




1. 涨 [zhǎng]2. 涨 [zhàng]涨 [zhǎng]水量增加,水面高起来:~潮。~落。~水。河水暴~。价格提高:~价。~钱。物价飞~。涨 [zhàng]体积增大:豆子泡~了。他~红了脸。多出来:~出十块钱。……



汉语拼音:fēi zhǎng ; fēi zhàng






  1. (物价、水势等)很快地往上涨。

    鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·买<小学大全>记》:“ 明 版小说,是‘五四’运动以后飞涨的;从今年起,洪运怕要轮到小品文身上去了。”亦用作比喻。 叶圣陶 《倪焕之》二六:“羞红从脸颊飞涨到颈际,右颊的瘢痕仿佛更突起了。”



  1. For years, he had been as shy as Daphne; but when prices rose so much, he was forced to ask his boss for more money.


  2. If there was a worry, it was that emerging economies would grow too quickly, inflating commodity prices.


  3. Even middle - class consumers in the U. S. are beginning to kick against the runaway prices .


  4. The Libyan leader's regime clamped down in its stronghold in the capital, where residents said food prices have skyrocketed.


  5. As some firms face soaring resources costs, Mr. Huang pointed out plastic bottles aren't likely to see a shortage any time soon.


  6. But they have usually been attributed to a failure to anticipate an inflationary surge, rather than the result of a deliberate decision.


  7. China's central bank was worried about soaring prices, which are the result of a rapidly growing economy.


  8. Despite bitter complaints about soaring prices, workers say they can scrimp enough to save at least a chunk of their wages.


  9. Despite a ballooning interest in basketball, there is no doubt that Yao was the centerpiece of the NBA's allure in China.


  1. 物价飞涨。

    Prices skyrocketed.

  2. 肉价飞涨。

    Meat prices kited.

  3. 肥胖业务飞涨。

    Obesity operations soar in U.S.

  4. 房价在飞涨。

    House prices are rocketing up.

  5. 通货膨胀。物价飞涨

    Inflation n. The rising cost of living

  6. 糖价突然飞涨。

    The price of sugar has suddenly skyrocketed up.

  7. 由于战争,物价飞涨。

    Pricessoar because of war.

  8. 石油价格突然飞涨。

    The price of oil has suddenly rocketed up.

  9. 价格又在飞涨了。

    Prices are soaring again.

  10. 这导致物价的飞涨。

    The leading to soaring of the prices.

  11. 战争爆发时物价飞涨。

    Price soared when war broke out.

  12. 他猛烈抨击物价飞涨。

    He declaimed against soaring prices.

  13. 人们对物价飞涨不满。

    People were discontented with the steep rise in prices.

  14. 能量和原材料价格飞涨。

    Energy and raw material costs are skyrocketing.

  15. 通货膨胀于食物价格飞涨。

    Inflation has sent food costs soaring.

  16. 物价飞涨, 饿浮横道。

    Prices soars, hungry float horizontal stroke.

  17. 物价飞涨,饿浮横道。

    Prices soars ,hungry float horizontal stroke .

  18. 物价飞涨, 有如脱缰之马。

    Prices were running wild.

  19. 通货膨胀迫使生活费用飞涨。

    An inflation forces up the cost of living.

  20. 是的,公司股票的价格飞涨。

    Yes, it is going through the roof.

  21. 消费者在抗议物价飞涨。

    Consumers are rebelling at steep price increases.

  22. 水位飞涨, 大堤出现险情。

    The water level kept rising and the dykes were in peril.

  23. 演讲者猛烈抨击物价飞涨。

    The speaker declaimed against soaring prices.

  24. 至于小麦,其价格正在飞涨。

    As regards wheat, prices are shooting up.

  25. 米老鼠的飞涨没多久成名。

    Mickey Mouses skyrocket to fame didnt take long.

  26. 物价飞涨,今时不同往日了

    We've come a long way.

  27. 物价好像在无限制地飞涨。

    The prices seemed soaring up without limit.

  28. 自战争开始, 家用品价格飞涨。

    Prices of household commodities have risen quickly since the war began.

  29. 你也知道,现在油价飞涨啊。

    Oil prices are soaring nowadays, you know.

  30. 他评述了房价飞涨的原因。

    He observed the grouds for the surging price of houses.


  1. 问:飞涨拼音怎么拼?飞涨的读音是什么?飞涨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞涨的读音是fēizhǎng,飞涨翻译成英文是 soar



飞涨 拼音:feī zhǎng 基本解释: [skyrocket;balloon;soar;shoot up] 飞快地上涨 欧洲消费的猛增导致了物价的飞涨