







汉语拼音:shān dǐng







  1. 山的最高处。

    《尔雅·释山》:“山顶,冢。” 郭璞 注:“山颠。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·河水五》:“其山复涧重岭,敧叠若城,山顶泉流,瀑布悬泻。” 唐 刘商 《金井歌》:“瑞雪不散抱层岭,阳谷霞光射山顶。” 周立波 《山那面人家》:“翻过山顶,望见新郎的家了。”



  1. An employee attends to a light fitting in an unoccupied floor of "The Peak" office complex in London, UK, on Thursday, Jan.


  2. The trail is steep enough to get the blood flowing and yet moderate enough for one to enjoy the surrounding scenery.


  3. Then the ground began to rumble and a crashing sound came from over the top of the hill.


  4. When I got to the entrance of the Acropolis I met an old man. He told me that, today it was free. Quite a big surprise for me.


  5. Standing on top of a hill overlooking Thebes , Leto saw all this and was ready to pay back.


  6. The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight.


  7. Then, just when he thought they might not know everything, they set about shaping a snowman on the crest of the hill.


  8. On its peak stood a MAGIC stone. Through years of cultivation the stone turned into a stone monkey.


  9. "It was a wonderful feeling. Everything was below me, all the mountains and the world, when I reached the top, " he said.


  1. 山顶,顶点

    peak, acme, zenith sumptuous adj.

  2. 向山顶射击

    Shoot up at the hilltop.

  3. 笼罩着山顶

    to sheet the head of a hill.

  4. 雪覆盖山顶。

    Snow crowned the mountains.

  5. 山顶无草木

    The summit is bare of vegetation.

  6. 山顶生态效应

    hilltop ecological effect.

  7. 这里就是山顶。

    Well,this is the top.

  8. 这里就是山顶。

    Well, this is the top.

  9. 怪石嶙峋的山顶

    a craggy summit

  10. 迷雾笼罩山顶。

    The mountain top is wrapped in mist.

  11. 山顶寒风呼啸。

    A chill wind blew at the top of the hill.

  12. 山顶苔藓矮林

    summit dwarf forests.

  13. 你从山顶呼喊。

    You call from the hilltop.

  14. 雪覆盖着山顶。

    Snow crowned the mountain.

  15. 雾笼罩着山顶。

    Mist crowned the mountain.

  16. 云笼罩着山顶。

    Clouds capped the mountains.

  17. 云覆盖着山顶。

    Clouds hooded the mountain tops.

  18. 云笼罩了山顶。

    The clouds capped the mountains.

  19. 云覆盖了山顶。

    Clouds cover the top of the mountain.

  20. 山顶上缺氧。

    There was a shortage of oxygen at the top of the mountain.

  21. 夕阳映红山顶。

    The setting sun flushed the mountain tops.

  22. 我们到达了山顶。

    We won the mountain top.

  23. 我们在山顶野营。

    We tented on the hilltop.

  24. 靠近山顶的斜坡

    the upper slopes of the mountain

  25. 他们向山顶挺进。

    They breasted the mountain.

  26. 山顶上薄雾环绕。

    Mist wreathed the hilltops.

  27. 教堂位于山顶上。

    The church crested the hill.

  28. 落在荒原,落在山顶。

    Falling on mountaintop and wold.

  29. 白塔位于山顶。

    The White Tower is located at the top of the hill.

  30. 山顶高耸入云。

    The mountains reared their crests into the clouds.


  1. 问:山顶拼音怎么拼?山顶的读音是什么?山顶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山顶的读音是shāndǐng,山顶翻译成英文是 the summit of a mountain; hilltop

  2. 问:山顶站拼音怎么拼?山顶站的读音是什么?山顶站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山顶站的读音是,山顶站翻译成英文是 The Peak

  3. 问:山顶喷发拼音怎么拼?山顶喷发的读音是什么?山顶喷发翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山顶喷发的读音是,山顶喷发翻译成英文是 summit eruption

  4. 问:山顶广场拼音怎么拼?山顶广场的读音是什么?山顶广场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山顶广场的读音是,山顶广场翻译成英文是 The Peak Galleria

  5. 问:山顶水库拼音怎么拼?山顶水库的读音是什么?山顶水库翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山顶水库的读音是shān dǐng shuǐ kù,山顶水库翻译成英文是 hilltop reservoir

  6. 问:山顶水池拼音怎么拼?山顶水池的读音是什么?山顶水池翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山顶水池的读音是shān dǐng shuǐ chí,山顶水池翻译成英文是 summit pond

  7. 问:山顶缆车拼音怎么拼?山顶缆车的读音是什么?山顶缆车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山顶缆车的读音是,山顶缆车翻译成英文是 Peak Tram

  8. 问:山顶火山口拼音怎么拼?山顶火山口的读音是什么?山顶火山口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山顶火山口的读音是,山顶火山口翻译成英文是 summit crater

  9. 问:山顶矛螯蜂拼音怎么拼?山顶矛螯蜂的读音是什么?山顶矛螯蜂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山顶矛螯蜂的读音是shāndǐngmáo'áofēng,山顶矛螯蜂翻译成英文是 Lonchodryinus verticis

  10. 问:山顶 (选区)拼音怎么拼?山顶 (选区)的读音是什么?山顶 (选区)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山顶 (选区)的读音是,山顶 (选区)翻译成英文是 Peak

  11. 问:山顶公园 (香港)拼音怎么拼?山顶公园 (香港)的读音是什么?山顶公园 (香港)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:山顶公园 (香港)的读音是,山顶公园 (香港)翻译成英文是 Victoria Peak Garden



词目: 山顶图片山顶

拼音:shān dǐng基本解释[peak] 通指山的最高部位。按形态可分为平顶、圆顶、尖顶(又称山峰),在地形图上一般比较主要的山顶注有高程和表示凸起或凹入的示坡线详细解释山的最高处。《尔雅·释山》:“山顶,冢。”郭璞注:“山颠。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·河水五》:“其山复涧重岭,敧叠若城,山顶泉流,瀑布悬泻。” 唐刘商《金井歌》:“瑞雪不散抱层岭,阳谷霞光射山顶。”周立波《山那面人家》:“翻过山顶,望见新郎的家了。”