







汉语拼音:yíng qián









  1. 馀钱。

    《汉书·萧何传》:“乃益封 何 二千户,‘以尝繇 咸阳 时 何 送我独赢钱二也’。” 颜师古 注:“赢,餘也。”

  2. 赌赛中取胜一方得到钱财。




  1. In the game, the "PAY TABLE" will be displayed at the top of the screen OR click on the button "PAY TABLE" to see the winning combinations.


  2. I never seem to go near winning any money on these games.


  3. Sometimes you can scare the other players out of the game with a bluff and 'steal' the pot with a worthless hand.


  4. All in all, with what I had won, I found myself in possession of twelve thousand francs which seemed an inexhaustible capital to me.


  5. Billy Sherbert: (to the winner) That's a lot of money to be counting out in public.


  6. The team we picked lost the game, but it covered the large point spread and that's how we won the money.


  7. For a more complete description of winning combinations and payouts, click on the "PAY TABLE" button within game play.


  8. If, at the end of the game, your hand is closer to 21 than the dealer's hand, you win the same amount as you wagered.


  9. However, if you win by betting on the banker, the bank receives a 5% commission.


  1. 赢钱需要付税吗?

    Am I required to pay taxes on my winnings?

  2. 所有赢钱将马上支付。

    All winnings will be credited immediately.

  3. 赌博赢钱真是意外收获。

    The win on the pools was a real bonus.

  4. 我只拿我赢钱的一半。

    I only take half of my wins.

  5. 不下赌注, 就别想赢钱。

    Nothing stake, nothing draw.

  6. 他喜欢玩纸牌来赢钱。

    He liked to play cards for money.

  7. 一个赢钱或输钱的人

    a gambler who accepts and pays off bets

  8. 你打的怎么样?你赢钱了吗?

    How'd you play? Did you win any money?

  9. 玩扑克就一定要玩赢钱的。

    When you play cards, you must play for money.

  10. 如果成功的话,你就可以赢钱。

    and you get money for it if you win.

  11. 剖析博彩弹子机的赢钱原理

    Dissection on Principle of Winning Money About Gamble's Billiard Machine

  12. 在可能赢钱的地方所押的钱款。

    Money that is risked for possible monetary gain.

  13. 嘿,呜,你个小伙子好运赢钱了?

    Hey, uh, you boys want to try your luck with the loot?

  14. 在今天的赛事中,你赢钱了吗

    Did you win any money at the races today.

  15. 头家赢钱的几率要大得多。

    The organizer of a gambling event is much more likely to win money.

  16. 头家赢钱的几率要大得多。

    The organizer of a gambling event is much more likely to win money.

  17. 我又发现他玩牌是为了赢钱。

    I also discovered that he played cards for money.

  18. 我又发现他玩牌是为了赢钱。

    I also discovered that he played cards for money.

  19. 斯迈得倒经常在她身上赢钱。

    We used to kid Jim and call her the fifteenminute nag.

  20. 我还以为是我让你在轮盘赢钱。

    I thought it was because llet you win at roulette.

  21. 因为牌手是根据信息而赢钱的。

    This is because poker players win money based on information.

  22. 你知道吗?, 我根本不在乎我能不能赢钱。

    You know, I don't even care if I win the money.

  23. 她对于赛马赢钱有一套专门的办法。

    She has a special system for winning money on horse races.

  24. 你赢钱的时候,赌博才不算问题呢

    Gambling's not a problem when you win.

  25. 慷慨的人为玩牌而玩牌, 而卑贱的人为赢钱而玩牌。

    A generous fellow plays for the play, a sordid one for the stake.

  26. 萨维奇很有钱, 但是他很喜欢玩牌赢钱。

    Sandwich was rich, but he liked to play cards for money.

  27. 很好,亚特兰大怎样?你赢钱了吗?

    Great. How's Atlantic City? Are you, um, winning some money?

  28. 虽然有人赢钱, 但输钱的人似乎更多一些。

    Although it was winning, but it seems some more people losing money.

  29. 哦?我想是因为我让你在赌桌上赢钱。

    Oh? I thought it was because I let you win at roulette.

  30. 这个家伙还没有来的时候我就在赢钱了。

    I was winning before this guy got here.