







汉语拼音:méi zhā






  1. 煤燃烧后剩下的东西。

    杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第二章:“没有事, 徐凤英 不叫她进屋,她就成天在街上,和捡煤渣的小孩一起玩。”



  1. This valve is usually used in the ventilation ducts to control the wind-conditioning or regulating emissions from coal cinder flows.


  2. But he took off his sweater and they began jogging slowly around the cinder track.


  3. The front porch steps were missing, replaced by a few cinder blocks and planks.


  4. Some cinder block walls appeared to have collapsed and most windows were shattered in the once gleaming residential block.


  5. The hands of the beggar were so dirty as if he had just muddled with cinders.


  6. At the time of the USSR's collapse he had 30 employees in his small firm, which produced cinder blocks and was expanding rapidly.


  7. The problem of methane or coal dust in a mine's air is relatively easy to solve.


  8. Open pile of coal, coal cinder and so easy to produce dust of the items, must take effective measures to prevent and control pollution.


  9. This was what the residents use for a stove. The fuel comprised coal bits as well as other bits of wood and combustible materials.


  1. 煤渣粉碎机

    cinder mill.

  2. 煤渣混凝土砖

    cinder concrete brick.

  3. 煤渣真空破碎机

    ash vacuum breaker

  4. 水泥煤渣稳定土

    cement cinder stabilized soil

  5. 煤烧成了煤渣。

    The coal has been burnt to cinders.

  6. 火电厂慢冷煤渣

    slowly cooling cinder of power plant

  7. 钙质煤渣脱硫剂

    calcareous coal ash desulfurizing agent

  8. 废弃石煤渣堆积物

    abandoned stone coal spoil

  9. 煤渣混凝土空心砌块

    cinder concrete hollow block

  10. 煤渣骨料。矿渣骨料。焦渣骨料

    cinder aggregate

  11. 把煤渣中的灰筛出来

    Sift out ashes from the cinders.

  12. 堆满火红煤渣的壁炉

    a fireplace full of glowing red cinders

  13. 石膏煤渣空心砖的试验研究

    The experimental research about hollow brick that made use of gypsum and breeze

  14. 奶牛过食煤渣引起阴道脱

    Colpocele of dairy cattle by overeating coal cinder

  15. 工人筛煤渣, 把大块筛出来。

    The workman riddled the cinders through a sieve to get out the larger pieces.

  16. 村子旁边就是许多座煤渣山。

    The mines have piled mountains of coal waste just next to the village.

  17. 她只好把煤渣中的灰筛出去。

    She had to sift ashes from the cinders.

  18. 她进来时, 我正在筛煤渣。

    I was sifting the cinders when she came in.

  19. 石煤渣制橡胶填料的研究

    Study on making rubber filler from stone coal cinder

  20. 时常有捡煤渣的人们光顾这里。

    Always there is some people come here for picking up coal cinder.

  21. 粉煤灰煤渣多孔砖的试验研究

    Test and research on fly ash cinder cellular brick

  22. 在重新点火前先把煤渣耙出来。

    Rake out the cinders before you start a new fire.

  23. 图像声纳在锅炉煤渣探测中的研究

    Research on Image Sonar in Boiler Cinder Surveying

  24. 炉火中劈啪劈啪地爆溅出煤渣。

    The fire sputtered cinders.

  25. 进口处堆满了煤渣,我们难以进入。

    The entrance was chocked up with cinders, and we had difficulty getting in.

  26. 煤渣将他得脸擦破了一层皮。

    The coal skinned his face.

  27. 煤渣将他的脸擦破了一层皮。

    The coal skinned his face.

  28. 低温煤渣火山灰活性的机理研究

    Study on volcanic ash reactivity of coal cinder at about

  29. 煤渣吸附脱除含硫气体的实验研究

    Experiment Study on Absorbing Sulphur Dioxide with Coal Cinder

  30. 利用低质粉煤灰和煤渣开发墙体砖

    Study on developing wall brick with low grade fly ash and cinder


  1. 问:煤渣拼音怎么拼?煤渣的读音是什么?煤渣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煤渣的读音是méizhā,煤渣翻译成英文是 coal slag

  2. 问:煤渣块拼音怎么拼?煤渣块的读音是什么?煤渣块翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煤渣块的读音是méi zhā kuài,煤渣块翻译成英文是 breeze block

  3. 问:煤渣的拼音怎么拼?煤渣的的读音是什么?煤渣的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煤渣的的读音是,煤渣的翻译成英文是 cindery

  4. 问:煤渣砖拼音怎么拼?煤渣砖的读音是什么?煤渣砖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煤渣砖的读音是méi zhā zhuān,煤渣砖翻译成英文是 cinder block

  5. 问:煤渣垫实拼音怎么拼?煤渣垫实的读音是什么?煤渣垫实翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煤渣垫实的读音是méi zhā diàn shí,煤渣垫实翻译成英文是 cinder fill

  6. 问:煤渣小路拼音怎么拼?煤渣小路的读音是什么?煤渣小路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煤渣小路的读音是méi zhā xiǎo lù,煤渣小路翻译成英文是 cinder path

  7. 问:煤渣砌块拼音怎么拼?煤渣砌块的读音是什么?煤渣砌块翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煤渣砌块的读音是méi zhā qì kuài,煤渣砌块翻译成英文是 cinder block

  8. 问:煤渣跑道拼音怎么拼?煤渣跑道的读音是什么?煤渣跑道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煤渣跑道的读音是,煤渣跑道翻译成英文是 dirttrack

  9. 问:煤渣路面拼音怎么拼?煤渣路面的读音是什么?煤渣路面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煤渣路面的读音是méi zhā lù miàn,煤渣路面翻译成英文是 clinker pavement

  10. 问:煤渣固结砖拼音怎么拼?煤渣固结砖的读音是什么?煤渣固结砖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煤渣固结砖的读音是méi zhā gù jié zhuān,煤渣固结砖翻译成英文是 breeze fixing brick

  11. 问:煤渣混凝土拼音怎么拼?煤渣混凝土的读音是什么?煤渣混凝土翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煤渣混凝土的读音是méi zhā hùn níng tǔ,煤渣混凝土翻译成英文是 coke breeze concrete

  12. 问:煤渣研磨机拼音怎么拼?煤渣研磨机的读音是什么?煤渣研磨机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煤渣研磨机的读音是méi zhā yán mó jī,煤渣研磨机翻译成英文是 cinder mill

  13. 问:煤渣混凝土砖拼音怎么拼?煤渣混凝土砖的读音是什么?煤渣混凝土砖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煤渣混凝土砖的读音是méi zhā hùn níng tǔ zhuān,煤渣混凝土砖翻译成英文是 cinder concrete brick

  14. 问:煤渣真空破碎机拼音怎么拼?煤渣真空破碎机的读音是什么?煤渣真空破碎机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:煤渣真空破碎机的读音是méi zhā zhēn kōng pò suì jī,煤渣真空破碎机翻译成英文是 ash vacuum breaker


