


两个,一对:一~鞋。~杠。~重(chǒng )。~方。~管齐下。~豆塞聪(耳被堵塞,一无所闻)。~瞳剪水(形容眼珠的清澈)。智勇~全。盖世无~。偶,与“单”相对:~数。~号。加倍的:~料。~份。姓。……







汉语拼音:shuāng yǎn pí






  1. 下缘有一条褶子的上眼皮。

    老舍 《四世同堂》五:“她的眼睛最好看,很深的双眼皮,一对很亮很黑的眼珠。” 周立波 《腊妹子》:“眼前就出现一个十三四岁的姑娘,太阳晒得墨黑的清瘦的脸上,有一对稍稍洼进去的大大的双眼皮眼睛。”



  1. Double eyelid surgery will remove fat from around Mr. Yang's eyes and he will be able to see the world much better.


  2. It's crazy. I cannot image my daughter ask for a double-fold operation with a full mark paper.


  3. About a few money? My left eye double eyelid is still very satisfactory. Interference with the right eye gives me great.


  4. "They all have that surgery to have their eyelids scrolled up, " he said.


  5. 'The new appearance makes me more confident in interviews, ' said one who sought out an operation on her eyelids.


  6. Even if the original double-fold eyelid are likely to be for relaxation of eyelid is go down and become folds.


  7. Lim opted for a chin implant and narrowing of her nose, in addition to double eyelids.


  8. Use deep color next along the brunettest outside edge daub, till palpebral drape is in (namely the area of double-fold eyelid) .


  9. My cousin just had a double eyelid operation few days ago, and it looks not bad.


  1. 我没有双眼皮。

    I don’t have double eyelids.

  2. 埋线双眼皮手术, 疼吗?

    Bury operation of line doubleeyelid, ache

  3. 天天贴双眼皮嫌麻烦吗?

    Stick doublefold eyelid to disrelish a trouble everyday

  4. 我只有左眼井有双眼皮。

    I have just one double eyelid on my left eye.

  5. 我觉得她做了双眼皮手术。

    I think she had eyelid surgery.

  6. 双眼皮手术不会使眼皮松弛。

    Eyelid surgery will not make eyelids relaxation.

  7. 中年女性。选择半月型双眼皮。

    Middleaged female with pseudosingle eyelid desiring a semilunar crease.

  8. 是恨自己双眼皮到咬牙切齿的人!

    We are the persons who are fed up to teeth to our doubleedged eyelid!

  9. 我想她做过吸脂手术和双眼皮手术。

    I think she's had liposuction and double eyelid surgery.

  10. 相反,它是一根有着美丽双眼皮得针。

    Instead, it's a beautiful, double eye of a needle.

  11. 手术双眼皮为什么会愈合得如此完美变单了?

    What why can operation doubleeyelid cicatrization is so perfect become odd?

  12. 手术双眼皮为什么会愈合的如此完美变单了?

    What why can operation doubleeyelid cicatrization is so perfect become odd ?

  13. 他的眼睛跟双眼皮竟然漂亮到让我惊讶呀

    His eyes an eyelid is so beautiful that shocked me

  14. 好深的双眼皮好漂亮的眼睛小小的鼻粱竟然挺起来了!

    Beautiful double eyelid and eyes, his nose bridge is so straight!

  15. 新型双眼皮精密持针器, 属于医疗用具技术领域。

    A novel precise needle holder double eyelid surgery belongs to the technical field of medical appliances.

  16. 主人说我发愣的时候特别帅, 发现了吗?我还是双眼皮。

    My master says I am handsome when I am in a daze. I Do you find it

  17. 丁医生称割双眼皮术和鼻子整形手术最为常见。

    He says the most common operations are for double eyelids and nose jobs.

  18. 我去买一张报纸,却发现卖报的人不是双眼皮。

    When I went to buy my newspaper, I found that the newsboy's eyelids were not.

  19. 做双眼皮手术,是割还是压比较好?一般恢复多长时间?

    Become doubleeyelid operation, be it is better to be cut or pressed ?Restore how long commonly ?

  20. 我表姐几天前才做了割双眼皮的手术, 看起来还蛮不错的呢!

    My cousin just had a double eyelid operation few days ago, and it looks not bad.


  1. 问:双眼皮拼音怎么拼?双眼皮的读音是什么?双眼皮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双眼皮的读音是shuāngyǎnpí,双眼皮翻译成英文是 double-edged eyelid; double-fold eyelids