







汉语拼音:shuǐ zǎo






  1. 水生藻类植物名。又名马藻。

    明 李时珍 《本草纲目·草八·水藻》:“水藻,叶长二三寸,两两对生,即马藻也。”

  2. 泛指水生藻类植物。

    曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“当中一只透明的玻璃缸,几条金鱼在水藻里悠然游漾。”参阅 清 吴其濬 《植物名实图考·水草·藻》。



  1. The entire arrangement makes it easy for this bifocal fish to spot a tasty bug flying above the water, or a bit of algae below.


  2. Corals live in tropical waters throughout the world, generally close to the surface where the sun's rays can reach the algae.


  3. The good news is that the blooms tend to be really patchy, so it may involve going just a few miles up the road to find an unaffected beach.


  4. Over the centuries, these sparse pastures have been built over time by fertilizing the rocky soil with seaweed found along the beach.


  5. And a piece of an old ship that lies on the shore.


  6. Algae is considered to be a promising potential feedstock for biofuels, as certain species of algae contain high amounts of oil.


  7. But those near the main Hawaiian island population centers are under pressure from sediment found in runoff, overfishing and invasive algae.


  8. The finer the weather, the greener the algae will be. On account of the green spirit, the water can't bear to freeze.


  9. An old shellfish or turtle with a growth of algae on its back.


  1. 湖中水藻滋蔓。

    Algae grow and spread quickly in the lake.

  2. 水藻生长在水中。

    Algae grow in water.

  3. 湖泊水藻类的去除方法

    The Means of Removing Algae in Lake Water.

  4. 深圳水源水藻类去除中试研究

    Pilot plant research on algae removal of raw water in Shenzhen

  5. 藻类学研究水藻的植物学分支。

    The branch of botany that deals with algae.

  6. 池塘水面上绿色的东西是水藻。

    The green covering on top of the water in the pond is algae.

  7. 池塘水面上绿色得东西是水藻。

    The green covering on top of the water in the pond is algae.

  8. 河流和湖泊常常因水藻而变成绿色。

    Rivers and lakes are often coloured green by algae.

  9. 湖泊水藻类的去除方法内毒素的去除策略

    The Means of Removing Algae in Lake Water Methods for Endotoxin Removal.

  10. 孢子外壁某些水藻和真菌孢子的最外层壁

    The outermost layer of a spore in some algae and fungi.

  11. 杀藻剂用来杀死或制止水藻生长得物质。

    A substance used to kill or inhibit the growth of algae.

  12. 杀藻剂用来杀死或制止水藻生长的物质。

    A substance used to kill or inhibit the growth of algae.

  13. 绿色指的是池塘废弃后大量繁殖的水藻。

    The green refers to algae that builds up after a pool is abandoned.

  14. 绿色指得是池塘废弃后大量繁殖得水藻。

    The green refers to algae that builds up after a pool is abandoned.

  15. 中性条件有利于悬浮水藻对氨氮的去除。

    The neutral condition can help suspended algae to remove ammonia nitrogen.

  16. 水中微生物水藻因为过剩得氮而大量繁殖。

    Algae microorganisms in the water, over populate because the surplus nitrogen.

  17. 水中微生物水藻因为过剩的氮而大量繁殖。

    Algae microorganisms in the water, over populate because the surplus nitrogen.

  18. 它们可以吃水草和小生物,比如浮游生物和水藻。

    They can eat weeds and small organisms, like plankton and algae.

  19. 而周伟认为, 大坝并非导致水藻孳生得原因。

    Mr. Zhou reservoir management vice director, says the dam isn't responsible for the blooms.

  20. 而周伟认为, 大坝并非导致水藻孳生的原因。

    Mr. Zhou reservoir management vice director, says the dam isn't responsible for the blooms.

  21. 由于周围的水藻变多了,可能会增加光合作用。

    There may have been an increase in photosynthesis because there were more algae around.

  22. 水中得水藻微生物由于氮丰富而过度繁殖。

    Outage Algae microorganisms in the water over populate over populate because of the surpluses surplus nitrogen.

  23. 水中的水藻微生物由于氮丰富而过度繁殖。

    Outage Algae microorganisms in the water over populate over populate because of the surpluses surplus nitrogen.

  24. 水藻真绿,把终年贮藏的绿色全拿出来了。

    The algae is extremely green, taking out all the green stored all the year around.

  25. 棕色的水藻群不时出现, 象岛屿, 也象小块的陆地。

    The brown mats of seaweed that appered from time to time were like islands, bits of earth.

  26. 每一个都是一个由水藻和真菌组成的共生组合。

    each one is a symbiotic combination of an alga and a fungus.

  27. 出现粉红色的雪是因为里面含有可耐寒冷的水藻。

    Pink snow is due to an algae that can tolerate cold.

  28. 与水藻类似的一种真菌类植物,包括某些毒菌和霉

    any of various fungi that resemble algae,including certain molds and mildews

  29. 在洞底,考察人员采集到了水藻和微生物的样本。

    At the bottom of this hole, researchers harvested specimens of algae and bacteria.

  30. 青苔是一种复合有机体,是真菌和水藻的共生结合体。

    A lichen is a compound organism, a symbiotic marriage of fungus and algae.


  1. 问:水藻拼音怎么拼?水藻的读音是什么?水藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:水藻的读音是shuǐzǎo,水藻翻译成英文是 algae



