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1. 通 [tōng]通 [tōng]没有阻碍,可以穿过,能够达到:~风。~天。~气。~宵。~行。~过。~衢。贯~。四~八达。曲径~幽。懂得,彻底明了:~晓。~彻。~今博古。~情达理。传达:~令。~讯。~报。~告。~知。~缉。~谍。往来交接……
汉语拼音:tōng dié
清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·论文上·小仓山房文集》:“ 王 深然之,缮稿数千言,通牒大府。”
瞿秋白 《乱弹·新英雄》:“所谓‘战略上的退却’就等于 日本 最后通牒所要求的退却,而且还要倍一倍。” 管桦 《将军河》第一部第三章:“这一段话很像最后通牒,又像宣战之前的口头通知,也有点叫阵的意味。”
Rambouillet was not a negotiation-as is often claimed-but an ultimatum .
朗布依埃会议并非像人们经常所说的那样是一场谈判,而是一种最后通牒。"I repeat again: We do not intend to join all sorts of ultimatums that can only drive the situation to a dead end, " he said.
“我再次重申:我们不打算支持任何最后通牒,这只会让形势走入死胡同,”他说。Loyalists in Sirte, the last big city in his hands, were given an ultimatum to surrender by September 3rd or face an all-out assault.
(反对派)向卡扎菲手中的最后一座城市中的卡扎菲支持者发出了9月3日投降的最后通牒,否则将面临全面攻击。Then, ten days into the shelling, an ultimatum was broadcast over loudspeakers: those who wished to leave had an hour to do so.
在炮击了10天以后,政府军用扩音器广播了最后通牒:愿意离开的人可以在一小时内离开。Although it would be nice if every soul could fully respond to the Light, it has to be borne in mind that there is no deadline involved.
虽然,每个灵魂都能够完全的回应【神圣之光】的号召是非常好,但是这也必须由个体发自内心的愿望,因为不存在最后通牒的期限。The seat back in a few years ago gave you issue the ultimatum, and you do not dare looked down on the seat!
阀座早在几年前给你问题最后通牒,和你不敢往下看在座位上!He gave his daughter an ultimatum: unless she stopped taking drugs he would throw her out of the house.
他给女儿下了最后通牒:她要是不戒毒,就把她从家里赶出去。A weary populace listened to the war master's ultimatum, and agencies like the Peace Brigade turned against the Jedi order.
一部分厌战的人听从了战帅的最后通牒。像和平旅那样的组织开始与绝地武士团为敌。John Smith, who arrived in Virginia in 1608, introduced an ultimatum - those who did not work would not receive food or pay.