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1. 抢 [qiǎng]2. 抢 [qiāng]3. 抢 [chēng]抢 [qiǎng]夺,硬拿:~劫。~夺。赶快,赶紧,争先:~先。~占。~购。~攻。刮,擦:磨剪子~菜刀。当面责备或讽刺:~白他一顿。抢 [qiāng]碰,撞:呼天~地。……
汉语拼音:qiǎng xiū
《清史稿·河渠志三》:“﹝ 雍正 ﹞六年,廵抚 李卫 请将骤决不可缓待之工,先行抢修,随后奏闻。” 杨朔 《鸭绿江南北》:“ 朴石东 他们这支铁道部队也追过 汉城 ,一路紧急抢修铁路。”
In the case of small leakage or small size perforation of gathering pipeline, field patching approach is often adopted in doing rush repair.
当集输管道泄漏或穿孔尺寸比较小时,往往采用现场补焊的方法进行抢修。I suppose it's smarter to use these rocks and build a good blind for this gun than to make a proper emplacement for it .
我看,聪明一点的办法是利用这些岩石给挺抢修一个隐蔽得很好的火力点,而不要筑一个正式的掩体。After repair, armed police officers and soldiers rushed in earth-rock covered the surface soakage burst, effectively controlled.
经连夜抢修,武警官兵用土石覆盖了决堤处的水面,险情得到有效控制。Where the power supplier failed to timely make emergency repair, thereby causing loss to the power customer, it shall be liable for damages.
未及时抢修,造成用电人损失的,应当承担损害赔偿责任。"Cooling water" , "repair the circuit" is the light of day the two sides deal with the two main Fukushima nuclear power plant accident.
“注水降温”、“抢修电路”是这两天日方处理福岛核电站事故的两大主线。There was no immediate report of damage or setbacks to the effort to bring the nuclear reactors under control.
对于这场余震是否对福岛核电站造成了破坏、或阻碍了核电站的抢修行动,目前尚无报告。The engineers are trying to repair an electrical fault .
工程师们在抢修电路故障。It was more difficult for driver because he must repair the car in the heavy storm.
司机更不容易呀,还得顶着暴风雨抢修车辆。They are trying to repair a breakdown in the refrigerate system .