


注意可能发生的危险,戒备,告诫:~卫。~世。~告。~戒。~备。~惕。~省(xǐng )(警惕醒悟)。需要戒备的事件或消息:~号。~报。~钟。感觉敏锐,见解独到:~句。~觉(jué)。机~。国家维持社会秩序和治安的武装力量:~察。~士。……


1. 觉 [jué]2. 觉 [jiào]觉 [jué]人或动物的器官受刺激后对事物的感受辨别:感~。知~。触~。视~。~察。醒悟:~悟。~醒。“~今是而昨非”。觉 [jiào]睡眠(从睡着到睡醒):午~。睡了一大~。……



汉语拼音:jǐng jué









  1. 警醒觉悟;警醒发觉。

    《阿毘达磨俱舍论·分别根品二》:“作意谓能令心警觉,胜解谓能於境印可。” 明 朱有燉 《豹子和尚》:“跳过人家墙,有些人警觉了,番身又跳出墙来。” 毛泽东 《在中国共产党全国代表会议上的讲话》:“因为犯了错误,他们可能有所警觉,以后不再犯这类错误。”

  2. 警惕并感觉敏锐。

    鲁迅 《华盖集·并非闲话》:“凡事无论大小,只要和自己有些相干,便不免格外警觉。” 巴金 《家》二九:“‘有人来了!’ 觉民 忽然警觉地说,拉着 觉慧 要走。” 魏巍 《东方》第四部第三章:“这 郭祥 在长期游击战争的生活里,养成了一种异常警觉的习惯。”



  1. For America, already frustrated with an ally whose soldiers are not allowed to shoot, all this seems alarming.


  2. After nine years of fierce watchfulness , it would be restful to turn over her life to others, wouldn't it?


  3. "If I don't catch mine right at the beginning, I can be down for a couple of days, " she says.


  4. Try going to bed earlier and see if you feel alert the next day.


  5. 'The American people need to understand the threat that they face and their responsibility to remain vigilant, ' he said.


  6. The man's face flamed in a rage begot of whisky . His eyes , rolling , and yet keen for ambush, hunted the still doorways and windows .


  7. Still be on your guard as the final acts of the dark Ones play themselves out, and as we so often implore you, do not give in to fear.


  8. The rabbit seems to be very alert all its life.


  9. Describe a situation in which you felt it necessary to be very attentive and vigilant to your environment.


  1. 对某事警觉

    on the alert (for something)

  2. 谨慎的,警觉的

    wary chary vigilant discreet considerate cautious prudent careful circumspect

  3. 阶级警觉性

    class vigilance

  4. 露琪亚警觉起来。

    That got her attention.

  5. 狗是应该警觉的。

    The dogs do right to be vigilant.

  6. 你会更清晰,更警觉。

    You would be sharper and more alert.

  7. 警觉地看待某事物

    to view/ regard something with alarm

  8. 时刻保持警觉性

    Be observant at all times.

  9. 他们政治上非常警觉。

    They are politically very aware.

  10. 我们需要继续保持警觉。

    We need to remain vigilant.

  11. 保持警觉预防蚊虫滋生

    Be watchful over mosquito breeding

  12. 她警觉地站了起来。

    She started up in alarm.

  13. 使某人对某事警觉

    to alert somebody to something

  14. 狗警觉地竖起耳朵。

    The dog cocked its ears up attentively.

  15. 费伯一下子警觉起来。

    Faber became very alert.

  16. 斯蒂芬突然警觉起来。

    Stephen was suddenly very attentive.

  17. 敏锐的感知力的,或警觉的。

    Keenly perceptive or alert.

  18. 充满了警觉,不容易停留。

    Full alert, it is not easy to stay.

  19. 她感到更加警觉和机敏。

    She felt more alert and agile in her mind.

  20. 她感到更加警觉和机敏。

    She felt more alert and agile in her mind.

  21. 他没有警觉到她在那里。

    He was unaware that she was there.

  22. 撞击声引起了他的警觉。

    The crash intruded on his awareness.

  23. 老乔里恩立刻警觉起来。

    Old Jolyon was on the alert at once.

  24. 它对任何响动都很警觉。

    It is alert to every sound and movement.

  25. 他保持着对困难的警觉。

    He keeps a weather eye open for trouble.

  26. 飞行员必须警觉天气的变化。

    A pilot must be awake to the changes in the weather.

  27. 你稍不警觉, 就会失足。

    If you were the least bit careless, you could fall right in.

  28. 每个人必须随时提高警觉。

    One must be ever vigilant.

  29. 他们没有警觉到战争近了。

    They were unaware that war was near.

  30. 女性的机灵会警觉地提醒。

    Feminine craft was alert to prompt it.


  1. 问:警觉拼音怎么拼?警觉的读音是什么?警觉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:警觉的读音是jǐngjué,警觉翻译成英文是 vigilance

  2. 问:警觉性拼音怎么拼?警觉性的读音是什么?警觉性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:警觉性的读音是jǐng jué xìng,警觉性翻译成英文是 alertness

  3. 问:警觉伊蚊拼音怎么拼?警觉伊蚊的读音是什么?警觉伊蚊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:警觉伊蚊的读音是jǐngjuéyīwén,警觉伊蚊翻译成英文是 Aedes vogilax

  4. 问:警觉反应拼音怎么拼?警觉反应的读音是什么?警觉反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:警觉反应的读音是jǐng jué fǎn yìng,警觉反应翻译成英文是 alarm reaction

  5. 问:警觉伊蚊组拼音怎么拼?警觉伊蚊组的读音是什么?警觉伊蚊组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:警觉伊蚊组的读音是jǐngjuéyīwénzǔ,警觉伊蚊组翻译成英文是 Aedes vigilax group

  6. 问:警觉备忘录拼音怎么拼?警觉备忘录的读音是什么?警觉备忘录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:警觉备忘录的读音是jǐng jué bèi wàng lù,警觉备忘录翻译成英文是 Alert Memorandum



(1) (名)对危险或情况变化的敏锐的感觉。我对事态的发展早有警觉。(作宾语) (2) 对危险或情况变化敏锐地感觉到。他警觉到事态的发展。(作谓语)