


动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……


1. 丧 [sāng]2. 丧 [sàng]丧 [sāng]跟死了人有关的事:~事。~礼。~亡。~假(jià)。~乱。治~。吊~。丧 [sàng]丢掉,失去:~失。~生。~偶。~胆。~气(不吉利,倒霉。“气”读轻声)。颓~(情绪低落,精神委……







汉语拼音:mìng sàng huáng quán









  1. For Mayola Williams, the widow of a man whose trust in corporate America proved to be his undoing, her decade-long trial is now at an end.


  2. The police arrived within minutes, but by then they were dead.


  3. In the first Friday the 13th, Jason just drowns, setting off his mom's killing spree. But he wasn't dead dead.


  4. This makes blood parrot very hard to feed. Many die eventually because of this.


  5. Many of the injured have died because of a lack of medical supplies.


  6. Just combing your hair could kill you.


  7. If you go to Z'ha'dum you will die.


  8. Fresh Air Will Kill You


  1. 如果我们在一起, 会一起命丧黄泉。

    If we stay together, we could all wind up dead.

  2. 一个失足, 就会使我们命丧黄泉。

    One slip could send us falling to our death.

  3. 被响尾蛇咬或是吃下一剂致命得毒药都可能命丧黄泉。

    A bite a rattlesnake or a lethal does of poison could both put you to death.

  4. 在肆虐全国的群体暴力风波里, 有五十万人命丧黄泉。

    Half a million people were killed in the communal violence that flooded the country.

  5. 许多他的读者也命丧集中营。

    Many of his readers vanished into prison camps.

  6. 许多他得读者也命丧集中营。

    Many of his readers vanished into prison camps.

  7. 琼斯上尉举起了枪。砰的一声, 又一个印第安人命丧黄泉。

    Captain Jones raised his gun, and bang, another Indian hit the dust.

  8. 琼斯上尉举起了枪。砰得一声,又一个印第安人命丧黄泉。

    Captain Jones raised his gun,and bang, another Indian hit the dust.

  9. 不仅是那一代人, 而且后继的几代人, 都已命赴黄泉。

    Not only that generation, but the succeeding generations are dust.

  10. 法西斯独裁者,希特勒的侵略伙伴墨索里尼已经命归黄泉。

    Mussolini, Hitler's fellow fascist dictator and partner in aggression, had met his end.

  11. 据粗略计算,这是第873部讲述年轻人怀着愉快的心情进入森林、最后命归黄泉的恐怖片。

    It is, by our casual count, the 873rd horror movie about youths who go into the woods on a lark, and come out dead.

  12. 他几乎丧了命。

    He barely missed being killed.

  13. 沉船使80人丧了命。

    By the sinking of the ship eighty souls were launched into eternity.

  14. 开车不小心使他丧了命。

    Careless driving cost him his life.

  15. 有些丧了命,即使并没有沾染毒品。

    Some got killed, and some did it without drug assistance.

  16. 我们不但把钱丢光, 还几乎丧了命。

    Not only did we lose all our money, but we almost lost our lives.

  17. 我们都知道穆巴拉克因此而丧了命

    We all know Mubarak is technically dead.

  18. 我们不但把钱丢失了, 还差一点儿丧了命。

    Not only did we lose all our meney, but we almost lost our lives.

  19. 她在抢救溺水的孩子时,自己几乎丧了命。

    In attempting to save a child from drowning, she nearly lost her own life.

  20. 有许多男子, 因为女人而丧了命, 栽了跟头, 犯了罪恶。

    Many men have perished, have erred, and sinned, for women.

  21. 她因为肺炎差点儿丧了命,紧急气管切开术救了她。

    At one point, she nearly died after catching pneumonia and had to undergo an emergency tracheotomy.

  22. 这位年轻军官的叛逆行径导致他的很多朋友丧了命。

    The treacherous behavior of the young officer led to the death of many of his friends.

  23. 多人命丧非洲火车出轨事故中

    Dozens dead in African train crash

  24. 有时他的实验室着火了, 他也差一点命丧火海。

    Sometimes his lab wasfire and he was nearly killed.

  25. 有时他得实验室着火了, 他也差一点命丧火海。

    Sometimes his lab wasfire and he was nearly killed.

  26. 她已生了五个, 小乔治几乎让她九泉命丧。

    She had five already and nearly died of young George.

  27. 二人不幸失散,史提芬差点命丧沙漠,还好被希搭救。

    Two people unfortunate separated, and Stephen almost hit the desert, ok by Hiram to deliver.

  28. 这回可有人该命赴黄泉了。

    Somebody was going to die this time.

  29. 箴723直等箭穿他的肝, 如同雀鸟急入网罗, 却不知是自丧己命。

    Pro 723 Till a dart strike through his liver as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for his life.



