    Every Monday and Thursday, I'm going use my terminal days.

  22. 尤其在口语考试时,你需要一对一和考官面谈。

    Especially, in an oral exam because you have to talk to the examiner face to face alone.

  23. 我们每星期出团两次, 每周一和周三早上出发。

    We have two tours each week, leaving Monday and Wednesday mornings.

  24. 各国必须接受附则一和二, 其余的附则是任择性的。

    States must accept annexes I and II, the remainder are optional.

  25. 每周一和周五, 我都会在剑桥大学教授生物课。

    I teach biology at Cambridge University every Monday and Friday.

  26. 每周一和周五,我都会在剑桥大学教授生物课。

    I teach biology at Cambridge University every Monday and Friday.

  27. 下面是雷霆、开拓者和马刺在周一和周三的比赛日程。

    Here are the respective remaining schedules of OKC, POR and S.A., which.

  28. 我想啊,可是每次一和他说话 都是以吵架收场。

    I want to, but every time we talk, it turns into a fight.

  29. 在周一和周二,有人在你急噪狂暴的时候给你意见。

    On Monday and Tuesday, someone is coming at you fast and furious with advice.

  30. 是的。我们每星期出团两次。每周一和周四早上出发。

    Yea. We have two tours each week, leaving Monday and Thursday mornings.


  1. 问:一倡百和拼音怎么拼?一倡百和的读音是什么?一倡百和翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一倡百和的读音是yīchàngbǎihè,一倡百和翻译成英文是 It is generally written as "一唱百和".


