




1. 恶 [è]2. 恶 [wù]3. 恶 [ě]4. 恶 [wū]恶 [è]不好:~感。~果。~劣。~名。丑~。凶狠:~霸。~棍。险~。凶~。犯罪的事,极坏的行为:~贯满盈。恶 [wù]讨厌,憎恨,与“好(hào )”相对:可~。厌~。好……


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 作 [zuò]作 [zuò]起,兴起,现在起:振~。枪声大~。从事,做工:工~。~息。~业。举行,进行:~别(分别)。~乱。~案。~战。~报告。干出,做出,表现出,制造出:~恶(è)。~弊。~梗。~祟。~态。~色。~为。~难。~奸犯科……



汉语拼音:wú è bù zuò








  • 【解释】:没有哪件坏事不干的。指干尽了坏事。
  • 【出自】:清·郑燮《范县署中寄舍弟墨书》五:“宋自绍兴以来,主和议,增岁币,送尊号,处卑朝,括民膏,戮大将,无恶不作,无陋不为。”
  • 【示例】:八国联军侵略中国时,在北京杀人放火,~。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. Those who do not know to repent will harm all sentient beings simply for a moment of happiness and pleasure. They will commit all evil.


  2. "I thought it better to let the house burn down rather than spend good British lives in rescuing those ferocious rascals, " wrote Churchill.


  3. " He did not obscure, they have to robbery, theft, " stop at no evil.


  4. in the distant west with a live pig god of evil , and the harm of the quartet , your task is to bring to justice people from harm.


  5. Lawbreakers are often portrayed as inhuman individuals.


  6. I heard that he was a man capable of anything.


  7. During the Second World War, China had been overrun by Japanese invaders.


  8. Never the Japanese forces on ours land, stopped at no evil, to commit the monstrous crimes which might forgive.


  9. The head of gangland keeps violating the law. He is also suspected that he murders a police officer.


  1. 奸淫掳掠, 无恶不作

    rape and pillage and commit all kinds of atrocities

  2. 那帮歹徒无恶不作。

    Those villains reveled in evil of every kind.

  3. 奸淫烧杀, 无恶不作

    commit rape, arson and murder and all kinds of evil

  4. 这群盗寇无恶不作。

    These ruffians stop at nothing.

  5. 这群盗寇无恶不作。

    These ruffians stop at nothing.

  6. 这三个人无恶不作。

    The three men stopped at no evil.

  7. 他是个恶霸,无恶不作。

    He's a local despot, stopping at nothing in doing evil.

  8. 除谋杀外,他们无恶不作。

    They would commit every crime short of murder.

  9. 那个贪官污吏草菅人命,无恶不作。

    Those corrupt officials treated human life as if it were not worth a straw, and stopped at nothing in doing evils.

  10. 我听说他是个无恶不作的人。

    I heard that he was a man capable of anything.

  11. 那个阴险的家伙心如蛇蝎, 无恶不作。

    AS a viper, stopped at no evils.

  12. 那个阴险的恶棍心如蛇蝎,无恶不作。

    That treacherous villain, as vicious as a viper, stopped at no evils.

  13. 那个阴险得恶棍心如蛇蝎,无恶不作。

    That treacherous villain, as vicious as a viper, stopped at no evils.

  14. 去年那些暴徒在街上横行霸道, 无恶不作。

    The street was overrun by the bullies last year.

  15. 他毫不隐晦,自己曾经抢劫、偷窃无恶不作。

    He did not obscure, they have to robbery, theft, stop at no evil.

  16. 违法者总是被刻画成无恶不作的人物。

    Lawbreakers are often portrayed as inhuman individuals.

  17. 那时希特勒的暴徒在街上横行霸道,无恶不作。

    The streets were overrun by Hitler's bullies.

  18. 你们共匪在多事之秋之时发起内战,欺压百姓,无恶不作。

    You need to put on a diaper and zip your pants, fag ass.

  19. 有些封建卫道士侈言仁义礼志信,但却无恶不作。

    Some apologists of feudalism glibly talk about the feudalist tenet of being benevolent, righteous, courteous, consistent and trustworthy, yet they committed all sorts of crimes.

  20. 有些封建卫道士侈言仁义礼志信,但却无恶不作。

    Some apologists of feudalism glibly talk about the feudalist tenet of being benevolent, righteous , courteous, consistent and trustworthy, yet they committed all sorts of crimes.

  21. 强盗像发怒的蜂群一样洗劫村庄,他们杀人放火,无恶不作。

    Bandits have come like a swarm of angry hornets.

  22. 无恶不作的大帅得知后,便带同兵马到大虾家抢宝珠。

    When the villainous general learns about it, he heads the list to Shrimp's home to rob the pearls.

  23. 据说, 每天晚上他都在夜幕的掩护下潜入庄园, 无恶不作。

    Every night, it was said, he came creeping in under cover of darkness and performed all kinds of mischief.


  1. 问:无恶不作拼音怎么拼?无恶不作的读音是什么?无恶不作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:无恶不作的读音是wú'èbúzuò,无恶不作翻译成英文是 commit all kinds of atrocities