




1. 车 [chē]2. 车 [jū]车 [chē]陆地上有轮子的交通工具:火~。~驾(帝王的马车)。~裂(中国古代一种残酷的死刑,俗称“五马分尸”)。前~之鉴。用轮轴来转动的器具:纺~。水~。用水车打水:~水。指旋床或其他机器:~床。用旋……



汉语拼音:biāo chē






  1. 亦作“飊车”。亦作“飈车”。亦作“飇车”。传说中御风而行的神车。

    汉 桓驎 《西王母传》:“﹝ 西王母 ﹞所居宫闕……其山之下, 弱水 九重,洪涛万丈,非飊车羽轮不可到也。” 唐 李白 《古风》之四:“羽驾灭去影,飆车絶廻轮。” 明 高启 《剡原九曲》之五:“何必 瀛洲 外,茫茫问飈车。” 明 李东阳 《仁辅遗鹤灯若虚有诗因次韵》:“不逐飇车与电轮,偶来飞绕帝城春。”



  1. I took a drive today Time to emancipate I guess it was the beatings Made me wise But I'm not about to give thanks Or apologize.


  2. All the gun fights, all the car chases, all the sex we don't want to have with women but we have to, I'll do to what you guys do.


  3. Once he was barreling down an Arkansas highway at ninety-five miles per hour when a state police car, with siren screaming, gave chase.


  4. Drink driving and drag racing have been written into the draft amendment as crimes, as part of the country's efforts to make its road safer.


  5. Some students for a more quickly, with classmates, racing behind, equal and their lives.


  6. With a view to the case of China in the future identification of motorcycle drag racing to provide a legal solution.


  7. There's a gary boy waiting at the traffic lights next to us and I think he wants to have a race when the lights go green .


  8. Some people may feel "crazy drag racing, " the design appears to be too conservative, not avantgarde.


  9. Car racing is one of the classic elements in Hollywood movies.


  1. 地狱飙车天使

    Hells angels on wheels FM

  2. 飙车之车神传说

    Biu che ji che san chuen suet

  3. 她有飙车的癖好。

    She has a mania for driving fast cars.

  4. 飙车是非法和危险得。

    Drag racing is illegal and dangerous.

  5. 飙车是非法和危险的。

    Drag racing is illegal and dangerous.

  6. 他喜欢飙车,喜欢刺激,喜欢赛车和斗牛。

    James Dean loved fast cars, adrenaline, car racing, and bullfighting.

  7. 你觉得那些飙车族的成员如何?

    What do you think about those members of the motorcycle racing clan?

  8. 然而, 这一次的野马是专为飙车。

    This time, however, the Mustang is designed for drag racing.

  9. 很不幸,我觉得你的飙车生涯到头了。

    Unfortunately, I think your motorcycling days are over.

  10. 玩家可抢劫,杀戮,飙车,并从中获利积分。

    Players can rob, kill, drive wildly and gain points in the process.

  11. 而事实上, 飙车现象在北京一直没有绝迹。

    In fact, the phenomenon of drag racing has not become extinct in Beijing.

  12. 我知道这里的司机喜欢飙车, 开得很危险。

    I know that they like to speed and drive dangerously here.

  13. 一名士兵在疯狂飙车穿越柏林后被逮捕。

    A soldier was arrested after running amok with a vehicle through Berlin.

  14. 不良驾驶不仅仅是飙车小子们才会做的事。

    Bad driving is not just the preserve of boy racers.

  15. 我敢肯定那个家伙不知道, 在他飙车的时候。

    I'm sure the guy had no idea, While he was flying high.

  16. 你这么漂亮的女孩是作什么的在这里飙车?

    What's a beautiful girl like you doing racing in a place like this?

  17. 一名富商的儿子在杭州飙车时撞死了一名行人。

    The son of a wealthy businessman hit and killed a pedestrian while speeding in the city.

  18. 本文以杭州飙车案引出法学界争论的法律问题。

    This article in Hangzhou Drag Racing Case raises legal circles controversial legal issues.

  19. 本文以杭州飙车案引出法学界争论得法律问题。

    This article in Hangzhou Drag Racing Case raises legal circles controversial legal issues.

  20. 对飙车案认定的争议, 反映了我国法律制度的缺失。

    Found on the drag racing case, the dispute reflects the absence of our legal system.

  21. 一方面, 在街上飙车危及众多无辜的行人和驾驶人。

    On the one hand, drag racing on the street has endangered many of the innocent pedestrians and drivers.

  22. 而在这个夏天, 他的飙车丑闻也曾经被媒体炒作的沸沸扬扬。

    In the summer, and his drag racing scandal has stirred speculation by the media.

  23. 一个警用仪表盘摄影机记录下了这个未成年人飙车的过程。

    A police dashboard camera caught the preteen out for a joyride.

  24. 居民们呼吁在隧道内加装更多的减速带以避免飙车的发生。

    Residents have appealed for more speed bumps in the tunnel to prevent racing from happening.

  25. 我昨晚看了部电影,有很多飙车的镜头,最后电影也是以一场飙车镜头作为尾声的。

    I watched a movie last night with the motorcycle chase to end all motorcycle chases.


  1. 问:飙车拼音怎么拼?飙车的读音是什么?飙车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飙车的读音是biāochē,飙车翻译成英文是 To speed; to drive very fast.