


1. 夫 [fū]2. 夫 [fú]夫 [fū]旧时称成年男子:渔~。农~。万~不当之勇。旧时称服劳役的人:~役。拉~。〔~子〕a.旧时对学者的称呼;b.旧时称老师;c.旧时妻称夫;d.称读古书而思想陈腐的人。与妻结成配偶者:丈~。~妇。夫……





汉语拼音:fū jūn








  1. 《文选〈九歌·云中君〉》:“思夫君兮太息。” 刘良 注:“夫君谓灵神,以喻君也。”后遂以“夫君”指君王。

    《文选·潘岳<西征赋>》:“襃夫君之善行,废园邑以崇俭。” 李善 注:“夫君, 元帝 也。”

  2. 称友人。

    南朝 齐 谢朓 《和江丞北戍琅邪城诗》:“夫君良自勉,岁暮忽淹留。” 唐 孟浩然 《游精思观回王白云在后》诗:“衡门犹未掩,佇立望夫君。” 明 高启 《送礼部傅侍郎赴浙西按察》诗:“圣主想贤哲,夫君歘来东。”

  3. 妻子称丈夫。

    唐 高骈 《闺怨》诗:“人世悲欢不可知,夫君初破 黑山 归。” 唐 赵鸾鸾 《云鬟》诗:“侧边斜插黄金凤,妆罢夫君带笑看。” 清 孙枝蔚 《七夕杂咏》:“我是十年孀妇,当时未识夫君。”



  1. Now, Zhuan Zhu's wife had made some tea. She took it up to her husband and the guest.


  2. This guy used to chat and play with me day after day, and now he was Worm's husband.


  3. Although the north temple end silkworm is the affirmative card husband of this body, but his artistic skill is obviously . . . . . .


  4. "Obedient wife means they are trying to entertain their husbands, not only taking care of their food and clothes, " Maznah said.


  5. She is married to a former president who has lost none of his self-regard.


  6. Nobody shares your husband with you.


  7. Delicate is necessary to meet Jon Prince, and she made a bad little rejected demands to bring a bunch of flowers inside.


  8. Margaret Thatcher's late husband, Denis, exemplified the former approach.


  9. But could you send back, The only man she loved.


  1. 我的未来夫君。

    This is the groomtobe.

  2. 没有人是你的夫君。

    No one has ever been your Lord and master.

  3. 作为夫君站在我身边。

    Stand by my side as my husband.

  4. 作为夫君站在我身边。

    Stand by my side as my husband.

  5. 你会介意我作你的夫君么。

    Are you minded to take me as a husband.

  6. 妈, 我会照顾好我的夫君的。

    Mother, I'll take good care of my hubby.

  7. 挚爱卿之夫君,戈登。

    I remain your dearest husband, Gordon.

  8. 起码没人跟你抢夫君。

    Nobody shares your husband with you.

  9. 苔丝 狄 蒙娜我好, 我得好夫君。

    Desdemona. Well, my good lord.

  10. 婚后不久,她就随着夫君走南闯北。

    She followed her husband to a lot of places not long after they got married.

  11. 不知我有什么过错, 夫君要休我回家。

    If I have any fault to Sue me home, sir.

  12. 而你还得小心的防范我的夫君大人。

    And you would do well to beware of my lord husband too.

  13. 还是她用全家的生命威胁自己,逼迫自己当她的夫君?

    Or does she use the life menace of entire kin she and compel oneself to be her husband?

  14. 奥布朗等一等, 坏脾气的女人!我不是你的夫君吗?

    OBERON Tarry, rash wanton am not I thy lord

  15. 而且她未能消除人们对其夫君未来角色的困惑。

    And she could never allay confusion about the future role of her husband.

  16. 他叫梅若夫君,而他不会轻易放走解琐匠。

    He is called the Merovingian, and he will not let him go willingly.

  17. 夫君, 你这模样进去会吓着我的父母的, 还是去你家里吧。

    Honey, you will frighten my parents. We'd better go to your home.

  18. 虽然北宫末蚕是这身子的正牌夫君,可是他的身手显然

    Although the north temple end silkworm is the affirmative card husband of this body, but his artistic skill is obviously.

  19. 妇女乐其夫君者, 其泽于子, 更胜百册儿童福利书籍。

    A woman happy with her husband is better for their children than a hundred books on child welfare.

  20. 上周那起没有测产死后, 夫君被支到临远一家医院医治。

    The man was treated at a nearby hospital after the incident last week.

  21. 凯瑟丽娜夫君,请您不要那么生气,这肉烧得还不错哩。

    KATHERINA. I pray you, husband, be not so disquiet The meat was well, if you were so contented.


  1. 问:夫君拼音怎么拼?夫君的读音是什么?夫君翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夫君的读音是fūjūn,夫君翻译成英文是 addressed to the husband by a wife.



基本信息夫君指的是旧时妻对夫的尊敬亲爱称呼,也有称为朋友的意思,目前用的比较少。中文名 夫君 制片地区 美国 导 演 John Cassavetes 类 型 剧情 主 演 John Cassavetes,尼克·卡萨维茨 片 长 138 min 上映时间 1970年12月1日1词语概念 基本信息 词目:夫君

拼音:fū jūn 词意探源: (1)旧时妻称丈夫。高骈《闺怨》诗:“夫君初破黑山归。” (2)指友人;那人。孟浩然《游精思观回王白云在后》诗:“衡门犹未掩,伫立望夫君。”。夫君,指王...