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So try balancing out white breads with bran, whole meal, and rye breads, as this will be the best for your body.
所以尝试均衡摄取白面包、麸皮、全麦和裸麦面包,因为这样对你的身体最好。Whole grains that include the nutrient dense bran and germ makes the perfect example of a good winter choice.
包含营养密集的麸皮和胚芽全谷物就是一个很好的例子。Introduced the dietary fiber from wheat bran and th eir application to foods. The processing technology of wheat bran were also emphasized.
介绍了小麦麸皮作为食品添加剂在食品中的应用,并对其制成品的生产工艺进行了简要介绍。Mealworms nestled in a bedding of bran within a plastic container.
mealworms座落在寝具的麸皮在一个塑料容器。Soy beans, wheat, and use the liquid condiment brewing bran. Color red-brown, unique, delicious taste very to promote appetite.
酱油,用豆、麦、麸皮酿造的液体调味品。色泽红褐色,有独特酱香,滋味鲜美,有助于促进食欲。Whole wheat, bran, and wheat germ have high contents of folate, as do brown rice, oatmeal, whole-grain breads, barley, and others.
全麦,麸皮和小麦胚芽,以及糙米,燕麦片,全麦面包和大麦等食物当中的叶酸含量很高。If a grain is used it its entirety to make a flour (bran, endosperm & germ) then that flour would be considered a whole grain flour.
如果谷物全被用来做面粉(包括麸皮,胚乳和胚芽),那么这种面粉就被称做全麦面粉。The technology of wheat bran extrusion technology was studied to increase its content of soluble dietary fiber.
研究了以小麦麸皮为原料,经挤压改性使其可溶物含量增加的生产工艺。Refining it involves removing the outer layers, including the husk, bran and germ, leaving the inner white kernel.