







汉语拼音:huí guó







  1. ill a few months before we had planned to go and, when he knew that he was dying, he made me promise to go on my own.


  2. After returning, she opened a press conference, she said she was the main reason for returning is to find their own brothers and sisters.


  3. The erasing of that barrier with a return to China, coupled with the government's support, is appealing, he said.


  4. It was not immediately clear whether Mr Musharraf, currently in London, would return to contest the case.


  5. My flight home is out of Guangzhou, close to Zhuhai where you and i first meeting.


  6. At least I got to spend some time with George before departing Beijing for good.


  7. Note: beginning to return when it is not also been a lot of hardships and difficult?


  8. The President is on his way home to Washington via Hawaii. He and the First Lady had dinner with the head of US Pacific Command last night.


  9. Wrote to his wife, telling her she had to return home and admitted to hospital due to illness.


  1. 经东京回国

    return home via Tokyo.

  2. 我奉命回国。

    I was ordered home.

  3. 乘包机回国

    return home by a chartered plane.

  4. 回国旅费。回程旅费

    homeward passage

  5. 大使奉命回国。

    The ambassador has been ordered home.

  6. 回国船费。回程船费

    homeward passage by sea

  7. 大使奉召回国。

    The ambassador has been summoned home.

  8. 军队撤离回国了。

    The troops pulled out for home.

  9. 大使已回国述职。

    The ambassador has gone back for consultations.

  10. 回国航空旅费。回程航空旅费

    homeward passage by air

  11. 谢天谢地,我们回国了。

    Thank heavens we're back to our homeland.

  12. 你毕业以后回国吗

    Would you come back after graduation.

  13. 军队吵嚷着要回国。

    The troops were clamouring to go home.

  14. 英国大使奉召回国。

    The British Ambassador was called home.

  15. 标准回国船费。标准回程船费

    standard homeward passage by sea

  16. 大使目前回国休假了。

    The ambassador is now home on leave.

  17. 难民被强制遣送回国。

    The refugees were forcibly repatriated.

  18. 祝大家回国旅途愉快。

    I wish you a pleasant journey back home.

  19. 她一直盼望着回国。

    She have long nourish the dream of return to her motherland.

  20. 他已回国是真的?

    Is it true that he has returned home

  21. 运动员将于日内回国。

    The athletes will return home within the next few days.

  22. 这时候,他奉召回国。

    He had now been summoned home.

  23. 她的尸体没有运回国。

    Her body was not brought home.

  24. 政府命令商务专员回国。

    The government ordered the commercial attache to return home.

  25. 要不要回国,他进退两难。

    He was faced with the dilemma of whether or not to return to his country.

  26. 代表团将于下周回国。

    The delegation will be home next week.

  27. 他离开印度回国去了。

    He left India for home, ie for his own country.

  28. 代表于今晚动身回国。

    The delegation is scheduled to leave for home tonight.

  29. 这只船是开回国的。

    This ship is homeward bound.

  30. 这只船是开回国得。

    This ship is homeward bound.


  1. 问:回国拼音怎么拼?回国的读音是什么?回国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:回国的读音是huíguó,回国翻译成英文是 return to one's motherland; repatriate

  2. 问:回国人员拼音怎么拼?回国人员的读音是什么?回国人员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:回国人员的读音是,回国人员翻译成英文是 returnee

  3. 问:回国居民拼音怎么拼?回国居民的读音是什么?回国居民翻译成英文是什么?

    答:回国居民的读音是huí guó jū mín,回国居民翻译成英文是 returning resident