




1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……



汉语拼音:duàn dǎ







  1. 锻造锤打。




  1. He asked for 1000. Generally speaking, how much is reasonable for such a thing? Is there forged pattern?


  2. A Jian got just now, everybody take a look it's forging or not?


  3. The company owns the advanced production equipments, including the CNC lathe, automatic lathe, the forging , twist thread machine.


  4. Being made of metal, the work tries to express aesthetic appreciation of China's freehand brushwork in modern metal sculpture.


  5. Disaster, with its relentless way again Duanda the Chinese nation to see healthy bones and tendons.


  6. The invention relates to a hammer ram used frequently in forging and construction field.


  7. If the aerosiderite contains the other ingredients which is not uniform, then when manufacture it whether passes through collapse and forge?


  8. 5 on forging connectors mould, we provide air hammer caused and pictures, the buyer and arbitrary sample, we choose to reasonable quotation.


  9. How about the mutual influence between veins and aerosiderite 's veins which pass through collapse and forge?


  1. 用铁锤锻打

    To forge with a tilt hammer.

  2. 折叠锻打产生的花纹与陨铁花纹之间的互相影响如何?

    How about the mutual influence between veins and aerosiderite's veins which pass through collapse and forge?

  3. 设计及制作一把锻打刀时应考虑并反映下面的准则。

    The following guidelines should be reflected upon and taken into consideration when designing and constructing a forged knife.

  4. 一种熔炉或熔床,金属可在其上高温加热并锻打成形

    a furnace or hearth where metals are heated or wrought

  5. 锻铁炉一种熔炉或熔床,金属可在其上高温加热并锻打成形

    A furnace or hearth where metals are heated or wrought a smithy.

  6. 锻打在钢丝绳生产中的应用

    Application of Beating to Wire Rope Production

  7. 锻打广式不锈钢法兰球阀

    Forged Guang stainless steel flanged ball valve

  8. 锻打后并未打磨, 有少量损耗。

    Slight weight loss with no polishing yet.

  9. 锻打广式碳钢法兰球阀

    Forged Guang carben steel flanged ball valve

  10. 不断退火, 锻打, 直到割痕消失。

    Repeating annealing and forging till cutting marks were gone.

  11. 年轻人要不停地锻打才能进步。

    Young people need to be put under great pressure in order to make constant progress.

  12. 年轻人要不停地锻打才能进步。

    Young people need to be put under great pressure in order to make constant progress.

  13. 比起锻打楼梯,铸铁楼梯显得略微稳重。

    Compared to produce staircase, cast iron staircase seems slightly staid.

  14. 束铁把铁片或钢片焊接或锻打成条形

    A bundle of pieces of iron or steel to be welded or hammered into bars.

  15. 才拿的一把剑, 大伙给看看是否锻打?

    A Jian got just now, everybody take a look it's forging or not?

  16. 以锻打而使之尖锐, 也不能永保其锋利。

    Constant hammering and whetting will not ensure a sharp blade.

  17. 是符合我国国情得铁艺锻打加盟培训业得航空母舰。

    It is a training center, like a carrier, for chain stores for iron art forging.

  18. 是符合我国国情的铁艺锻打加盟培训业的航空母舰。

    It is a training center, like a carrier, for chain stores for iron art forging.

  19. 冷打或锻用碳纲化学成分表

    Carbon Steel Wire Rod for Cold Heading and Cold Forging

  20. 将金属等在锻铁炉上高温加热并锤打成形

    to form by heating in a forge and beating or hammering into shape

  21. 打, 锻制将金属等在锻铁炉上高温加热并锤打成形

    To form by heating in a forge and beating or hammering into shape.


  1. 问:锻打拼音怎么拼?锻打的读音是什么?锻打翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锻打的读音是duàndǎ,锻打翻译成英文是 To forge and hammer.

  2. 问:锻打机拼音怎么拼?锻打机的读音是什么?锻打机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锻打机的读音是duàn dǎ jī,锻打机翻译成英文是 swaging machine



【拼音】 duàn dǎ

【注音】ㄉㄨㄢˋ ㄉㄚˇ

【条目】 锻打(锻打)

【引证解释】锻造锤打。《花城》1981年第3期:“她和工人们一块抡起大锤锻打炉口,炉条和道钉。”如:汽车前桥的工字梁,按过去的图纸规定,非要用五吨重的锻锤锻打不可。 [pre]锻打就是锻造,是一种利用锻压机械对金属坯料施加压力,使其产生塑性变形以获得具有一定机械性能、一定形状和尺寸锻件的加工方法。客户要求材料锻打是想通过锻造消除金属在冶炼过程中产生的铸态疏松等缺陷,优化微观组织结构,同时取得完整的金属流线,使加工工件具备较好的机械性能。