




替:~替。~办。~销。~序。~表。历史上划分的时期:时~。世~。古~。近~。现~。当(dāng )~。年~。世系的辈分:下一~。姓。……



汉语拼音:lì dài









  1. 以往各代。

    《书序》:“ 夏 、 商 、 周 之书……歷代宝之,以为大训。” 南朝 梁 陆倕 《石阙铭》:“歷代规謩,前王典故,莫不芟夷翦截,允执厥中。” 唐 杜甫 《奉送魏六丈佑少府之交广》诗:“子孙不振耀,歷代皆有之。” 明 张居正 《请申旧章饬学政以振兴人才疏》:“今后务将颁降四书五经……歷代名臣奏议、文章正宗,及当代誥律典制等书。”

  2. 经历数代。

    南朝 宋 鲍照 《松柏篇》:“松柏受命独,歷代长不衰。”《隋书·东夷传·高丽》:“歷代逋寇,一朝清荡,遐邇乂安,人神胥悦。”《儿女英雄传》第八回:“我家原歷代书香。”



  1. As a vantage point, it also attracted literati and poets of past Dynasty to climb i it to see a panoramic view of the beauty landscape.

  2. True to my surprise, It turned out that the Enlightenment from a mere one boatman, went so far as it ages better than everyone's poems.

  3. Great reformers from Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King have urged America to live up to its ideal of "freedom" .

  4. Life, read, twenty years with a "Book of General" for the account of the important works of ancient laws and institutions.

  5. He knew no poetry save that of Moore and no music except the songs of Ireland that had come down through the years.

  6. "since the Long March person" has not been all previous dynasties the border area war's tragedy, the Tang Dynasty is not exceptional.

  7. the fact did not impact the function of folk explanation and judicatory explanation in past legal explanation practices.

  8. However, the vast majority of the dynasties monarchs made a general, or to comply with far more than get rid of.

  9. As a monopolized industry, salt industry has always been a special trade stressed by the central governments throughout Chinese history.


  1. 历代领导人

    successive leaders.

  2. 历代笑话选

    Wit and Humor from Old Cathay.

  3. 历代人物画

    Figure paintings of past dynasties.

  4. 历代领导核心

    top leaders of CCPC.

  5. 历代绘画展

    an exhibition of paintings down the ages.

  6. 历代笔记小说

    the note novels of the history.

  7. 香港历代发展

    Dynastic Development of Hong Kong

  8. 历代封建王朝

    the feudal dynasties of past ages.

  9. 历代中央政权

    central governments of all dynasties.

  10. 历代班禅喇嘛

    Panchen Lamas of successive generations.

  11. 历代音乐选粹

    HAM Historical Anthology of Music.

  12. 历代名家学说

    doctrines of various historical schools.

  13. 历代文人咏沂蒙

    Scholars Chant of Yimeng Through the Ages

  14. 历代中央领导集体

    the central leading groups

  15. 历代著名画家介绍

    introduction of famous painters through the ages

  16. 历代珍贵绘画欣赏

    appreciation of precious paintings through the ages

  17. 历代地理指掌图

    Atlas of the Past Dynasties

  18. 历代皇室占用的土地

    terrae regis

  19. 历代名臣奏议

    Memorials Submitted to the Throne by Important Officials for Successive Dynasties.

  20. 珍重历代的文化遗产

    value the cultural heritage of the past

  21. 历代妈祖诗咏辑注

    Collection of Poems in Praise of Mazu during the Past Dynasties

  22. 历代澎湖志书的编纂

    The compilation of penghu local records

  23. 善于撷取历代医案之精华

    Extracting Essences from Previous Medical Records

  24. 历史记载历代重要的事件。

    History chronicles important events of the past.

  25. 我们珍重历代的文化遗产。

    We set great store on the cultural heritage of the past.

  26. 历代人性论及其现代意义

    The Subject of Human Nature of Ages and Its Modern Significance

  27. 历代大诗人, 忧愁催人老,

    The great poets through the ages

  28. 历代乐律志之钟律考

    Study of Zhong Lv from the Yue Lv Zhi of the Past Dynasties

  29. 历代定窑白瓷的研究

    An investigation on Ding white porcelain of successive dynasties

  30. 广西历代石刻档案述略

    A Summary of the Carved Stone Archives in the History of Guangxi


  1. 问:历代拼音怎么拼?历代的读音是什么?历代翻译成英文是什么?

    答:历代的读音是lìdài,历代翻译成英文是 successive generations

  2. 问:历代志拼音怎么拼?历代志的读音是什么?历代志翻译成英文是什么?

    答:历代志的读音是Lìdàizhì,历代志翻译成英文是 Books of Chronicles, commonly known as 1 Chronic...

  3. 问:历代英王拼音怎么拼?历代英王的读音是什么?历代英王翻译成英文是什么?

    答:历代英王的读音是lì dài yīng wáng,历代英王翻译成英文是 rulers of England

  4. 问:历代记第一本书拼音怎么拼?历代记第一本书的读音是什么?历代记第一本书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:历代记第一本书的读音是lìdàijì dìyīběn shū,历代记第一本书翻译成英文是 Chronicle-First Book of Chronicles



历代,指以往各代。语出南朝 宋 鲍照 《松柏篇》:“松柏受命独,历代长不衰。”