




倒(dǎo ),下陷:倒~。~方。~台。~架。~陷。下垂:~秧。安定,镇定:~下心来。……



汉语拼音:kuǎ tā








  1. "It's the vengeance of the gods, " he said. "The cathedral is falling and the monuments to the ancient gods are what's causing it to fall. "


  2. If it kill the son of the owner the son of that builder shall be put to death.


  3. When school buildings collapsed in Sichuan in the 2008 earthquake, the victims tended to be the children of poorer families.


  4. The concept of robustness of structures and its importance for preventing collapse against strong earthquake are firstly introduced.


  5. One block over, the facade of a white six-story residential building had sheared off, leaving one side of the apartments open to the air.


  6. This arch may break due to a similar external force, and material flow resumes until the flow channel is emptied and a rat hole forms again.


  7. Independent estimates of the number of children killed in school collapses have reached a similar figure but are believed to be incomplete.


  8. Xinhua reported that at least 30 people were trapped when a dormitory building at the Yushu Ethnic Normal School collapsed.


  9. The barricade that I had built for myself with books began to collapse once I returned to Beijing.


  1. 造山带垮塌

    Orogenic collapse

  2. 臆想的炉子垮塌了。

    The furnace metaphor breaks down.

  3. 屋顶有垮塌的危险。

    The roof is in danger of collapse.

  4. 他到时房子刚刚垮塌。

    The building collapsed just as he arrived.

  5. 他到时房子刚刚垮塌。

    The building collapsed just as he arrived.

  6. 主溜井垮塌分析与研究

    Analysis and study of main chute falling

  7. 这栋建筑有垮塌的危险。

    The building is in danger of collapsing.

  8. 地层不稳定,井壁垮塌严重。

    The formation is unstable and the wall caving are severe.

  9. 数千年后, 屋顶终于垮塌了。

    The roof finally broke after thousands of years.

  10. 数千年后,屋顶终于垮塌了。

    The roof finally broke after thousands of years.

  11. 在都江堰,垮塌的大多数是学校。

    In Dujiangyan it was mostly schools that fell.

  12. 在南阿尔卑斯, 一座冰川垮塌。

    In the Southern Alps, great chunks of a glacier fell.

  13. 重庆綦江虹桥垮塌事故的力学分析

    The Mechanics Analysis of Chongqing Qijiang Rainbow Bridge Collapse Accident.

  14. 顶板垮塌下来, 堵塞了通往道口得通道。

    The ceiling had collapsed, blocking a path to the tunnel opening.

  15. 顶板垮塌下来,堵塞了通往道口的通道。

    The ceiling had collapsed, blocking a path to the tunnel opening.

  16. 桥梁的弱化一下处在监视之下, 直至其垮塌。

    The weakness of the span was overlooked until it collapsed.

  17. 桥梁得弱化一下处在监视之下,直至其垮塌。

    The weakness of the span was overlooked until it collapsed.

  18. 发生事故的大桥是双排桥,其中一排垮塌。

    Bridge accident was double bridge, which collapsed in a row.

  19. 被飞机撞击之后, 世贸中心得高塔垮塌了。

    The tower of the World Trade Center tumbled after the plane hit it.

  20. 被飞机撞击之后,世贸中心的高塔垮塌了。

    The tower of the World Trade Center tumbled after the plane hit it.

  21. 当她看到垮塌的建筑, 她跌坐在地并啜泣起来。

    When she saw the collapsed building, she fell on the ground, sobbing.

  22. 这面墙已经被划为危墙,随时都有垮塌的危险!

    This wall has been delimited as dangerous; it can collapse at any time.

  23. 盐穴储气库水溶造腔夹层垮塌力学机制研究

    Research on mechanical mechanism of interlayer collapse in solution mining for salt cavern gas storage

  24. 回到北京以后, 我用书本为自己建造的屏障开始垮塌。

    The barricade that I had built for myself with books began to collapse once I returned to Beijing.

  25. 救助人员发现时, 她已经死了, 被垮塌下来的房子压死的。

    When rescues the personnel discovery, she had already died, the house pressure which collapses is died.

  26. 救助人员发现时,她已经死了,被垮塌下来得房子压死得。

    When rescues the personnel discovery,she had already died,the house pressure which collapses is died.

  27. 工程师说学校建筑的墙体和承重柱已经基本上全部垮塌。

    Engineers said the school's walls and support columns gave way almost instantly.

  28. 在垮塌的首层废墟之下能看到几辆被压成薄饼的汽车。

    Several pancaked cars are visible under the collapsed ground floor.


  1. 问:垮塌拼音怎么拼?垮塌的读音是什么?垮塌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垮塌的读音是kuǎtā,垮塌翻译成英文是 To fall down; to collapse.