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1. 更 [gēng]2. 更 [gèng]更 [gēng]改变,改换:~正。~生(重新获得生命,喻复兴)。~衣(a.换衣服;b.婉辞,上厕所)。~定(改订)。~迭(轮流更换)。~递。~番。~新(旧的除去,新的建起)。~张(调节琴弦,喻变更……
汉语拼音:qǐ gēng
明 汤显祖 《牡丹亭·淮泊》:“起更了,廊下一宿,早去伺候开门。”《儒林外史》第十一回:“谈到起更时候,一庭月色,照满书窗,梅花一枝枝如画在上面相似。” 陆文夫 《二遇周泰》:“这一夜齐巧落雨,起更以后,街上就没有行人了。”
The White House announced today that it was taking a more active role in trying to contain the burgeoning ecological disaster.
白宫表示他们将承担起更积极的责任来遏制这场急速发展的生态灾难。'If you want to have more say in the IMF, then you have to take more responsibility for the system, ' he said Thursday.
他周四说,如果你想在IMF拥有更多发言权,那么你就得为这个体系承担起更多责任。Each structure adds to the beauty of the others, and together they all make up a whole whose charm has never been matched.
每座建筑都使其他建筑更美丽,而他们一起更构成了一个魅力无穷、天下无双的整体。Sure we mentioned protein before, but it bears bringing up again since the magical combo of calcium and protein seems to work wonders.
相信我们之前提到的蛋白质,但是当钙与蛋白质的神奇组合,它起更大作用。It seems to me only fair that the most privileged members of our society should take up a heavier share of this national burden.
在我看来,让最有特权的社会成员承担起更重的国家负担才算公平。These at-risk individuals might be better served by trying to accept and notice their feelings rather than explain and analyze them.
这些个体如果尝试接纳并关注他们的情绪而不是进行解释与分析,这可能对他们的康复能起更好的作用。They have been free to choose to locate in a less expensive city and thus to be able to afford more housing.
他们在这些房价便宜的城市,从容自由地挑选,因而有能力买得起更多这样的住房。Its measurements can be stitched together with results from earlier missions to provide a 30-year record of the sun's energy output.
这一测量结果结合起更早以前其他项目的成果,可以得到一份对于太阳能量输出的30年记录。Dialogues of any sort, whether public or private, have greater impact when tied to concrete benchmarks, Human Rights Watch said.