


聚合,聚在一起:~之。~数。~体。~结。汇~。概括全部,主要的:~纲。~则。为首的,最高的:~司令。~裁。~经理。~统。束系,束头发:~角(jiǎo )。经常,一直:~是这样。一定,无论如何:~归。“万紫千红~是春”。……





汉语拼音:zǒng zhuāng






总装 [zǒng zhuāng]
  1. 把零件、部件装配成整体。



  1. The manufacturer has so far won up to almost 200 orders for the aircraft and has started work on the final assembly plant in Irkutsk.


  2. Have more than 10 years of assembly shop construction and launching project management experience in passenger car company.


  3. What led you to get so interested in General Assembly as an investment?


  4. The company has also set up three joint ventures, to perform component design work, manufacturing and final assembly.


  5. Air shock wave magnitude can be calculated theoretically on the basis of the charge amounts, delay subdivisions and distance.


  6. Thus a given number of finished products is exploded to see how many items are required at the final assembly stage.


  7. It's building a new engine plant and final assembly plant with capacity to produce 300, 000 Saab-based engines and cars a year.


  8. The entire rotating assembly shall be designed with sufficient rigidity for minimal shaft deflection at extreme pump operating conditions.


  9. The entire rotating assembly shall be designed with sufficient rigidity and be balanced as a shaft and rotor assembly.


  1. 总装机容量

    installed gross capacity.

  2. 简体总装内环缝

    final inner loop

  3. 总装备部部长

    Director of the General Armament Department

  4. 总装备部政委

    Political Commissar of the General Armament Department

  5. 缩短总装时间, 以减少耗费

    cut costs by shortening assembly time

  6. 总装备部空军装备部

    General Armament Department Equipment department of air force

  7. 协助总装工艺工程师制定总装工艺流程。

    Assist GA process engineers to develop GA process flow.

  8. 盖及压盘总成总装台

    General Assembly Table of Clutch Cover and Pressure Plate Assembly

  9. 负责该车型总装所有工艺资料的编制。

    Compile all the technique materials for the final assembly of the model.

  10. 底盘是一个用以总装汽车部件的框架。

    The chassis is a framework used to assemble auto components on it.

  11. 熟悉总装车间的输送线结构和工艺设备。

    Familiar with the convey line structure and technical equipment.

  12. 这幅油画与室内的总装饰非常协调。

    The oil painting tones in nicely with the general decor.

  13. 总装调对心干涉仪的设计与测量精度分析

    Design and accuracy analysis of the alignment interferometer.

  14. 空客天津总装线的生产能力正在持续爬坡。

    The production capacity of the Airbus final assembly line project in Tianjin is increasing continuously.

  15. 绘制零,部件图和总装配图,编写设计计算说明书。

    Draw zero, parts diagram with total assemble diagram, write a design calculation manual.

  16. 维护和开发现有的预装和总装装配线的工装夹具。

    Maintain and develop existing fixtures for both subassembly and final assembly.

  17. 基于造船总装生产线的船厂生产计划与控制分析

    The Production Plan and Control Analysis of Shipbuilding Enterprise on Shipbuilding Production Line

  18. 这个基座应该能够支撑泵和电机总装得全部重量。

    The base shall be designed to support the entire weight of the assembled pump and motor.

  19. 这个基座应该能够支撑泵和电机总装的全部重量。

    The base shall be designed to support the entire weight of the assembled pump and motor.

  20. 督促和检查各自然工作组对总装工艺的执行情况。

    Supervise and inspect the execution of the final assembly technique of each natural workgroup.

  21. 总装备部负责组织领导全军武器装备建设工作。

    The General Armament Department organizes and leads the armys work in military equipment.

  22. 每个人还花一定时间在总装线上从事常规作业。

    Each also spends time performing routine tasks on an assembly line.

  23. 一种新的经纬仪测量算法在航天器总装中的应用研究

    Application of a new measurement algorithm based on theodolite in spacecraft assembly

  24. 水电站群总装机容量最优分配的数学规划分析法

    The Mathematical Programming Analysis Method of Optimization Distribution of Total Installed Capacity of the Water Power Stations

  25. 电磁线圈总装则起到减震缓冲和消除触点颤动得作用。

    The magnet coil assembly is designed for shock absorption and provides negligible contact bounce.

  26. 电磁线圈总装则起到减震缓冲和消除触点颤动的作用。

    The magnet coil assembly is designed for shock absorption and provides negligible contact bounce.

  27. 据专家测算,岛上风力发电总装机容量可达20万千瓦。

    Experts estimated that the total installed capacity of wind power on the island of up to200,000 kilowatts.

  28. 如遇上母线桥安装, 请参照相应的总装图及零件明细表。

    If meeting bus bar bridge installation, should refer to corresponding total assembly figures and accessory list.


  1. 问:总装拼音怎么拼?总装的读音是什么?总装翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总装的读音是zǒngzhuāng,总装翻译成英文是 to assemble a machine

  2. 问:总装台拼音怎么拼?总装台的读音是什么?总装台翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总装台的读音是zǒng zhuāng tái,总装台翻译成英文是 assembly platform

  3. 问:总装图拼音怎么拼?总装图的读音是什么?总装图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总装图的读音是zǒng zhuāng tú,总装图翻译成英文是 general assembly drawing

  4. 问:总装药量拼音怎么拼?总装药量的读音是什么?总装药量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总装药量的读音是zǒng zhuāng yào liàng,总装药量翻译成英文是 Total Net Charge

  5. 问:总装车间拼音怎么拼?总装车间的读音是什么?总装车间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总装车间的读音是zǒng zhuāng chē jiān,总装车间翻译成英文是 General Assembly Workshop

  6. 问:总装配厂拼音怎么拼?总装配厂的读音是什么?总装配厂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总装配厂的读音是zǒng zhuāng pèi chǎng,总装配厂翻译成英文是 Final Assembly Plant

  7. 问:总装配图拼音怎么拼?总装配图的读音是什么?总装配图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总装配图的读音是zǒng zhuāng pèi tú,总装配图翻译成英文是 General Assembly Drawling

  8. 问:总装填体积拼音怎么拼?总装填体积的读音是什么?总装填体积翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总装填体积的读音是zǒng zhuāng tián tǐ jī,总装填体积翻译成英文是 total packed volume

  9. 问:总装备表的识别拼音怎么拼?总装备表的识别的读音是什么?总装备表的识别翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总装备表的识别的读音是zǒng zhuāng bèi biǎo de shí bié,总装备表的识别翻译成英文是 Master Equipment List Identification



zǒngzhuāng (1) [assemble]∶把部件装配成总体 总装空间站 (2) [assembling process]∶把部件装配成总体的工序 (3) 中国人民解放军总装备部的简称。