







汉语拼音:tuō guāng








  1. 日、月食时失去光辉。


  2. 传说中的刀神。

    《艺文类聚》卷六十引《太公兵法》:“刀子之神,名曰 脱光 。”《初学记》卷二二引 南朝 梁简文帝 《谢敕赉善胜刀启》:“冰鍔含采,雕琰表饰,名均素质,神号脱光。”

  3. 将衣服全都脱掉;笼罩物或涂料等全部脱落。



  1. If you were brave enough to get naked in front of a whole bunch of people, then you will be brave enough to put your work under scrutiny.


  2. All removed completely with the younger female cousins has lain down on a bed, actually back to back, was not has not played?


  3. way boys looked at her when she wore a bathing suit or a sheer blouse. As if it were undressing her with its eyes.


  4. How else, she asks, could she walk up to strangers and ask if they wanted her to take her clothes off?


  5. I watched her off the body, the hard, the little boy involuntarily, I Xialechuang, want to cling to her. Get out of the way of her gentle.


  6. She took off her clothes, lay down on the ground and spread her legs. "Here, " she said, "you must put it in here. "


  7. In London CBD which is under police control, a woman is ordered to strip herself naked before being allowed to enter the area.


  8. One to stand up to pressure her own, started off their clothes, in my clothes off, she was about to enter the body, outside the door.


  9. He thought it would be funny to take off all his clothes and dance around the room.


  1. 头发脱光的

    as bald as a coot.

  2. 脱光衣服洗澡

    to strip oneself to take a bath

  3. 他们脱光了衣服。

    They stripped themselves naked.

  4. 第四, 脱光衣服睡觉。

    Point four, sleep in the nude.

  5. 第四,脱光衣服睡觉。

    Point four, sleep in the nude .

  6. 来吧,我会脱光的。

    Come and I'll peel off.

  7. 头发脱光的,头顶光秃秃的

    bald as a coot.

  8. 脱光了衣服跟他干

    I just took off my clothes to prepare for a good fight

  9. 他在机场被脱光搜身。

    He was strip-searched at the airport.

  10. 预防肿瘤治疗脱光副反应

    prevention of alopecia

  11. 他脱光衣服, 进入澡盆里。

    He stripped off and got into the bath.

  12. 妈妈给宝宝脱光衣服洗澡。

    Mother nakedized her baby for a bath.

  13. 体检时我不得不脱光衣服。

    I had to peel for my physical examination.

  14. 脱光了衣服让我教她

    Took off all her clothes and said teach me.

  15. 他脱光衣服,跳入水中。

    He stripped off and jumped into the water.

  16. 语言粗俗吗,他们都脱光了吗

    Is it gross? Were they naked?

  17. 脱光婴儿的衣服,给他洗澡。

    Strip the baby and bathe him.

  18. 你把我脱光绑在床上。

    You strip off me bind up in the bed.

  19. 他年仅40,但早已头发脱光。

    He s only forty years old and already hes as bald as a billiard ball.

  20. 医生让他脱光衣服检查身体。

    The doctor told him to strip down for a check.

  21. 她把那个小孩的衣服脱光。

    She stripped the child naked.

  22. 他们脱光囚犯的衣服, 性侮辱他们。

    They strip them naked. They sexually taunt them.

  23. 你想把他灌醉,再把他脱光光。

    You get him all liquored up, and then you undress him.

  24. 你想把他灌醉,再把他脱光光。

    You get him all liquored up, and then you undress him.

  25. 他突然脱光衣服跳入海中。

    Suddenly he stripped and ran into the sea.

  26. 但学生真的敢把衣服脱光吗?

    But do Jeff's students dare to take it all off

  27. 要打,我们脱光衣服到街上去打!

    We strip off the dress to be hit to the street!

  28. 等她脱光了他开始抚摸她得大腿。

    After she has disrobed he begins to stroke her thigh.

  29. 他们脱光衣服,躺在潮湿的草地上。

    They stripped completely, and lay in the damp grass.

  30. 你最好赶紧过去,不然她就要脱光了。

    You better get over there. She's wearing cotton.